This page contains material from the May 2000 newsletter.

Updated 05-Dec-2021 - Copyright (c) 2021 Corvairs of New Mexico.

MEETING TIME: First Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM LOCATION: Galles Chevrolet, 1601 Lomas Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 PRESIDENT: Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 hurley.wilvert @ VICE-PRES: Robert Gold 268-6878 beisbol30 @ SECRETARY: Charles Vertrees 299-0744 vertrees @ TREASURER: Wendell Walker 892-8471 defarge505 @ MEMBERSHIP: Sylvan Zuercher 299-7577 zuerchero @ NEWSLETTER: Jim Pittman 275-2195 casa unm edu DUES: CNM: 12 months $15.00 or 26 months $ 30.00 CORSA: 12 months $35.00 or 26 months $ 70.00 BOTH: 12 months $50.00 or 26 months $100.00 ===== EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday May 3rd, 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet 1601 Lomas NE CONTENTS: THIS MONTH: Dues Due Sylvan Zuercher April Meeting Chuck Vertrees Board Meeting Chuck Vertrees From the Driver's Seat Hurley Wilvert Coming Events Everybody Cars and Parts For Sale Everybody Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman In Memoriam: Ralph McDonald Linda Ewing In Memoriam: Sylvia Vertrees American Cancer Society Tri-State Registration Debbie Pleau Tri-State Bar-B-Q Mark Domzalski Las Cruces / El Paso Trip Elizabeth Domzalski COVER: CNM Tour to Las Cruces and El Paso (all photos by Steve Gongora) ===== "The hopes for the future today are in a great measure the same as they were in the past. At some time people thought that the potential that people had was not developed because everyone was ignorant and that education was the solution to the problem, that if all people were educated, we could perhaps all be Voltaires. But it turns out that falsehood and evil can be taught as easily as good. Education is a great power, but it can work either way." -- Richard Feynman (1963) The Meaning of it All Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: Carl Johnson 02/2000 Bob Carlson 03/2000 Tarmo Sutt 03/2000 Joel Craig 04/2000 Mark Domzalski 04/2000 Bill McClellan 04/2000 Stephen Parker 04/2000 David Patten 04/2000 Joe Ashton 05/2000 Bodean Belt 05/2000 Steve Gongora 05/2000 Terry Price 05/2000 Ben Abeyta 06/2000 Gregg Armstrong 06/2000 Fred Edeskuty 06/2000 Mark Morgan 06/2000 Bill Reider 06/2000 Richard Foster 07/2000 Robert Gold 07/2000 Robert McBreen 07/2000 Wayne Uhl 07/2000 If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! While surfing the web, check out the CORSA Home Page: A new site is CNM's home page, thanks to Dennis Pleau: ===== APRIL MEETING NOTES Chuck Vertrees The April meeting was called to order at Galles Chevrolet at 7:34 PM. All officers were present except Vice President Robert Gold. A birthday card was circulated for our sponsor, Joe Trujillo, who was unable to be at the meeting. We ate his cake at the end of the meeting. Sorry about that Joe. Members Alicia and Monica Romero were at the meeting. It has been some time since they were able to attend, and we are glad to see them back. Sylvan had no information on possible new members. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted with one correction. The August camping trip should be on the 4-5-6th instead of 4-5-5th. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM has $157.17 in the checking account and $5,761.26 in the money market for a net worth of $5,918.43. OLD BUSINESS The CNM ladies met at Debbie Pleau's house. There were 8 present. The next meeting will at Kay Sutt's in Santa Fe on Saturday the 8th. There are plans to car pool to Santa Fe. The June meeting will be at the Hurleys'. There were 18-20 CNM members who met for lunch on March 4th and then went on our spring Garage Tour. There were three garages on the tour. March 11th was the cleanup of our section of old "Route 66." Later Sylvan's grandson was in town and he commented on how clean our section looked. The April trip down south was discussed and the details are in the Newsletter. The August campout is all set. The only possible problem is that because of the dryness, we probably will not be able to have a campfire. Further details will be in future newsletters. Debbie Pleau reported that the Tri-State meeting preparations are moving right along. She has sent out registration forms to those requesting them and the form is also available on our web page. She has sent out 13 and 9 have been returned so far. So far, there have been 9 registered for the Rally, 24 for the Bar-B-Q and 24 for the banquet, 14 cars for the show and 19 T-shirts ordered. CNM members are asked to get in their registration, with