Dr. Bruce M. Thomson
Regents Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of NewMexico.

Dr. Thomson has a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Davis, CA, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Science and Engineering from Rice University, Houston, TX. He has been at the University of New Mexico since 1978.

Dr. Thomson teaches a wide range of courses in environmental engineering at the senior and graduate level including physical~chemical water treatment, biol4gical wastewater treatment, aquatic chemistry, groundwater and contaminant transport modeling, and radioactive waste management. Much of this material has also been presented in nationally acclaimed short courses. His research interests focus on the chemical behavior and treatment of radioactive and inorganic water contaminants in both surface and ground water systems. Current projects include work on remediation of contamination from uranium mining and milling activities, development of tensiometric or dry barriers to prevent contaminant migration through the vadose zone, and evaluation of groundwater contamination from on-site wastewater disposal systems. Dr. Thomson has consulted nationally and internationally on management of wastes from the mining industry, radioactive and mixed wastes, and domestic wastes.

Recent publications: click on the link for a complete list of Books and Publications

Classes this semester 

CE 441/541 (HTML)  (Doc.)

CE 436/536  (HTML)  (Doc.)

Graduate Student Orientation

Dr. Thomson may be reached at:

Dr. Bruce M Thomson
Regents Professor,
Dept. of Civil Engineering, MSC01-1070
The University of New Mexico,
NM 87131, USA

Ph: 505-277-4729
Fax: 505-277-1988

Or through email :