This page contains material from the January 2000 newsletter.

Updated 05-Dec-2021 - Copyright (c) 2021 Corvairs of New Mexico.

MEETING TIME: First Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM LOCATION: Galles Chevrolet, 1601 Lomas Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 PRESIDENT: Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 hurley.wilvert @ VICE-PRES: Robert Gold 268-6878 beisbol30 @ SECRETARY: Charles Vertrees 299-0744 vertrees @ TREASURER: Wendell Walker 892-8471 defarge505 @ MEMBERSHIP: Sylvan Zuercher 299-7577 zuerchero @ NEWSLETTER: Jim Pittman 275-2195 casa unm edu DUES: CNM: 12 months $15.00 or 26 months $ 30.00 CORSA: 12 months $35.00 or 26 months $ 70.00 BOTH: 12 months $50.00 or 26 months $100.00 ===== EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday January 5th, 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet 1601 Lomas NE CONTENTS: THIS MONTH: Dues Due Sylvan Zuercher December Meeting Chuck Vertrees Board Meeting Chuck Vertrees Billiken: 01/01/2000 Mark Morgan From the Driver's Seat Hurley Wilvert Corvair Ladies Anne Gold Cars and Parts For Sale Everybody Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman Coming Events Everybody Christmas Party Heula Pittman Member list for 2000 Jim Pittman COVER: Our new sponsor, Galles Chevrolet ===== "I feel about airplanes the way I feel about diets. They are wonderful things for other people to go on." ---- Jean Kerr Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: Bruce Carlin 09/1999 Clint Jones 10/1999 George Montoya 10/1999 Paul Campbell 11/1999 David Huntoon 12/1999 LeRoy Rogers 01/2000 Ray Burns 02/2000 Carl Johnson 02/2000 Clayborne Souza 02/2000 Frank Stadler 02/2000 Mike Stickler 02/2000 Bob Carlson 03/2000 Tarmo Sutt 03/2000 If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! While surfing the web, check out the CORSA Home Page: ===== CNM E-MAIL ADDRESSES Armstrong armcog+j @ Davis wdavisvair @ Domzalski domzalski @ Gadomski gadomski @ Goffe goffephoto @ Gold beisbol30 @ Gongora sgongora @ Gongora stevegongora @ (new) Huntoon corvair66 @ Martinek mjmartinek @ McMahan jtmacs @ Morgan lobo76mk @ Olsen lolsen @ Patten Del.Patten @ Pittman casa unm edu Pleau dpleau @ Reider breider @ Souza woodysawyer @ Sutt tarmo @ Vertrees vertrees @ Walker defarge505 @ Ward wward @ -or- spyder @ Wilvert hbwilvert @ Zuercher zuerchero @ NEW MEMBERS Sylvan Zuercher We don't have any new members right now, but I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Bill McClellan and LeRoy Rogers for helping with newsletter production for the last several years. Bill took the printed newsletters to Casa Chevrolet for stamping and LeRoy took the finished newsletters to the post office. Thanks to Bill and LeRoy! ===== DECEMBER MEETING NOTES Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at Casa Chevrolet at 7:28 PM. All officers were present. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM has $122.49 in the checking account and $5,961.60 in the Money Market Account for a total of $6,084.17. OLD BUSINESS Debbie Pleau reported that the Tri-State Meet planning is under control. The hotel is all set up, an announcement has been sent to CORSA for publication, and the team that will do the rally is aware of what is needed. The chapter has approved the Tri-State emblem, and procurement is under way. The Christmas buffet lunch is all set up at the Kirtland AFB Officers' Club for next Sunday. Attendance looks like it will be good. The progressive dinner that was to have been in November has been re-scheduled for possibly the first Saturday in February 2000. NEW BUSINESS This will be the last meeting at Casa Chevrolet. Because of changes in their hours and scheduling of their cleaning crew, it would become necessary for our meetings to end at 8:00 PM. In the future, starting in January, our meetings will be at Galles Chevrolet at Lomas and University. They have a larger meeting room than Casa. Our contact is Joe Trujillo, and Larry Blair, Jerry Goffe and others expressed pleasure that Joe will be our contact. They have had past dealings with him and Galles Chevrolet. Galles will give us a stipend of $100 per quarter to help with the newsletter. This will help offset the cost of mailing that Casa Chevrolet always took care of for us. We asked Joe what we could do for Galles, and he said they have a summer promotion that we could possibly help