This page was last updated 08-17-07.


From the left, Mary at age 4; Mary and David at Gomez Peak near Little Walnut in the summer of 1951; Mary and David on a trip to Silver City in 1998; David at age 4.

Mary's Grandfather, W. D. Murray from Grant County, was a member of the constitutional convention in 1911 which drafted the New Mexico State's Constitution approved by the U. S. Congress - a necessary condition for statehood which was granted in 1912.

David' Grandfather, E. M. Brumback, Editor and Publisher of the Deming Graphic in the 1920's had his house shot up by the Ku Klux Klan in Deming, New Mexico. He never relented in his opposition to the Klan, dispite a boycot in advertising by a number of the merchants. Jewish and Catholic leaders in the community aided in his survival and eventual elimination of the Klan.

Mary's great-grandfather, Timothy Murray, was in the military during the Civil War and was barracked at several posts in New Mexico during the Indian wars. His eventual and final post was at Fort Bayard.

David's great-grandfather, Elias Frederick Mussman, was a charter member of the original Cincinnati Reds Baseball Fan Club back in the 1800s.

David's great-great-great Grandfather, Hermanus Brumbach, was a Private in the Continental Army during the Revolution.

David and Mary Ryan were married on Oct. 22, 1952 at the Log Chapel at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Ind. Our first residence was in Harve de Grace, Maryland. David was stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland during the Korean "police action." They're still married!

Mary is now a fully retired CPA, except for David and Mary's taxes! David is very happy

Mary worked for Neff and Company for 10 years before opening her own business in the family home. David and the five children ar very proud of her business accomplishments.

Mary had one year of college when she and David were married. After five children were born and the last, John, was well established in school she completed her Bachelor's degree. While working as a CPA she completed a Master's degree in Tax Accounting. Along the way she also served on the Board of Regents at Highlands University in Las Vegas New Mexico. How about that for a set of achievements?!

Our oldest daughter, Ann, lives in Salt Lake City. Ann is an Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Communication at the University of Utah.

Ann has her B.A. in Secondary Education and M.A. in Communication from the University of New Mexico. Her Ph.D. is in Communication from the University of Washington in Seattle.

Ann was one of FOUR recepients of the University of Utah's DISTINGUISHED TEACHING AWARD!. This campus wide award was acknowledged at the May, 2002 commencement exercises. Mary was able to attend the ceremonies but David had to attend Western's graduation ceremonies at the same time.

Now we have to remind everyone that Ann received a similar award during the last year of her doctoral program at the University of Washington. There she was one of TWO individuals chosen to receive the Excellence in Teaching Award, an award designated for recognition of the teaching contribution made by teaching assistants. Now the pool of candidates for the DTA at Utah is a much larger pool that the one at UW. Thought we ought to say that.

These two pictures were taken almost exactly 50 years apart. On the left is a picture of Mary (the Mom)and sisters Mary and Ann. Ann is the oldest. This was taken at our farm house in Anthony, New Mexico in late 1956 or early 1957. On the right are Ann and Mary (the Mom) fixing Thanksgiving dinner in our apartment in Albuquerque in 2006.

David says it was a great meal!

Our next daughter, Mary, lives with her long partner Ken Tabishi. She has a son, Deavon Michael Tabish-Moran from a previous marriage divorced and one stepson, Jason Arvisu.

Mary is the Principal at Century High School in the Los Lunas Public Schools. This is the Alternative High School for the Los Lunas Schools. She is just starting her second year this year.

She has her B.S. in Elementary Education and M. S. in Health Education from the University of New Mexico. She has obtained her administrative certificate. Her partner, Ken Tabish, is a counselor at Albuquerque High School. He is from Pennsylvania originally but now a converted New Mexican. He's a great gardener and a rabid Steeler and Pirate fan.

Deavon graduated from Albuquerque High School in May of 2007. He will attend UNM this fall (2007). Deavon auditioned to become a member of the UNM Drum Line in the UNM marching band. He was successful and invited to be a member of the Drum Line and UNM Marching Band.

Ken, Deavon, Mary, and Rosie on Dec. 25, 2002

Mary, Deavon, Ken at Dev's graduation, May 2007

Our oldest son, David, is now a Mortgage Loan Officer in Carlsbad, California. His wife Judy works part-time in a small family law firm in Encinitas. The firm that David had been devoting much of his time to, Medrom, did not win enough contracts to keep him busy, so David elected to use his skills in finance and underwent a career move of sorts. He has gone through a program to learn the mortgage business and is now in the mode of being a Loan Officer.

He and his wife, Judy, have one daughter, Emily Louise, born January 8, 1997 and one son, David Emilio (better known as Milo pronounced Me low), August 17, 1998.

This picture of Judy and Brum on July 4, 2006 at Denally National Park in Alaska. They, along with their children, Emily and Milo were celebrating Brum and Judy's 10th wedding anniversary. They were married at this same spot on July 2, 1996. They flew in by helicopter, had their wedding along with a gormet meal on that date.

Emily and Milo in the middle picture on Thanksgiving day of 2006 in Albuquerque. They are seated on Honey and GrandPa's loveseat in their 3rd floor apartment. We think you can recognize Emi amd Milo in the other pics.

David has a B.A. in Business (finance) and a B.S. in German from the University of Colorado in Boulder. By the way, David's email address is

Our next son Tony and his wife Rhonda Lawson are both are Social workers. Both Rhonda and Tony have a Master's Degrees in Social work - Tony's is from Highlands University in Las Vegas, NM and Rhonda's is from New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM. Rhonda works as a consultant in Social Work in the Lea County area and Tony is a Social Worker in the Hobbs Public School. They are the proud parents of Dianna Rose Darling, born May 13, 2001 and Kayla Grace Darling, born July 1, 2004.

In January, 2007 this Darling family visited either Cloud Croft or Ruidoso New Mexico. Both these communities offer a wonderful experience in viewing the high altitude mountains covered with a beautifuy array of a variety of pine and fir trees. And clear, refreshing mountain air!

We thought you would enjoy these pictures of Diana and Kayla, first together and then swimming at the Hampton Inn in Hobbs when Honey and GrandPa were visiting this summer. All are 2007 photos.

Our youngest son, John, is the Chief Operating Officer of the law firm of Hunt, Ortman, Palffy, Lubka, Nieves, Darling & Mah, Inc. in Pasadena, California. He has his B.A. in Communication from the University of New Mexico and his JD from McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, CA.

His wife, Karen Schuldt, is a Deputy Attorney General in the California Attorney General's office in Los Angeles. She has her B.A. degree from St. Olaf's College and her JD from McGeorge School of Law. (Guess where they met!)

Christine had her first communication last May. The above picture was taken just after the Rite was celebrated. From the left are John, Mary (his Mom), Christine, Karen, and Karen's mother, Carol Schuldt.

Karen and John are the proud parents of the two great children shown above -Christine Lyda Darling, born on Dec. 30, 1998 in Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, California and son, John Wesley Brumbach Darling (better known as Jack!), born July 17, 2000 in the same hospital as Christine.



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