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Bibliography of Required Articles

These links to the readings will allow for downloading PDFs of the articles if you are logged on to the campus network.

Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce. 1990. Pride of Place: The Origins of German Hegemony. World Politics 43(1): 28-52.

Kadera, Kelly M. & Daniel S. Morey. 2008. The Trade-offs of Fighting and Investing: A Model of the Evolution of War and Peace. Conflict Management and Peace Science 25(2): 152-170.

Leeds, Brett Ashley. 2003. Alliance Reliability in Times of War: Explaining State Decisions to Violate Treaties. International Organization 57(Autumn): 801-827.

Mitchell, Sara McLaughlin, Scott Gates, & Håvard Hegre. 1999. Evolution in Democracy-War Dynamics. Journal of Conflict Resolution 43(6): 771-792.

Smith, Alastair. 1998. Fighting Battles, Winning Wars. Journal of Conflict Resolution 42(3): 301-320.

Weeks, Jessica L. 2008. Autocratic Audience Costs: Regime Type and Signaling Resolve. International Organization 62(Winter): 35-64.

Wittman, Donald. 1979. How a War Ends: A Rational Model Approach Journal of Conflict Resolution 23(4): 743-763.

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Department of Political Science The University of New Mexico Department of Political Science The University of New Mexico