with. Hurley said that there is a J.B.'s restaurant nearby that can replace Shoney's for our after meeting liars' sessions. A map for finding the location of the meeting room at Galles was passed around and a copy will be elsewhere in this newsletter. According to Dennis, CNM almost has a web site. We will have the first one from CORSA. It will be - or you can access by search. The quilt from Ruth Boydston was shown and Ilva Walker is donating a weaving for a raffle. The drawing will be at the Tri-State banquet. A picture will be on our web page. Tickets will be $1.00 each or six for $5.00. There are negotiations under way to try and affiliate CORSA with the Wheels Museum. Wheels is negotiating with Smithsonian to become a western affiliate. CORSA is affiliated with the same organization as Harra's in Reno. The garage tour will be in March according to LeRoy, possibly on Saturday the 4th. He has had several suggestions given to him as possible locations. Wendell says that the Wheels property looks probable. They have until January 15th or 16th to raise the 3 million. They have 2.5 million available with no problem, so all that is needed is the other half million. (Your editor can remember when a spare $20 was a barely attainable sum, so the phrase "all that is needed" in the previous sentence strikes him as bizarre.) CNM had the largest turnout at the dinner dance. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM. ===== DECEMBER BOARD MEETING Chuck Vertrees President Hurley Wilvert called the meeting to order at 5:10 PM at House of Covers. Also present were Dennis Pleau, Jim Pittman, Robert Gold, Wendell Walker, Steve Gongora, "Lube" Lubert, and Chuck Vertrees. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $142.64 in the checking account and $5,985.54 in the Money Market account for a total of $6,128.18. Our Money Market account is now with Wells Fargo since the bank merger. The account earns about $23.00 per month. Wendell provided Jim with a detailed financial statement for our fiscal year; anyone interested is welcome to look it over. We need to express our thanks to Rita Gongora, Elizabeth Domzalski and Anne Gold for the Christmas Brunch at KAFB. They did a lot of work on it and their efforts were much applauded by the large turnout. Next year's Christmas party was discussed, and it was unanimous among the Board members that if possible we should have it at the same place. Quite a few CNM members attended Dennis and Debbie Pleau's annual Christmas open house, and a good time was had by all. Dennis said that there were some munchies left, except for the meatballs. I guess we can include this on our activity calendar each year, thanks to Debbie and Dennis. We have, at meeting time, three events scheduled for 2000, the progressive dinner, the garage tour and the Tri-State. Robert Gold suggested a possible overnight trip could be arranged, and it was brought up that Dave Huntoon had previously suggested an overnight trip to see the air museum near Las Cruces. The board then decided to set up a tentative activity plan for next year. January: still open July: Santa Fe Car Show, July 4th February: Progressive Dinner, Feb. 5th August: Camping Trip? March: Garage Tour, Sat. 4th in NE heights September: State Fair Car Show April: Possible overnight trip October: Aspencade May: Tri-State November: Auction, Potluck Dinner June: Autocross December: Christmas Party This is not engraved in stone. The International Corvair Convention in Daytona, Florida is in June or is it July? If you are asked to help with any of these, please accept. The board will readily accept other suggestions. Steve Gongora is checking on CNM license plates. We are totally sold out of our old stock. It was suggested that we might have a small line across the bottom, saying, Sponsored by Galles Chevrolet, or something similar and see if Galles would be interested in covering some of the cost. The Board will check into this further in the future. We also should have mentioned getting new CNM business cards with the Galles meeting place. With Casa Chevrolet no longer doing the newsletter mailing, Sylvan will need help getting the newsletter ready to mail and mailing it. He CANNOT be expected to do this alone. It was suggested that we see if Cooper Press can print the postage meter amount on the newsletter, or handle it in some way. The board will follow up on this. Hurley will give