their check, as soon as possible. There are 31 reservations made at the hotel. Bill Reider has donated a best of show trophy. There will be six classes of Corvairs with three entries needed to make a class. Debbie will need CNM members to cover registration and hospitality at the hotel on Friday from 3 to 8 PM and on Saturday morning, starting at 7:30 AM. The Rally is scheduled to start at 8:30 AM. Car Council Report: Mark Martinek reported that a poorly attended Car Council meeting was called to order at 7:50 PM, 22 March. The treasurer's report was omitted as it was announced that Frank Corey had resigned as Council representative of the Early Ford V-8 Club. His letter of resignation was not read or presented to representatives present, but will be published in the next Car Council Newsletter along with the Council members appreciation for all he has done in and for the Council. All members expressed their dismay that Frank had found it necessary to resign. Howard Zorn volunteered to serve as Treasurer and was unanimously elected by the representatives present. Mike Gonzales reported on the never ending soap opera referred to as The Museum Car Show. It seems that after being requested not to approach the city government about the lack of funding to the museum, someone did complain to Mr. Rael which resulted in some additional funds provided to the Museum. The Museum will provide $2500.00 but there must be a $5.00 a car entrance fee charged. Those who do not pay the entrance fee will not be eligible for any trophies or awards; however, they will receive a dash plaque. Brochures advertising the car show will be drawn up by the Museum and will include the $5.00 entrance fee. Financial and attendance records must be maintained by the Car Council and will be subject to auditing by city and/or Museum officials. The contract between the Museum and Car Council is being reviewed by the Museum/city legal staff and will be signed after this review. Personnel volunteering to work at the car show will be eligible to enter two vehicles at no charge. The Old Car Club will handle registration. The Christian Rodders and Oldsmobile Clubs will count the ballots. Eight people are needed for parking duties. (Any CNM members who want to help can contact Mark.) Window cards will not be handed out as the vehicles enter the lot. A slip with the class number will be given to the driver and he/she will be told to take it to the registration table where the window card will be issued. If the driver does not go to the registration table and/or pay the $5.00 fee a window card will not be issued and they will not get a dash plaque. If the driver registers but does not pay the $5.00 fee, a dash plaque will be issued but the window card will be withheld. Vehicles without a window card will not be eligible for an award. The Museum is attempting to attract commercial sponsors for this show. So far only Cindy Galles of Galles Chevrolet has donated $400.00 towards this year's show. In appreciation for this, the brochures and maybe the window cards will carry the Chevrolet logo but no name. Potential sponsors will be attending the show to get an idea of the possible benefits. Because of the need for sponsors, accurate records of attendance and paid attendance must be maintained. There will be no cuts in the number of classes from last year. The Corvairs will be given the place of honor along the sidewalk and area to the North. Mike understands that the Corvair clubs will do their own judging and will provide their own trophies. He is prepared to provide two trophies. We need to inform him if we want them, and if we do, how they should be labeled. Hurricane Cafe will no longer be an onsite vender. ITS Ice will be there. A graphic sign vender, SignFX will be on site to reproduce club logos, etc. KOOL 102 will provide free radio time to advertise the show, but will not do a remote broadcast from the show. Paul McLaughlin is designing the dash plaque, which will feature the Corvair. It is supposed to be an early '63 convertible. As always in past years, there will be no selling of items or raffles conducted on Museum property. A flyer publicizing Old Town Garage will be included in the goody bag to show the Council's appreciation to Bob Agnew for all he has done for the Council and old car owners. Mark suggested that as the Council had already voted to fund the car show, the Car Council should pay the $5.00 entrance fee for participants. This suggestion was soundly rebuffed. Bob Pearson introduced himself to the Car Council as the new representative from the Santa Fe Vintage Car Club. An