Spring 1H 2023 Schedule for ECON 303

Revised 4-Jan-2023

Subject to Change

DA = discussion assignmentOLA = online assignment in LearnOP = original postPS = problem set in LearnRPs = reply postsTPP = Team Presentation Project
 Monday through WednesdayThursday through Sunday
Dates: M - SuModuledue Mondue Tuedue WedModuledue Thudue Fridue Sun
1/16 - 1/22
  1. About Macroeconomics
    1. Pre-req: Course Info quiz
    2. Read Ch 1
    3. OLA 1(a)
    4. Introductions OP
    1. Read Ch 2
    2. OLA 1(b)
    1. National Income
    1. Read 3.1-3.2
    2. OLA 2(a)
    1. Read 3.3
    2. OLA 2(b)
    3. Introductions RPs
    1. Read 3.4-3.5
    2. OLA 2(c)
    1/23 - 1/29
    1. The Monetary System
    1. Read 4.1-4.2
    2. OLA 3(a)
    1. Read 4.3-4.4
    2. OLA 3(b)
    3. TPP Checkin OP
    1. PS 1
    1. Inflation and Interest
    1. Read 5.1-5.2
    2. OLA 4(a)
    1. Read 5.3-5.4
    2. OLA 4(b)
    3. TPP Checkin RPs
    1. Read 5.5-5.7
    2. OLA 4(c)
    1/30 - 2/5
    1. Unemployment
    1. Read 7.1-7.3
    2. OLA 5(a)
    1. Read 7.4-7.6
    2. OLA 5(b)
    3. DA 1 OP
    1. PS 2
    1. TPP Plan
    1. DA 1 RPs
      Exam 1
    2/6 - 2/12
    1. Economic Fluctuations and the AS-AD Model
    1. Read 10.3
    2. OLA 6(a)
    1. Read 10.4
    2. OLA 6(b)
    3. TPP Update OP
    1. Read 10.5-10.6
    2. OLA 6(c)
    1. The IS-LM Model
    1. Read 11.1
    2. OLA 7(a)
    1. Read 11.2-11.3
    2. OLA 7(b)
    3. TPP Update RPs
      2/13 - 2/19
      1. IS-LM Model Applications
      1. TPP Status
      2. Read 12.1
      3. OLA 8(a)
      1. Read 12.2-12.3
      2. OLA 8(b)
      3. DA 2 OP
      1. PS 3
      1. The Open Economy
      1. Read 6.1-6.2
      2. OLA 9(a)
      1. Read 6.3-6.4
      2. OLA 9(b)
      3. DA 2 RPs
      1. PS 4
      2/20 - 2/26
      1. The Mundell-Fleming Model
      1. Read 13.1-13.2
      2. OLA 10(a)
      1. Read 13.3-13.4
      2. OLA 10(b)
      3. DA 3 OP
      1. PS 5
      1. Read 13.5-13.7
      2. OLA 10(c)
      1. DA 3 RPs
        Exam 2
      2/27 - 3/5
      1. Aggregate Supply and the Phillips Model
      1. TPP Presentation
      1. Read 14.1
      2. OLA 11(a)
      3. DA 4 OP
      1. Read 14.2-14.3
      2. OLA 11(b)
      1. The Solow Growth Model
      1. Read 8.1
      2. OLA 12(a)
      1. Read 8.2
      2. OLA 12(b)
      3. DA 4 RPs
      1. Read 8.3
      2. OLA 12(c)
      3/6 - 3/12
      1. Endogenous Growth Models
      1. TPP Presentation Reviews
      1. Read 8.4 and Ch 9 Appendix
      2. OLA 12(d)
      3. DA 5 OP
      1. PS 6
      1. Read 9.1-9.2
      2. OLA 13(a)
      1. Read 9.3-9.4
      2. OLA 13(b)
      3. DA 5 RPs
        Exam 3