a tech talk in January on wiper modifications, and Jim Pittman will give a presentation in February on Newsletter production. The meeting was adjourned at 6:03 PM. ===== FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED FOR SALE: 1964 Monza coupe 1961 Corvair Rampside and a large selection of miscellaneous Corvair parts. Darryl Roat - 2048 Branding Iron Lane - Chino Valley AZ 86323 520-636-2409 - shay @ CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS ===== SEVEN YEARS AGO IN C.N.M. January 1993 Volume 19 Number 1 The cover showed a sad, neglected coupe, needing complete restoration. President Patten ran the meeting and treasurer Will Davis counted up $1468. New members were Lawrence & Geraldine Jiron and Greg Gundgik. LeRoy reported that he found the museum at Truth or Consequences. Francis reported on the GWFBT&SM; not as nice in Ontario as it was in previous years at Palm Springs. Bill reported on plans for a golf shirt purchase. Sylvan told about helping an Illinois couple when their '63 Rampside developed a severe oil leak near Grants. Jerry planned to show pictures from the Northwest Territories to us. Del thanked Mark and Mary Lou for organizing the T or C trip and Steve for his logos. Mark discovered Yankees in Pennsylvania. Jim reported on the Christmas party at the Pueblo Indian Cultural Center and storyteller Teresa Pijoan told about John Laughing Eyes who owned two Corvairs. Her story about the bear and the corn kernels was included in the Newsletter for those who could not be there to hear her tell it. A tech tip about a flooding carb (when the float dropped, the needle tipped sideways, then wouldn't close) came from Brian Dierks. The Newsletter finished up with the member list for 1993: sixty-five CNM addresses in all, with eight of these being out-of-state. FOURTEEN YEARS AGO The January 1986 cover was a fanciful Mark Morgan Rampside, slightly modified. Clayborne was president and guests were Eileen Stone and Kay Bishop of the NMMVD; they talked to us about new seat belt laws and about getting a title if your car lacks one. We had $628 in legal tender. We planned a flea market sale and a garage tour to see the cars of Phil Maloof and Doug Maleki. Jim reported on articles crediting Karl Benz with building the first true automobile in 1886. A list of planned activites for the year, courtesy of the Board, was published. Bill's technical column said the Corvair was now 26 years old and elegible for the Veterans Motors Car Club. To keep your Corvair running another twenty-six years Bill told all you'd need to know about rebuilding your steering box. A review of the new seat belt law came from Ridepool. Mark had his-and-hers matching oil pans for Christmas and a sketch of a new car named COR2. The annual member list showed 61 CNM addresses with three outside New Mexico; one was really out: Wayne Christgau was in England with the USAF. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO The January 1979 cover had question marks because we still didn't have a name for the Newsletter. The car was yet another Morgan fantasy. Mark's career as Club founder and Newsletter starter was outlined. Last month our meeting was called off due to bad weather and Jim pondered what that could mean. He decided we were keeping our precious Corvairs off the streets and out of range of the mass of Albuquerque drivers who didn't know how to handle snow. Are drivers any better now? Technical tips this month: Ike Meissner told how to avoid blowing cylinder head gaskets (big secret: annealed copper gaskets) while Ted Scheftner said to get your cylinder head nuts at your Cadillac dealer: part number 1488994. Dick Hartje gave an easy way to break those wheel lug nuts free. President Sylvan gave some New Year's Resolutions for the Club, the editor listed twenty-four suggested names for the Newsletter for you to vote on, and we did not have a member list this month. ===== ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | J a n u a r y | F e b r u a r y | M a r c h | | | | | | : : : : : : 1 | : : 1 2 3 4 5 | : : : 1 2 3 4 | | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | 27 28 29 : : : : | 26 27 28 29 30 31 : | | 30 31 : : : : : | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | | : : : : 2 0 0 0 | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | ============================================================================ Wed 5th