organization named World Product Distributors of Albuquerque requested a mailing list from the council. Any action on this was delayed until the council determines who they were and what they distributed. The Car Council brochure being prepared for distribution to the visitor centers and convention center will include the representative's phone number so that interested persons can make contact with the various clubs. Mike Peckumm passed around a brochure from a vender called Flash Boards/Flash Cards that makes flash boards and cards for display with cars. Their web site is; e-mail: Pro @; Phone: 603-625-0803. He stated that the quoted prices were very reasonable. Mark announced that there were still a few openings for the Spring Fling at the Old Town Garage. All are invited to attend just for the free food and drinks. Just call and let them know how many will attend. The next meeting of the car council will deal with the upcoming swap meet. NEW BUSINESS Mark's Car Council report generated much discussion about how CNM would handle the $5.00 fee, since all of our publicity said there would be no fee. This discussion got to the point where I could not possibly keep notes on who was saying what. I moved that all further discussion on this be handled at the next board meeting, and it was seconded and passed. Jerry Goffe announced that a lot of the people coming to town for the "Flicks" in July would arrive by Amtrak. It was suggested that CNM and other car clubs might arrange to pick them up in old cars. Dennis Pleau recently visited the Silicon Valley Corvairs. Seth Emerson is running as a representative for the western division. We are reminded that we had two good men running in the West, Seth and Ed Corson. Be sure to bring your ballot from the last Corsa Communique to the next meeting and we will send them in together. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM. This was followed by a talk about insurance for old cars. ===== APRIL BOARD NOTES Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at House of Covers at 17:10. Vice-President Robert Gold, President Hurley being out of town, conducted the meeting. Present were Bill Reider, Jim Pittman, Robert Gold, Steve & Rita Gongora, Chuck Vertrees, Dennis & Debbie Pleau, Sylvan Zuercher, Mark Martinek and "Lube" Lubert. There was no treasurer's report since Wendell Walker was in California for the Long Beach races. Thanks were expressed for our speaker at the last meeting. The speaker at our next meeting will be from the Motor Vehicle Division. Debbie gave a report on the Tri-State/Museum car show. So far she has received 27 registrations, 14 for the Rally, 54 for the Bar-B-Q, 26 cars registered, 45 for the banquet, and 34 T-shirts. The motel reported that there are 36 registered for Friday, 37 for Saturday and 29 for Sunday. Debbie has $695.00 in checks for Wendell to deposit, and since she and Dennis are leaving town the day after the board meeting, the checks were given to Steve Gongora who will get them to Wendell when he is back in town. We need to make a deposit of 50% for the banquet on May 1st and the board decided that we will probably have about 100 people at the banquet, so Wendell will need to send a check next week. Steve Gongora will check on the goody bags. We have received an offer of brochures on things to do and see in the area from Great Locations. They will supply them for free and Rita Gongora will contact them. Bill Reider has the CNM window cards designed for the Corvairs. We will print them on colored stock, since the Car Council window cards will be in white. He also has the ballots for Corvair voting. These will be given to all people registered for the Tri-State and will be on the same color stock as the window cards. We will also be participating in the Car Council class "E" voting for cars 1960-69. There will be three trophies for Corvairs only from the Car Council. We will have separate trophies for our (Tri-State) voting. Bill showed the dash plaque design supplied by the Car Council. It kind of looks like an impressionistic Corvair. Car Council trophies will be given at the show and ours will be presented at our banquet on Sunday evening. There was a somewhat heated discussion about the $5.00 registration fee. There will be another Car Council meeting before the Museum show, so everything may change again. Once we all got on the same wavelength at the board meeting, it was decided that CNM would pay the $5.00 entry fee for all Corvairs registered for the Tri-State. Most of the rest of the meeting was questions and things still to be done. Are we going to try to have the