A LOST BOY (Cont.)
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Before he could answer, Mr. Ward joined in, pointing an accusing finger. "Gooch, don't you know we've been looking everywhere for you and that your mother is worried sick!"

I did not add anything. I was more interested in seeing the other boys in the group, one of whom I knew very well. Besides, I thought my brother was trying to answer what had already been said to him.

Will Gooch, somewhat puzzled by all the commotion and concern, simply said to us, "These other boys and I are helping to look for a little boy who is lost. His mother hasn't seen him since late this afternoon, and she has no idea where he is. He's really lost!"

"Lost:" my mother replied. "Don't you realize that you, too, are lost, and that your mother did not know for over five hours where you were?"

"Why, Mother," Will Gooch retorted quite innocently, "I wasn't lost; I knew all the time exactly where I was!"

Note: Originally published on February 4, 1979.

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