Jan 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 19th Jan 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 21st Jan 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 2nd Feb 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 5th Feb ....... Progressive Dinner - to be announced Wed 16th Feb 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 18th Feb 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 1st Mar 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 4th Mar ....... Garage Tour and lunch - LeRoy Rogers Wed 15th Mar 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 24th Mar 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= GARAGE TOUR IN MARCH LeRoy Rogers This year's garage tour will be held on Saturday March 4th. It will be a true garage tour. We will be visiting three garages: Robert and Anna Gold's; Art Leupold's (a non club member) and LeRoy and Emma Rogers'. We will meet at a restaurant for lunch and go from there. More details will follow in the February newsletter. ===== THE DRIVER'S SEAT Hurley Wilvert Here it is the end of the century and it seems like another Christmas/New Year Holiday. The Christmas Party this year was great. Our thanks to Hector and Marie Gongora, Steve's parents, for getting us the Kirtland Officers Club. Hats off also to Rita Gongora for making the arrangements and Elizabeth Domzalski and Anne Gold for making the gifts for the children, they all loved it, especially Tarmo Sutt, the biggest of all the kids. Congratulations go to Dennis Pleau, who won the Ike Meissner award for the work he has done over the years to help CNM. Wendell Walker presented Dennis with the plaque at the Christmas Party. For CNM it was our last time meeting at CASA Chevrolet. Y2K will find us in new surroundings at Galles Chevrolet. Mr. Joe Trujillo of Galles has been very helpful in getting us started there and has shown a tremendous interest in our club. It looks like it will be a great new year! Look elsewhere in this newsletter for directions on how to get there. I would like to see as many of you as can make it, show up for our first meeting at Galles to show them how much we appreciate their support. Elsewhere in this edition of the newsletter is our schedule of events for the Year 2000. I hope we have something there that everyone can enjoy. You folks who seldom attend any of these events are missing a good time. I know everybody has a lot to do these days, but try to put at least one event on your schedule this year. I guarantee that you will enjoy it. We could use someone to coordinate a couple of these events. One of those that is still open is the April event, proposed to be an overnight trip to an interesting spot in New Mexico. We are hoping to have some of the women organize that one. Another in need of a coordinator is a camping trip for the month of August. Anyone know a good place to camp where we could all go? Give me a call, if you would like to help with any of our events. We can always use people to help. This month, I got the engine back into my '68 Monza coupe. It still needs carbs and a distributor. That shouldn't take more than a couple of months to finish! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone. See you at the January meeting. -- Hurley ===== CORVAIR LADIES Anne Mae Gold Good morning Jim! I hope that I'm in time for the January newsletter. I'd appreciate it if you could include this little item. Ladies, ladies, ladies... you all have so many talents and you are all so nice! I'd like to have an opportunity for us to get together and get to know each other better. At the Christmas party I approached a few of you about getting together once a month and working on a project, either your own or deciding on a joint project that might benefit the Club in some way. The first meeting will be the second Saturday of January (2000), that's January 8, from 1 to 4 pm (more or less) at my house (Anne Mae Gold). I live at 1301 Valencia Dr. NE. To give you a general idea, that's between Lomas (on the south) and Constitution (on the north) and between San Mateo and San Pedro (on the west and east). Valencia does not go through to Lomas, but we are in the general area behind Fair Plaza, the Smith's and Hastings on Lomas and San Pedro. My phone number is 268-6878. I'll give you more specific directions when you call to let me know you'll join us! Bring your handicraft project, learn