library van there? If so it will need some sprucing up, and when will we have the time to do it? We need to set up a both or table at the show. Steve will supply a table as needed. Has Mark been able to contact CORSA about their display, and what is the outcome? Steve has a canopy to provide some shade. Dennis has a 140 engine on a stand. This would make a nice display but he would need help getting it to the show. Robert will call Mark about the Bar-B-Q and the CORSA display. Dennis will contact CORSA about a possible supply of some old Corsa Communiques that could be given out to interested people at the show. Originally the Bar-B-Q was to be at Mark and Elizabeth's, but some people thought that the cars might get dusty. There might be a few hundred feet of unpaved road so the board decided that if Mark and Elizabeth are still okay for it, we would have the Bar-B-Q at their place. Robert will contact Mark. It would be partially a potluck with CNM members supplying all the side dishes. Bill and Wendell have the CNM trophies under control. We have some pens and knives for the goody bags. Debbie has talked to Joel Nash about getting some sample sunscreen tubes. We have some items for door prized so we will need to see if Wendell has the roll of tickets. Also Steve will ask Wendell to bring the raffle tickets to the next meeting so we can start selling them. The door prize tickets will be given out at the banquet. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM ===== FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED FOR SALE: We are going to sell our parts business. Call Brenda or Mike for inventory and price. We will not be advertising out of state until May. Mike or Brenda Stickler 344-2039 FOR SALE: 1962 Greenbrier van, 4-speed, 110-HP. $1200.00 Mike or Brenda Stickler 344-2039 WANTED: 1961-64 convertible roof rails rear quarter window. Mark Martinek 275-3271 WANTED: Full set wheel well trim for 1966 coupe, good to excellent condition. WANTED: A very good set of black '66 Corsa coupe door panels, and any other interior shiny pieces: radio bezel, vent handles, rearview mirror etc. FOR SALE/TRADE: A '65 wood wheel horn button for a '66 wood wheel button. FOR SALE: Parts for 4-door early glass doors etc early coupe, late coupe. FOR SALE: Pretty nice '65 500 4-door with 30,000 miles 95/pg, runs good, smokes a little, minimal rust. Lee Olsen 527 w. 4th Street, Larned, KS 67550 obros @ 316-525-6526 day, 316-285-6672 eve. CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS ===== SEVEN YEARS AGO IN CNM May 1993 Volume 19 Number 5 The cover was another Morgan fantasy. Secretary Chuck ran the meeting because Del and Bob were both absent. Treasurer Will reported a bank balance of $1381. LeRoy previewed the May Museum car show. We were ordering Club jackets. Seth Emerson sent the Club a letter asking for a bid to host a CORSA convention and we agreed to consider it. Bill Reider told us about the Milestone Car Society. Tarmo told us about a man in Santa Fe whose cars were confiscated and crushed because he violated city zoning laws; the owner considered his cars to be a collection. Bill McClellan reminded us that Casa Chevrolet was paying for our newsletter printing and mailing. Answers to last month's crossword were given. Larry Blair told us how to repair the loose rivets on your early glove box door. How to test an alternator? Hook it to your car's wiring then spin with an electric drill. We borrowed a tip by Mike Dawson on chemical helpers and how they work. (The last page of this newsletter was a copy of the page from last month that was lost by the printer.) FOURTEEN YEARS AGO The May 1986 cover showed several of us at a football field waiting for a hot air balloon to show up. We had arranged a large number of Corvairs to spell out "Corsa" and planned to make an aerial photo. The balloon couldn't fly because of the wind, but we said we'd try again later. The treasury stood at $756. We planned car shows, a Tri-State meet, a flea market outing, a comet watch at Bill Hector's and a trip to Los Alamos to see a stock of Corvair parts that had to go. Carl Johnson's tech tips were how to keep those pesky leaves out of your air ducts and how parts cleaning solvents were toxic and could lead to joint problems. Karen Jackson reported on a Corvair event in Phoenix attended by a few New Mexico members. