Frobenius method for boundary-value problems

a) Suggested transformation and differential equation in v[x]


Solve DE using suggested transformation (solution is polynomial) => confluent hypergeometric functions of the first kind


Limits - boundary behavior

Finite y[0] => C[1]=0


Limit at origin => regular singular point


d) Attempt to evaluate limit at infinity (note that [Graphics:Images/7740.10.2.nb_gr_14.gif] decreases faster than any polynomial in x) [note the Bessel case for e = 0 and hypergeometric case for e = 2]


Empirical search for stable eigensolutions (that approach zero as x approaches infinity)







Negative e






Zero e



Positive e






Fixed negative C[2]



Fixed positive C[2]



Systematic search for eigensolutions

Construct the characteristic equation and solve for eigenvalues

Series[y[x]/.soln/.C[1]->0, {x, 0, 7}]

Converted by Mathematica      November 21, 2005