



            Mapping Procedure:

A)   Orthophotographs were modified as necessary in ArcMap using image properties, symbology, stretching with standard deviations, and modifying the histogram as necessary so that the texture of the image was discernable.

B)   Mapping was done at 1:6000 scale or greater.

C)   Minimum polygon size:

a.      Islands must be at least 50m long and 20m wide to be delineated;

b.     Non-island vegetation patches had to be >100m in length and >30m wide to be delineated;

c.     Polygons that included patches too small to map separately were assigned to their dominant vegetation type, with notes about the nature of the patches included in the comments field;

d.     Non-vegetated sandbars within the active channel were not delineated.

D)   XTools was used to generate areas of polygons and to summarize areas by vegetation type.

E)     The GeoProcessing Wizard was used to perform clips and intersections.



Data Dictionary


1)     Orthophotographs of the Albuquerque portion of the Rio Grande from 1935, 1951 and 1973.

2)     1935, 1951 and 1973, polygon shapefile maps of vegetation within the levees between I-40 and Barelas bridges created from the orthophotographs.

3)     Polygon shapefile of current vegetation within levees created in 2002.

4)     Shapefiles of historic vegetation maps clipped to current (2002) bar extent.

5)     Shapefiles created by intersection between 1935 and 1951, 1951 and 1973, and 1973 and 2002 vegetation maps.




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