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO The May 1979 cover showed two Rochester HV carbs. Secretary Les Campbell was about to go to Connecticut. Ike Meissner's tech tip was how to clean grungy parts with a tub of hot water and laundry detergent. Some technical details from George Brazil's talk on his super Spyder were included. Frank McKenna warned about using too much silicone sealer. Francis described a spring attached to the right-hand carb linkage to help compensate for linkage slop and thus keep a steady idle. The editor asked if anyone had driven any of the new crop of small front-wheel-drive cars and if so would they write an article comparing their handling with that of our Corvairs. ===== ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | M a y | J u n e | J u l y | | : 1 2 3 4 5 6 | : : : : 1 2 3 | : : : : : : 1 | | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | | 28 29 30 31 : : : | 25 26 27 28 29 30 : | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | 30 31 : : : : : | ============================================================================ Wed 3rd May 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 17th May 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon 19-220-21 May: Tri-State Meet and Albuquerque Museum Car Show Fri 26th May 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 7th Jun 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 10th Jun 1:00 PM CNM Ladies at ..... (1:00 to 4:00) Wed 21st Jun 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 23rd Jun 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Tue 4th Jul early! Fourth of July on the Plaza - Santa Fe Wed 5th Jul 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 19th Jul 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 21st Jul 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Fri-Sat-Sun Aug 4-5-6 Camping trip in the Pecos - Ruth Boydston's =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Vairfest Y2K - Fri-Sat-Sun, May 5-6-7, 2000. Location: Cambria Pines Lodge, Cambria, California, 1-800-445-6868. More information: Central Coast CORSA, Bob Galli, 5000 Cascabel Rd. Atascadero, CA 93422 805-466-2737. ===== Subject: RALPH MCDONALD Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 19:19:02 -0700 From: "Steve Gongora" ( sgongora @ ) Dennis, Here is the message from Linda in Colorado about Ralph. Please let all the CNM members know by e-mail and an announcement to CORSA and V-Vairs. Thanks Dear Steve and Rita, Just to let you know a little of what's going on here in Denver. We wanted to share our sad news with you and hope you will share this with the others in your area. We received news Sunday evening that Ralph McDonald has passed away. He passed on Sunday morning apparently in his sleep. He was at home when this happened and had been in pretty good health so this has come a quite a surprise to everyone. The funeral will be Thursday the 30th here in Denver and he will be laid to rest in the Crown Hill Cemetery. He was a long time member of Rocky Mountain Corsa and was very active in the club with a number of Corvairs. This past year his grandson Luke drove the black '69 that Ralph had restored to Salida for the Tri-State Convention. We are still planning on seeing you all in May at the Convention. Love to you, - Linda Ewing and Jim Rushton ( linda239 @ ) ===== FROM THE DRIVER'S SEAT Hurley Wilvert Last month was Joe Trujillo's birthday. Happy Birthday Joe! I'm sorry you missed the party we arranged for you; the cake was good. This month a group of our members made a trip to the southern part of New Mexico to visit a couple of really unique museums and to visit with our members in that part of the state. LeRoy Rogers, Sylvan Zeurcher, Mary Alice and Ollie Scheflow, Elizabeth and Mark Domzalski and Steve and Bernadette Gongora drove from Albuquerque to Las Cruces on Saturday and met with Wayne Ward. They had lunch and visited the Farm and Ranch museum. One of the highlights was a cow milking exhibit. After lunch they went to admire Wayne's 40-plus Corvair collection. Wayne had a terrific reception for the whole crew at his house following these activities. Later it was on to El Paso for a night's rest before the trip to the War Eagles Museum on Sunday. The crew met with Boedean Belt, our El Paso member, for the Sunday tour. Bo brought his Oldsmobile powered Corsa. It was quite impressive! The War Eagles Museum has 24 vintage aircraft and many cars and military vehicles from the periods of the two world wars. The aircraft are maintained in flying condition, but are no longer flown on a regular basis due to the expense. After the museum tour, time was spent visiting with Bo and discussing the events of the past two days before starting the trip back to Albuquerque. I understand that everyone enjoyed the trip immensely and all returned home with no problems. Our