something new, get to know the other ladies better, decide on a better name for this group, rather that the "Stitch and Bitch Club." I'll supply the drinks and snacks! Hope to see you all there. In the meantime, hope all your holidays are happy and bright! ===== Subject: CNM WEB PAGE From: Dennis & Debbie Pleau ( dpleau @ ) All, I have a first cut at a CNM Web page up. The URL is: When the we move the CORSA domain to Bryan's server the URL will change to: I have a couple more pages which will be going up in the next few days. Let me know what you think, Dennis ===== Our Christmas party at Kirtland AFB was a great success. Here are a few photos. If you were not able to attend you missed a good time. Put the CNM Christmas dinner on your schedule for next year! Dennis Pleau receives the Ike Meissner Award for 1999. ===== LETTER TO THE EDITOR Larry Blair Dave Patten is smart enough not to pick up a rattlesnake, but I'm not sure he passed that particular gene on to his son. Del has never been known to be humble, but he now claims to be the "sole member and de factor president" (he can't spell so good either) of the Dummy of the Month Club (December '99 newsletter). Well, with such an attitude he might just remain the sole member and "de facto president" (correct spelling) of "his club." As I heard on the radio recently: "He's a self-made man, and he worships his creator." I was granted membership (November '99 Newsletter) by none other than Sylvan the Carbmeister, who by virtue of his many, many years of experience, certainly knows mistakes when he sees them (you can read that any way you want to). Actually, after an exhausting afternoon of coaching me through the process of adjusting valves, dwell, timing, and carbs, and under the influence of too much Mountain Dew, he admitted to me that even he has made dumb mistakes. He even alleged that Bill Reider would confirm such. So, naturally, I felt honored to be selected for a club which had only one member, but more importantly, to have been nominated by one who through his own extensive experience, is eminently qualified to recognize me as a person who is currently automotively - intellectually challenged. Now, if the illustrious King Del wants to preside over his very little club, so be it. I am entirely willing to start my own club of folks who only make mistakes once. Maybe it could be the "Forrest Gump Club" or the "ROOSIASD" (Royal Order of Stupid is as Stupid Does). Perhaps those in my club could graduate to Del's club only if they did "the same thing twice on the same car, preferably in the same 24 hour period" (King Del's words). Such a feat is truly remarkable, and calls to question King Del's short-term memory ability. And, as far as bribing him to join "his club", who does he think I am? A City Official? I am also unsure how to take his remarks about my encounter with the fruit cobbler alamode at the Route 66 Diner. I thought I showed remarkable restraint, by leaving a small portion in my bowl. As Del and I both exhibit, a waist is a terrible thing to mind. I don't want to impugn King Del's image, but I cannot get the picture out of my mind of his lovely wife all alone in her camper at Jack's Creek, with a little garbage bag over her head to protect her from the rain. Where was this heartless man, in her hour of need? Why couldn't he have provided her a real rainsuit, or at least, a larger garbage bag? Why is it that King Del is so full of himself that he cannot admit that only he can make mistakes? He is truly, Still Fulla Gas. I guess that's why he sings so well. ===== Subject: PROGRESSIVE DINNER From: Dennis & Debbie Pleau ( dpleau @ ) On Saturday, February 5th, CNM will have their first progressive dinner. For those who don't know what this means, it means that we'll have a four course meal at four different locations. We'll convene at the Gongoras' at 4:00 PM. Here we'll have appetizers and drinks. From there, we'll caravan over to Glory Hall where the Reiders will host the soup and salad portion of the meal. Next stop, the Pleaus' for the main meal; and finally, we'll end up at the Scheflow's for dessert. A head count will be extremely beneficial, primarily for seating purposes but also to make sure we have enough food. So if you're planning on attending or have any questions, please contact me at 505-345-0351. We'll also need volunteers to supply salads, soup and desserts. See you