Calvin Coolidge and I: How We
Spent the Day on March 4, 1925
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Thus ends my story about early spring fishing in Kentucky, but I must add as a prologue just three points:

After all, Calvin Coolidge must have had a better day than I did on that eventful March fourth, in spite of that long swearing?in ceremony he had to put up with. At least, he didn't get a bump on the head and a new debt to pay off, as I did.

For the next year and a half I was paying for the destroyed cart and harness. I did this by setting aside $1.50 each Saturday from the weekly salary of $2.50 I was paid to deliver the Times-Journal, a daily newspaper. (The carriers used to call it the "Bowling Green Daily Disappointment," but of course I never said that to the circulation manager.)

Last, I never again went fishing with Bonnie in the early spring without first consulting her and several of my friends who knew more about ponies and fishing that I did.

Chester C. Travelstead
February 15, 1978

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