thanks to Wayne and Bo for making the Museum Tour a memorable and happy occasion. We hope to see you guys at the Tri-State. My weekend was spent in a Dallas hotel wishing that I could have made the trip too. Well, the Tri-State is coming up and the camping trip in August. I will definitely make it to those. I hope to see all of you too. My thanks to Robert Gold for again stepping in for me while I was away on business. He conducted the Board of Directors meeting in April and several problems were solved during that meeting. At the next meeting and for the summer months, we will enter Galles' dealership for the meeting from the Lomas side near the showroom. See you there. - Hurley Wilvert - President ===== Subject: LETTER RECEIVED Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 22:37:05 EDT From: Defarge505 @ Jim I thought you might want this letter. I used my Omni Page Software to copy it. I didn't check it so there may be some errors. Looked good to me though. A M E R I C A N C A N C E R S O C I E T Y April 05, 2000 Corvairs of NM 301 Utah Meadow Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Dear, Thank you for your recent gift of $50.00 to the fight against cancer. Gifts such as yours enable the American Cancer Society to fund cutting-edge research, provide lifesaving education and information, and deliver person-to-person patient services to cancer patients and their families. Today, one out of every two cancer patients survives their disease, and continued advances in research, detection, treatment and education promise greater hope for the future. The best way to fight cancer is by preventing it. Thank you again, and we look forward to continuing our progress with you as our partner. An acknowledgment of your gift has been sent to: Charles E Vertrees, 2226 Inez Dr NE Albuquerque NM 87110, in memory of Sylvia L. Vertrees. Signed from: c/o Charles E. Vertrees. Once again, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation. Sincerely, Matthew G. Madonna President Gift Date: 04/04/2000 Gift Amount: $50.00 Southwest Division, Inc. 2929 E. Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85016-8034 602-224-0524 Fax 602-381-3096 If you or a loved one needs help or information about cancer, please coil the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit ===== Subject: NEWSLETTER Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 08:46:18 -0700 From: Dennis & Debbie Pleau ( dpleau @ ) Hi Jim, I just sent you something on the Tri-State and realized that I'm probably a week late on it so I'll bring the forms and tentative itinerary to the meeting for all who want it. In addition, I just talked to Wayne Ward and the email id in the January newsletter was incorrect... there is no '.' between w and ward... it's wward @ or you can use spyder @ Debbie ===== DUE SOUTH Elizabeth Domzalski On Saturday, April 15th, a few of us met at the Pump-N-Save on Gibson near I-25 to head south for Las Cruces. Sylvan, our fearless leader, was there with his traveling companion, LeRoy Rogers. Steve Gongora and Bernadette were also waiting. We left promptly at 8:00 am. We picked up Ollie and Mary Alice on the way. In Las Cruces we met southern members Wayne Ward and Bo Belt who led the way to lunch at one of the three Farley's in New Mexico. It is a unique and fun place. There are baskets of peanuts on the table to munch on (peanuts - not the basket). You just throw the shells on the floor. Everyone but Steve, who had a neat little pile of shells on the table. Bernadette said "My Dad can't do that. He just can't." We waited throughout the meal for the moment when Steve would just rake those hulls onto the floor with wild abandon. Didn't happen. The food was great. We then went to the Farm and Ranch Museum. What a treat. It is a beautiful facility with a courtyard and a walkway that passes though an arroyo to the museum's dairy. Inside the museum were many interesting exhibits. The featured exhibit was a walk through 3,000 years of farming in New Mexico. The most fascinating facts were related to the dairy industry. New Mexico leads the way in many areas, such as hay, the largest herds and milk production. Others I don't remember. Move over Wisconsin... We learned that a Holstein mom, just after calving, can produce over 16 gallons of milk per day. My favorite part was the milking demonstration when this fellow dressed like a cowboy, as he was lowering a projection screen, addressed the audience with "We gun watch this movie, then we'll milk a cow." Lights out. A man of few words. It turns out that he was very knowledgeable - obviously he had been in the business