there! -- Debbie & Dennis ===== Re: Subject: Newsletter Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 13:50:13 -0700 From: "Bagley, Ray (KUCC)" ( bagleyr @ ) To: "'casa unm edu'" ( casa unm edu ) Cc: "'Wayne @'" ( Wayne @ ) * Hi Jim, Del Patten was e-mailing me today and I let him know that I * was going to probably be the new Newsletter Editor for the Bonneville * Corvairs. I think Doug Barneck needs a rest although I understand * you've been at it for quite a while. Anyway even if he keeps it we're * looking for some ideas to incorporate into it that will make it more * enjoyable to read. I also told Del that I would forward a copy of it * to him or you so that our news could be shared with your club. * * He said to contact you and see if you had a copy that you could * e-mail me so I could view what you do and maybe get some ideas. Hi Ray, We already send our newsletter to your club at: Bonneville Corvair Club 2680 West 300 North West Point UT 84015 Sylvan tells me, though, that CORSA Communique lists a different address. Let us know if you want us to mail our newsletter to a different address. * I'd appreciate any help I could get because besides being new to * Corvairs, I've never been a newsletter editor either. My name is Ray * Bagley (I'll add an attachment for you to read, this is one page I * want to put into each month depicting a different member) I don't know what to tell you. Our newsletter sort of evolved and in a sense it mostly just happens. It tends to have this pattern: - Cover with date, issue number, some kind of picture, table of contents - List of officers; list of members with dues due or soon to be due - Minutes of the last meeting - Minutes of the last board meeting - New members (if any) - President's column - Calendar covering next three months - Summary of coming events for the next three or four months - Summary of newsletter, seven, fourteen and twenty-one years ago - Items for sale or trade - Articles (general interest, technical, or from the Internet) - Occasionally photos or drawings accompany articles. I have been doing the newsletter since February 1978. I have been doing it on a computer word processor or page layout program since about April 1980; before that I typed everything on an IBM Selectric. Over the years my computer capabilities have gradually improved and now I can include photos and I can print it all directly on a laser printer without having to do any actual "cut and paste" with real scissors and paste. I happen to use a Macintosh with ClarisWorks, Photoshop, Pagemaker, an HP scanner and an Apple Personal LaserWriter 320, but a PC with the right software and hardware could do the job. The main reasons I have been able to continue doing it for so long: 1) I have almost always had someone who took the camera-ready printout to the copy center, stapled, stamped and mailed it; 2) It is relatively easy to do with a computer word processor as compared to typing on a typewriter; 3) It saves me from being subject to election as an officer where it might be necessary for me to actually do some real work; 4) For reasons unknown, I just have a talent and an interest in doing it and doing it well; 5) I think a good newsletter is vital to the cohesion and well-being of a club, if for no other reason than to announce the next meeting. Make no mistake, editing a newsletter can be time consuming. I end up doing a little at a time (usually starting right after one month's newsletter is out the door) all through the month, and then it often takes a whole Saturday to put it all together and finish it. If you are not up for that kind of schedule, month after month, I'd say have second thoughts about taking on the job. I devoutly believe if a club has a newsletter, it needs to be there without fail, and without being late, every month. I am in a computer club which has had a spotty history with its newsletter and it has been my observation that the health of the computer club's newsletter has strongly affected the health of the club. A big time-saver for me is when club members send material via e-mail. This way we don't have to accept the time delay of paper mail or drive to the other person's house to deliver a manuscript. (Okay, some people enjoy driving around town all the time, but I don't.) But, I do still get articles on paper from time to time. This is a minor problem for me because then I have to re-type