Volume 8
The Thespian Period


Pre-Barter Theatre

1. [From Bowling Green to New York by Bus] 6 Screens

2. [My First Apartment in the Big City] 1 Screen

3. [An Eighteen-Hour Drama on Central Park South] 5 Screens

4. [A Long Bus Ride from New York to Abbington] 1 Screen

Barter Theatre

1. [Why in Heaven's Name Did They Send You?] 5 Screens

2. [From English Butler to Irish Burglar to Italian Seaman, and on to Kentucky Mountain Boy and Old Man Dill in "East Lynne"] 1 Screen

3. [Playing a Variety of Character Roles Has its Difficulties] 1 Screen

4. [It Was Not All Work] 1 Screen

Post-Barter Theatre

1. [Back to New York] 2 Screens

2. [Life Once Again in New York] 2 Screens

3. [Life Continues in New York - Without Carol] 4 Screens

4. [Home for Christmas] 4 Screens

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