for a long time. Then we witnessed a Guernsey cow being milked by the latest method which is automated. We left the Farm and Ranch Museum and visited Wayne's collection of 31 Corvairs safely kept in a fenced area underneath pecan trees. Wayne's dad, C.W., told us that the pollen from the trees actually protected the paint. I won't do this part of the trip justice - just ask Mark, Steve, Ollie, Sylvan or LeRoy and they will give you all of the glorious details. It was impressive to see so many Corvairs in one spot. Most of them doubled as storage for more Corvair parts. We experienced wonderful hospitality from Wayne's parents. We caravaned to their home that has a huge metal garage/storage facility out back. Their home is about 5,000 square feet. C.W. said that they had to increase the size of the house to hide the garage. I have to tell you - that metal building still makes its presence known. We were shown Wayne's beautifully restored 1964 Aqua Azure Spyder Convertible. He purchased it in 1969. He restore it for its 30th and his 40th. It is restored to original with an historically significant fraternity decal on the driver's vent window. A gorgeous car. Wayne will display it at the Tri-State in May. We were then treated to coke and iced tea. We all met Wayne's son C.W. III. What a lovely family. We motored on to El Paso, leaving about a half hour later than planned. C.W. found Mark a 1962 NM license plate in his collection. We arrived safely at the Comfort Inn, checked in and met for dinner. We tried the Stateline restaurant, but it was Prom Night. The wait was two hours and since it was already 8:00 pm we decided to return to the motel and eat at the Carrow's next door. Up Sunday morning, we met Bo at the Village Inn at 9:30. We caravaned to the War Eagles Air Museum. Another great find!! A wonderful collection of WWII planes and paraphernalia from all over the world. There was an exhibit that featured women and flying. Outside we watched people parachute. The sky was blue as blue can be. Seeing those parachutes against that sky was dramatic. Now it was here, outside the museum, that we learned something about Ollie. It was made known that this wonderful, reserved and distinguished man killed the family turtle. It is a great story!! Ask Ollie and Mary Alice to share it with you. I think the old adage "there is power in numbers" does not apply to Corvair tours. The Salmon Ranch tour was just a small band of us Corvair folks and it was grand! This tour was an outstanding adventure! Thank you Sylvan for organizing the trip and Ollie for suggesting the Farm and Ranch Museum! ===== TRI STATE BARBECUE Mark Domzalski We have Tiguex Park, across the street from the Albuquerque Museum, reserved for the Tri-State Meet Barbecue to be held Saturday, May 20, 2000 from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The plans are to barbecue Burgers, Brats, Dogs & Clucker. Condiments, soda, & salad (probably potato and slaw) will also be provided. I am scaling the victuals to provide sustenance for 150 at present. As we get better event registration information, we will tune the supplies and volunteer force to meet the requirements. Questions and/or comments should be directed to me, at 867-0030 evenings or 665-1529 (in Los Alamos) days. Other event information - As many of you know, CORSA has approved the purchase of a self standing, "weather protected" shippable display that will have appropriate CORSA and CPF information and pictures for large events where it would be advantageous. I have requested the display for our event, and am waiting for status. I will keep you posted. ===== Subject: Re: TAIL LIGHT GHOST (VV) Yo, editors, this is one for the beginner's guide... A couple weeks ago I was doing an oil change, lube job, and quick function check prior to entering a TSD rally with my wife's '65 Monza. Turn signals and tail lights were okay but the right side brake light was out. This could not be a bulb or socket problem because the right rear brake wire and filament are the same as the turn signal -- which was working. Thus the problem must be upstream. However, the brake light circuit and stop switch must be working because the left side brake lamp lights up just fine. So what is in between? The turn signal assembly. The turn signal assembly can be thought of as a pair of double pole, double throw switches, one for left and one for right, with the front turn signal and dash lights operated from the "front" pole and the rear brake/turn lights operated off the "rear" pole. With the assembly in the off position, the front pole is not connected, but rear light