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"The problems of teaching imply educating and, furthermore, educating involves a passion to know that should engage us in a loving search for knowledge that is--to say at least--not an easy task."

Paulo Freire, 1998, Teachers as Cultural Workers.

Integrating Technology into the Classroom
ESL/Bilingual Summer Institute 2001
Los Lunas

I think you would like to check what teachers did during Summer Institute 2000


Useful Sites for Educators
National Education Association

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators

Learning about Webquest as a Pedagogical Tool
Bernie Dodge's Site: Webquest Page

Webquest about Webquest

Building a Webquest with Netscape Composer
Julia's tutorial

Six-Step Netcape Composer Tutorial

Teaching and Learning using Internet
Scavenger Hunts 

Seven steps toward a better searching

A Webquest about search tools

Using Internet in the Curriculum

I'm wired now What? An Internet webquest
on search engines

Power Point in the Classroom
Power Point on-line tutorial

Finding Clipart and Backgrounds in the Web

The Clipart Connection

Barry's clipart

Cool Backgrounds

Clip Art guide

Hee-Yun's Clip Art

Zena's Dreams

Evaluating Internet Resources 

Checklist to evaluate internet resources

Blue Web'n Site Evaluation Rubric

A nice list of evaluation resources

The Quality information checklist

ESL Teaching Internet Resources English as a Second Language Resources

ESL Methods and Techniques

Holbrook Mahn's resource page

Bilingual Education Resources Bilingual Education Resources on the Net
Webquest: Sitios en Español  Webquest: Qué son?

Ejemplo de Webquest en español