Oh, To Be An Athletic Coach (Cont.)
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Needless to say, our year's-end baseball banquet was a joyous event. Everyone was ecstatic, and the large number of persons attending this gala affair (we crowded 190 into the school cafeteria) set an all-time record for the school and community, even though a few persons, one of them the wealthiest man in town, complained bitterly about the "exorbitant price" of the tickets --$1.25 each!


Thus ended a great year for me-my first, and as it turned out, my last year as an athletic coach.

If the reader is wondering about track, I should add here simply that we had no track team and therefore no track meets that spring at South Hill. The reason? Well all of us became so excited about the highly successful baseball season that we just decided not to have track that year. The principal was somewhat reluctant to abandon the track activity completely until he remembered that his athletic coach (me for 1934-35) also had to direct the senior play in the late spring! Yes, I did that, too, but it's not a part of this story.

Oh, to be an athletic coach! I tried it once.

Chester C. Travelstead
August 8, 1979

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