This page contains material from the February 2005 newsletter.

Updated 30-Jan-2007 =-= Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico. Volume 31 - Number 2 - February 2005 - Issue #353 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 2 February 2005 at 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet, Lomas & University THIS MONTH: Dues Due Membership Chair January Meeting Notes Sally Johnson January Board Meeting David Huntoon President's Letter David Huntoon Sunshine Committee Report Heula Pittman Calendar of Coming Events Everybody Anniversary Dinner Plans Heula Pittman Tri-State 2005 in Ouray Steve Goodman For Sale, Wanted or Free Everybody Saving the Convertibles Robert Gold Tech: Heater Motor Fans Steve Goodman Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman Where do you Live? Wendell Walker Ike Meissner Award Nominating Committee COVER: Speedometer Cable just before breaking The Save-a-Convertible Crew after the Expedition "It's is not, it isn't ain't, and it's it's, not its, if you mean it is. If you don't, it's its. Then too, it's hers. It isn't her's. It isn't our's either. It's ours, and likewise yours and theirs." -- Oxford University Press, Edpress News Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: EXPIRED: John Stichman 2004-Oct John Topp 2004-Oct John Dinsdale 2005-Feb Carl Johnson 2005-Feb Mike Stickler 2005-Feb THIS MONTH: Doug Gadomski 2005-Mar Mike Hacker 2005-Mar Geoffrey Johnson 2005-Mar COMING DUE SOON: Ruth Boydston 2005-Apr Terry Price 2005-Apr Jerry Goffe 2005-May Hurley Wilvert 2005-May Gordon Johnson 2005-Jun Mary Lou Martinek 2005-Jun Mark Morgan 2005-Jun If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! =CNM= JANUARY MEETING NOTES Sally Johnson THE MINUTES: stuff happened at the meeting. New business was brought up. Old business was discussed. Not much was memorable. So what was discussed? Breakfast this month is at Milly's on Jefferson on the 22nd. We discussed the treasury. Money about the same. Then we discussed events, past, present and future. The big deal here was setting up the trip to Bosque del Apache. I didn't write down the details cause, well, the trip is on the 5th, the week before my wedding so I really wasn't paying attention. But what I do remember is that the group is meeting at 1:00 pm at the refuge and then they are going to get in a van with Jerry and Mark, who are going to lead them around the refuge. There was some discussion of possibly doing lunch before, but I don't think there was ever any agreement. We discussed other possible club events and discussed the anniversary dinner. We decided that we were going to have it at a restaurant, instead of a progressive dinner. Other event possibilities were discussed. None has a time or date set. Then we adjourned and went outside to look at cars and go home. The end. These minutes should be reason #329 why Sally should not take the notes at the meeting. - Sally =CNM= JANUARY BOARD MEETING NOTES David Huntoon THE BOARD MEETING began on 1/19/05 at 5:15 pm at Steve's House of Covers. Much of the meeting discussion centered on the upcoming Ike Meissner Award and presentation. I will provide award nomination forms at the next club meeting and for those not at the meeting, the form will be in this newsletter. Sylvan has volunteered to present the award at the dinner. The dinner site was discussed and we are favoring Papa Felipe's on Menaul. Heula Pittman will check on the site for 6 pm on March 26. We had a report of the Sunshine Committee efforts during the past year. This included the number of birthday cards sent, 52, and meals provided. We all agreed the Sunshine Committee has done a fine job for our members. Sally was planning on showing some Corvair videos at the next club meeting. Robert Gold is looking into a presentation from the city on the new Albuquerque Rapid Ride system and their equipment and infrastructure. The Sonic car show on Juan Tabo is still in the works for late April. The club's participation with the Car Council picnic in the fall will be explored by Robert at the next Car Council meeting. New business about the location for the 2006 Tri-State was discussed. It is our turn to host the Tri-State in 2006 and sites such as Taos, Chama, Red River and Angel Fire were mentioned. Chama offers some unique possibilities and Sally will begin the investigation of the Chama site. Jim had some concerns about the delivery of the newsletter. It seems some are being damaged in the mail and some even returned by the post office after being well and truly beat up. We are looking for solutions that will not add any further complexity or cost. Ideas appreciated. The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm. -- Dave Huntoon =CNM= PRESIDENT'S LETTER Dave Huntoon Hope everyone is enjoying the new year. Certainly the weather has been quite good allowing me to truly do important things. For me that means working on my golf game and getting used to my new driver that was a Christmas present. So far, so good. Really feel badly for all that must work 10 or 12 hours a day. What a bummer........ I would like to encourage all to think about nominations for the Ike Meissner award. Forms will be in the newsletter and I will distribute some at the next meeting also. Think about it now, fill out the form at the meeting and turn it in. If anyone has an interesting idea for the location of the 2006 Tri-State, let us know as we will begin planning for that event soon. My latest project is getting Del's "the Hulk" running once more. We succeeded and he can expound on that if you ask him nicely. Other than that, my interest lately has been with a race driver, George Huntoon. Driving in the 40s, 50s and 60s. Mostly on the east coast. I had heard of him, but not much was known by me. What I find most interesting is that he drove for Briggs Cunningham in 1951 at LeMans. This was the first outing of the Cunningham C2 with a Chrysler hemi V8. He shared a car with Briggs on a three-car team. The second team car was driven by John Fitch and Phil Walters. Mr. Walters raced under the name "Ted Tappett" and was somewhat famous in the racing community. I have decided to resurrect, because of the long ago racing connection, the Tappett name. "Ted Tappett" has been done and belongs forever to Mr. Walters, so I will chose "Tommy Tappett" as a pseudonym in conjunction with my automotive endeavors. Since Del is a nearly official member of my family, he has chosen "Johnny Tappett" as his alter ego. All part of the modern Tappett Racing Team. Just call me Tommy.......... -- Dave aka Tommy Tappett =CNM= SUNSHINE COMMITTEE The Sunshine Committee says: Happy Birthday to ......... Wendell Walker - February 9. Happy Birthday to ...... Dana Schlessinger - February 12. Happy Anniversary to ............ Rita and Steve Gongora. Heula Pittman - Elizabeth Domzalski - Anne Mae Gold - Kim Patten - Wendell Walker - Brenda Stickler =CNM= SUNSHINE COMMITTEE REPORT Heula Pittman January 16, 2005 -- Sunday at high noon was our designated meeting time at Wendell Walker's house in Rio Rancho. Wendy has been a vital part of our group from the start. He has designed and printed our get well and birthday cards for the past year. We are now working on a new design for this year's cards. After we ate a light lunch and visited together for a while, we conducted our meeting. All members were present, including Brenda Stickler, who joined our group this month. We reported on the different things we had done over the past year. We prepared and delivered five meals to members and their families as they recuperated from illness. Two flower arrangements were delivered to two members after their surgeries. We mailed fifty-two Birthday cards to Club members, twelve Get Well cards and six Sympathy cards. In September we set up and organized the Appreciation/Going Away party for Mark and Mary Lou Martinek. Since we have so few children in the Club at this time, we decided to include them in our birthday card list. The Committee discussed the possibility of setting up a new feature in the Newsletter called "Love Notes." This would give Members a chance to write a few words in a "Personal Notices Column" which might include special words for a special anniversary, birthday, new Corvairs for gifts, or other Love Notes. (You might want to congratulate that special someone on reaching the "Big Five-Oh" or "Six-Oh" or....) Some may want to use this feature to convey special thanks for "Jobs Well Done" within the Club. We decided to start this immediately. Send us your notes right away! We ask any member who contributes to this column to PLEASE keep it short since there may be a problem with newsletter space availability. The Board gave the Committee a check for $200 last year for Committee expenses. At the present time, we have $177.80 in our treasury. So far we have only spent money for postage stamps. However, we will need to buy more stamps soon. Wendell has made purchases for envelopes and "card stock" quality paper and ink cartridges for our cards. These funds have come out of the general treasury. We would like to remind Members of the Club to notify any member of the Sunshine Committee whenever you know of a special need within our Club. Elizabeth Domzalski, Anne Mae Gold, Kim Patten, Wendell Walker, Brenda Stickler, and Heula Pittman -- 275-2195 =CNM= ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | February | March | April | | | | | | : : 1 2 3 4 5 | : : 1 2 3 4 5 | : : : : : 1 2 | | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | | 27 28 : : : : : | 27 28 29 30 31 : : | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | | | | | ============================================================================ Wed 2 Feb 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 2 Feb ....... Deadline for nominations for the 2005 IKE MEISSNER AWARD Sat 5 Feb 6:00 AM depending . Bosque del Apache tour .. contact: Jerry Goffe Sat 5 Feb 1:00 PM depending . Bosque del Apache tour .. contact: Jerry Goffe Wed 16 Feb 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Wed 18 Feb 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 19 Feb 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - Kokopelli's in Sandia Park on North 14 Sat 19 Feb 10:30 AM Car Project at Ray Trujillo's place. H:839-7436 W:266-4011 Wed 2 Mar 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 5 Mar 9:00 AM Route 66 Clean-Up - Oliver Scheflow Sat 12 Mar 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - Ruth Boydston's Wed 16 Mar 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Sat 19 Mar 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Sat 19 Mar 10:30 AM Car Project at Ray Trujillo's place. H:839-7436 W:266-4011 Fri 25 Mar 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 26 Mar 6:00 PM CNM Birthday Party - IKE MEISSNER AWARD Papa Felipe's Mexican Restaurant - 9800 Menaul NE (just east of Eubank) - Sunshine Committee ... Apr ....... Dealers' Show - Convention Center - TBA Wed 6 Apr 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 6 Apr ....... Deadline for nominations for the 2005 BOYDSTON AWARD Wed 20 Apr 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 22 Apr 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 23 Apr 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Sat 23 Apr 10:30 AM Car Project at Ray Trujillo's place. H:839-7436 W:266-4011 ... May ....... Isotopes Ball Game - more later. Fri-Sun 20-22 May Tri-State Meet - Ouray, Colorado - Rocky Mountain CORSA Sat 21 May ....... Tri-State Banquet and Francis Boydston Award - Ouray, CO Jun 27 - Jul 01 Cedar Rapids, Iowa - mini-convention - more later. Jul 25 - Jul 30 CORSA International Convention - Portland, Oregon =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= CNM Ladies Update - Anne Mae Gold Dear CNM Ladies, We are no longer meeting on a monthly basis. We are however still trying to get together 3-4 times a year. The next scheduled meeting will be in March. Remember that we meet the second Saturday of the month, so that will be March 9 from 1-4 pm. If you need directions, address or a ride to Ruth Boydston's please call me at 268-6878. Thanks! Anne Mae =CNM= Anniversary Dinner - March 26, 2005 Sunshine Committee - Heula Pittman Our 31st CNM Anniversary Banquet/Awards Dinner will be held this year on Saturday March 26th at Papa Felipe's Restaurant at 9800 Menaul NE at 6:00 PM. This is the night the Ike Meissner award will be presented. Check for the recipient application form which can be found on the back of this issue of the Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter. Fill it out and vote for the member you feel is a worthy candidate, then turn the form in at the February meeting. The Sunshine Committee will consult on the restaurantŐs menu choices and have that information available at the February meeting. Mark your calendars for this special date. We hope to have a good turnout. -- Heula =CNM= From: Steve Goodman (rearengine DOT steve AT worldnet DOT att DOT net) Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:36 AM Subject: RE: Tri-state motel info Hello all: Below is the info for the motels in Ouray. The dates for the TRI-STATE are: May 20-22. HOST MOTEL: Victorian Inn 1.800.846.8729 $75.00/double per night Across the street: Box Canyon 1.800.327.5080 $75.00/double per night Each motel is saving 25 rooms. There are a couple more motels in the area just in case. All will be the same price. Obviously, mention "CORVAIR" when calling. Don't delay in making your reservation, a number of Salt Lake City folks are planning on attending also so the rooms should fill up quickly. Email Steve if you need more info: rearengine.steve AT worldnet DOT att DOT net See you all there. Regards, Steve =CNM= * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE: 1964 Corvair 4-door sedan. Needs windshield, tires, paint. Red with red interior. Engine starts, but smokes (blow-by?) and needs overhaul. Has title and was last registered in 1978. The car is in Bernalillo. Call Anthony Salas, 505-867-0883 FREE PARTS CARS: Geoff Johnson 720-1484 Pictures available, email FREE: 1963 Corvair Convertible. Mostly disassembled. Has a fair amount of rust, floor boards are good, has no body sag, it could be saved. 