the article, and I'm not a fast typist. But even when I get an article by e-mail I still have to edit and spell-check it. And we do still end up with typos and misspellings in the final newsletter. When people send me material via e-mail, I try to get them to send it as TEXT files, not as word processor attachments. But out of ignorance or laziness people do still send attachments. So I deal with it. I do have a good text editor that can read MS/WORD files and trash all the MS/WORD formatting stuff and leave me with the readable text. I am conservative with our newsletter in the belief that it should be about the same format every month with evolutionary change, rather than trying to come up with a new style every month. We get lots of newsletters from other clubs. Some are first-rate, some are crude. The ones that bother me are poorly reproduced or have ALL CAPS type or are disorganized or are hard to read for other reasons. I think clear and simple is better than flashy and complicated. * My e-mail is: bagleyr @ * * Thanks for any assistance you can give me. Our goal is making all the * Corvair Clubs the best. Our club has been remarkably fortunate in having a good balance of members with diverse talents and with "enough" core people to get things done. We have been very lucky and I'm not sure how much credit we can take for that. Oh, sure, we've done some great things over the life of the club, but without the luck of having "enough" of the right people, we'd be nothing. When I bought my first Corvair in 1966 I had absolutely no idea I'd still own it in 1999, or that a group of Corvair enthusiasts would become such a major part of my life. - Jim Pittman - casa AT unm DOT edu ===== Subject: GM RESTORATION PARTS From: Dennis & Debbie Pleau ( dpleau @ ) General Motors now has a web site offering restoration parts. You enter make, model and year and they show you a list of parts available for your car. I'm personally going to order the 409 400-HP badges for my 1965 Monza Coupe. Do you think it will go any faster?? The URL is: Dennis ===== CORVAIRS OF NEW MEXICO MEMBER LIST - JANUARY 2000 ALBUQUERQUE Joy & Ben C. Abeyta 505-293-6703 Kathy & Larry Blair 505-821-1386 Ruth Boydston 505-821-1506 Bob Carlson 505-294-2945 Joel Craig 505-890-3353 Debbie & Ron Deck 505-836-4845 Sylvia & Jerry Goffe 505-345-3100 Anna & Robert Gold 505-268-6878 Rita & Steve Gongora 505-292-5570 Carl Johnson 505-344-3178 Faye & Clint Jones 505-877-2621 H. C. "Lube" Lubert 505-256-9331 Mary Lou & Mark Martinek 505-275-3271 Robert McBreen 505-265-2808 Marian & Bill McClellan 505-821-7728 Tracey & John McMahan 505-830-9079 Beryl & George Montoya 505-242-3917 Joel Nash 505-884-5064 Stephen D. Parker 505-837-1849 David Patten 505-232-3159 Heula & Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 Debbie & Dennis Pleau 505-345-0351 Terry Price 505-296-3780 Lee & Bill Reider 505-299-4597 Emma & LeRoy Rogers 505-294-0623 Alicia & Monica Romero 505-823-9250 Frank Stadler 505-255-7326 Brenda & Mike Stickler 505-344-2039 Julia & Chuck Vertrees 505-299-0744 Opal & Sylvan Zuercher 505-299-7577 Joe Trujillo Galles Chevrolet 505-766-6800 CEDAR CREST NM Diana & Bruce Carlin 505-286-4523 David Huntoon 505-281-9616 CLOUDCROFT NM Wayne Uhl 505-682-3469 CORRALES NM Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow 505-897-2611 ESPANOLA NM Judy & Gregg Armstrong 505-753-4725 JEMEZ SPRINGS NM Brenda & Fred Edeskuty 505-667-1876 LAS CRUCES NM Judy & Wayne Ward 505-526-1758 LOS LUNAS NM John Topp 505-565-0795 PLACITAS NM Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski 505-867-0030 RIO RANCHO NM Ilva & Wendell Walker 505-892-8471 SANDIA PARK NM Kim & Del Patten 505-286-6690 Brenda & Hurley Wilvert 505-281-1732 SANTA FE NM Kay & Tarmo Sutt 505-471-1153 TAOS NM Raymond Burns 505-758-0063 TIJERAS NM Shirley & Joe Ashton 505-286-1513 WHITE ROCK NM Marilyn & Richard Foster 505-672-9404 TURLOCK CA Karen & Clayborne Souza 209-664-1868 COLORADO SPRINGS CO Debra & Jon Anderson 719-535-0294 MELBOURNE FL Sachiko & Willard Davis 000-000-0000 CLEAR LAKE IA Wayne E. Christgau 000-000-0000 ELGIN IL Doris & Walter Huntoon 708-464-4848 LEARNED KS Lynda & Lee Olsen 316-285-6672 BIXBY OK Pat & Paul Campbell 505-881-6620 NORMAN OK Kathy & Jon Lovett 303-777-9506 DUNCANVILLE TX Sharon & Jack Bryan 214-296-6300 EL PASO TX Chu Sun & Boedean Belt 915-821-2735 NORTH BEND WA Mark L Morgan 425-831-7274 ==end==