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Bibliography of Required Articles, Manuscripts, and Chapter Selections:

Binmore, Ken. 1992. Fun and Games: A Text on Game Theory. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath.

Black, Duncan 1948. On the Rationale of Group Decision-making. The Journal of Political Economy 56(1): 23-34.

Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce. 1990. Pride of Place: The Origins of German Hegemony. World Politics 43(1): 28-52.

Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, and David Lalman. 1992. War and Reason. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Butler, Christopher K. 2004. Endogenizing Conflict Initiation: Flinching and Fighting at Global High Noon Journal of Peace Research 41(1): 47–63.

Butler, Christopher K. 2007. Prospect Theory and Coercive Bargaining. Journal of Conflict Resolution 51(2): 227-250.

Butler, Christopher K. and Scott Gates. nd. Communal Violence and Property Rights.

Laver, Michael. 1997. Private Desires, Political Action: An Invitation to the Politics of Rational Choice. London: Sage Publications.

Morrow, James D. 1994. Game Theory for Political Scientists. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Nash, John F., Jr. 1950. The Bargaining Problem. Econometrica 18(2): 155-162.

Olson, Mancur. 1965. The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and The Theory of Groups. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Riker, William H. 1986. The Art of Political Manipulation. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Chapter 3.
Chapter 7.

Rubinstein, Ariel. 1982. Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model. Econometrica, Vol. 50, No. 1. (Jan., 1982), pp. 97-110.

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Department of Political Science The University of New Mexico Department of Political Science The University of New Mexico