pole is connected to the brake light circuit. When the turn signal assembly is flipped to the right or left, the front pole of the switch on that side makes contact with the turn flasher circuit, while at the same time the rear pole breaks contact with the brake circuit and makes contact with the turn circuit. Put another way, electricity from the brake light switch flows to the turn signal assembly and is there connected to each rear light through the "off" poles of the turn switches. When a turn signal is activated, the brake circuit on that side is interrupted and connected instead to the turn circuit. Unfortunately this is harder to describe than it is to draw or visualize. What was wrong with my wife's car was that electricity from the brake circuit was not passing through the "off" contact of the right turn switch. This meant I needed to get at the switch to see why this contact was broken. The steering wheel needs to be removed to get at the turn signal assembly. Mark the location of the steering wheel with respect to the shaft and be sure to disconnect the battery before proceeding. Refer to the shop manual for instructions concerning the particular year of the car. Remove the turn signal stalk. [The following instructions apply to the 1965-66 standard steering column] The turn assembly is attached to the column trim shell with three screws and is retained by a split plastic sleeve on the steering shaft. Remove the screws and use a small screwdriver to spread the sleeve enough to slide it off. If the switch is not obviously broken, it can be partially disassembled in the car, but you need room to work. The assembly can be slid up past the end of the steering shaft by gently feeding and working the wires up the plastic conduit that runs along the bottom of the steering column. Do not pull hard on the turn assembly; it is made of plastic which, after 35 years, has likely become very brittle. On the back side of the turn assembly there is a washer head screw which retains the "C" shaped canceling arm. Remove the screw and gently pull the canceling arm straight out from the assembly. This may take some careful effort because the 35 year old white grease lubricating these parts is probably now the consistency of glazing putty or worse. The turn switches are nothing more than a set of molded in brass studs connected to the wires leaving the back of the assembly, and two mirror image pairs of bronze spring contacts. Look at the canceling arm and note that there is a diamond shaped post the pushes against one or the other U-shaped contact, lifting it from the brake circuit post and pressing it against the second spring contact and the front turn contact post. The turn signal circuit is fed through the second spring contact. Check to make sure all of the posts and spring contacts are clean. I found a bit of dirt (it looked like a bit of dried grease) had gotten between the brake circuit post and the U-shaped spring, causing it to burn and oxidize a bit. I carefully removed the U-shaped spring with a needle nose pliers and cleaned it up with a bit of 600 grit SiC paper. I then used a small, folded bit of SiC paper to clean the post. After reinstalling the U-shaped spring, I temporarily reconnected the battery and tested continuity of the brakes and the operation of the switch by pressing each U-shaped contact with a screwdriver. Satisfied it was working properly, I scraped and rubbed off as much old grease as I could, then put a dab of Sil-Glyde silicone based grease on the canceling arm post and on the two detent pawls. Remember to disconnect the battery before reassembly. Reassembly was the reverse of disassembly except that I stopped prior to refitting the steering wheel and briefly connected the battery to confirm operation of the brakes and turn signals. I also gave the center bearing a small shot of lube with a grease needle and placed a dab of Sil-Glyde on the canceling cam. Now both brake lights light and the turn signal assembly operates smoothly and silently. % Dale & Marilynn Dewald Hancock (UP) MI % dkdewald @ % % % 65 Corsa 140/4 - down for transaxle repairs % 65 Monza 110/4 - wife's summer car % 64 Greenbrier 110/4 - decent daily driver % 65 500 4DR 110/PG - restoration in progress % ****************************** This message was sent by the Corvair list, all copyrights are the property of the writer, please attribute properly. To unsubscribe, mailto:majordomo @ with "unsubscribe virtualvairs" (without the quotes) as the first line of the message. To post, mailto:virtualvairs @ For help, mailto:vv-help @ ****************************** ==end==