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Replication Files

Crescenzi and Enterline (1999):

Replication data
Online appendices
Example of cleaning up and collapsing an older version of ACD:
Data File (xls)
Do-file that Preps the Data (do)
Do-file that collapses by year and produces a graph (do)
Example of cleaning up the MID-B Data:
Data File (csv)
Do-file that Preps the Data (do)
Quackenbush and Rudy (2009):
Replication file 1 (dta)
Do-file 1 (do)
Replication file 2 (dta)
Do-file 2 (do)
Replication file 3 (dta)
Do-file 3 (do)
Hendrix and Salehyan (2012):
Replication file, corrected (dta)
Replication Do-file, corrected (do)
Table 2, corrected (docx)
Table 3, corrected (docx)
Examples of creating a country-year data file:
CoW Country-Years, example (do)

ACD System Members (from codebook, CSV file)
ACD Country-Years, example 1, incomplete (do)
ACD Country-Years, example 2 (do)
Example merging problem:
Merge the appropriate values from SVAC into the SV codes from Butler and Jones.
SVAC Coding Manual (Dropbox, PDF)
Rubric (revised) from Butler, Gluch, and Mitchell (Dropbox, DOC)
SVAC Data Set (Dropbox, CSV)
SV Codes and Onset Data from Butler and Jones (DTA)
Clean-up and merging Do-file (DO)
Crescenzi (2007):
Replication file (Dropbox, DTA)
Instructor written Do-file (DO)
Nilsson (2008):
Replication files (Dropbox, ZIP)
The ZIP file contains:
  • Appendix
  • Data Notes
  • Two Stata DTA Files
  • Two Stata Do Files
Bennett and Stam (2000b)
Replication files (ZIP)
The ZIP file contains:
  • A ReadMe doc
  • A Replication doc
  • Revised appendices
  • Raw data files
  • Replication Do-files
  • Do-file component files (.inc files)
  • Replication Log files
Salehyan (2008)
Replication files (ZIP)
Shellman, Hatfield, and Mills (2010)
Replication files (ZIP)
Cederman, Gleditsch, and Buhaug (2013)
Link to book info, including replication files (ZIP)
Bolks and Stoll (2003)
Stata dta file and Do-file (ZIP)
Cunningham (2006)
Replication files (ZIP)
Replication files (ZIP)
Ward and Gleditsch (2002) in R
Replication files (ZIP)
Theisen, Holtermann, and Buhaug (2011)
Replication files (Dropbox, ZIP: 99.3 MB)
This page last modified 03/29/16.

This page has been accessed 1181 times.

Department of Political Science The University of New Mexico Department of Political Science The University of New Mexico