To be turned in:

1.       Describe the NM963 soil in terms of its properties in the Mapunit and Component Tables.

It is a clayey soil, located at a lower elevation in a drainage basin in the Pecos River Headwaters.

2.       How many components does it have?


3.       What are their names?

Regnier, Latom, Rock outcrop, Los Tanos, Gallen

4.       What percentage of the map unit does each component comprise?

Regnier 36% (27+7+2), Latom 32% (27+5), Rock outcrop 18%, Los Tanos 12%, Gallen 2%

5.       What is the predominant surface slope where this soil unit is found?

8.6 on the lower level, 40.5 on the upper level

6.       What is the dominant soil texture?

Fine sandy loam or fine clay loam accounts for most of the NM963 soil.

7.       What percentage of the soil is in hydrologic soil groups A, B, C, D?

86% of this soil is in hydrologic group D, 2% is in group B and 12% is in group C.

8.       Do these soil properties make sense considering where this soil is located?

It does make sense given that this is in New Mexico which has a lot of clay in most soils. It also follows that there would be intermediate soils mixed into this clayey soil as elevation rises away from the drainage basin.