80hp 4speed. Powertrain is in place. Has title. FREE: 1964 Corvair Monza Coupe. Fairly straight body with little rust. Has all windows. PG, has early crankcase in place, needs new engine. No title. FOR SALE: 1967 Monza 4-door sedan, low miles, factory air, 110-HP, automatic. Call me and let's talk. Chuck Vertrees - 299-0744 FOR SALE: 1962 Wagon 700 -- Terry Price 872-0100 1967 Monza 2-door coupe, 110-HP, automatic. Great interior, good condition. -- Terry Price 872-0100 FOR SALE: 1960 Monza. Older restoration. $3000.00 LeRoy Rogers at 505-294-0623, E-Mail FOR SALE: 1962 4 door Monza. 20,000 original miles. In excellent original (unrestored) condition. Bought new in Albuquerque. I am second owner. Original sales information goes with the car. $3000.00 LeRoy Rogers at 505-294-0623, E-Mail FOR SALE: 1965 Corsa convertible. It is an average driver. A new top, top pads, roof rails, and top of windshield rubber goes with the car. They are not installed. $3000.00 LeRoy Rogers at 505-294-0623, E-Mail * * * * * * CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS * * * * =CNM= SAVING THE CONVERTIBLES... Robert Gold I WAS TALKING to Geoff Johnson the other day and he made an observation that made a lot of sense to me. Having a Corvair is sort of like having a cat. After you have one for a while and you take a liking to it, you start to get the urge to save all the cats/Corvairs you can find. I know first hand about this since I have many of both. I know I'm not the only one with this affliction every time I go over to Joel Nash's storage lot and see all those relics sitting there ready to be restored to their past glory. Keeping this in mind I want to relate the latest Corvair rescue effort by a hard working group of CNM members. Geoff Johnson had expressed to me several months ago his dream to find and restore an early model convertible. He lamented the lack of rust-free bodies and he showed me the one convertible he had managed to locate in Oklahoma. To say it was a rust bucket would be an insult to rust buckets - this car was a piece of trash, and to Geoff's credit he had done little to bring it back to life. What to do? The solution was to find Geoff's dream car and that is just what the CNM'ers did. Based on a tip by my brother in St. Louis I looked at some recent Albuquerque Journal want ads that listed two early convertibles for sale in the east mountains. Alan had stumbled on the ad while surfing the web. Geoff called the number and up turned two supposedly rust-free builders, plus parts, plus three engines for less than $500. I don't know who was more excited, Geoff or me, but I anted up the cash and the cars were ours. The question was what to do to get them to Albuquerque. That is when the CNM network got into gear. LARRY BLAIR called me when he heard from the seller that I had bought the cars. In no time he committed to moving the cars and helping with the restoration. In no time Mark Domzalski had offered his state-of-the-art trailer and Del Patten and Prez Dave Huntoon were on board for the transfer operation. January 15 was the date selected for the transfer. In an operation worthy of the military man Larry Blair was, he arrived with his truck pulling Mark's trailer at the Smith's parking lot at 9:00 am sharp. Off Sally and Geoff Johnson, Larry, and I drove to Tijeras to meet Del and Dave. We drove the 6.2 miles down south 14 to Chris Crawford's house and work began on the transfer. However, as is usual with Corvair folks like us, we had to take time to marvel at Chris's 1966 Corsa convertible project car. If you ever see a young guy driving a marvelous bright orange Corsa that will be Chris. I think his car would give Jake Schlessinger's convertible a run for its money. Well, back to the convertible transfer. PICTURE THIS -- one trailer, two convertibles and the need to transport these beauties to the north valley to Geoff's Mom's house. I figured the sun would be setting before we were done... nope.. by 2:00 pm I was back home and the cars were in their new home. We are the few, the proud, the CNM. I just want to thank all the folks for their efforts. One significant part of this job was that I learned that six of us can lift the back end of a Corvair with not much effort-- if you want to know more you'll need to ask me personally about the particulars. I also want to thank Chris Crawford for his help. Imagine this... the guy selling the cars helped push them around with us. Chris is one nice guy. IN ADDITION TO my contribution of muscle to the effort I took along my camera to record the events. Hopefully Jim Pittman felt a picture or two is worthy of inclusion in this newsletter. If so you'll get to share in the joy of our efforts. I ended the day content in the knowledge that two cats.... err... two Corvairs had been saved from oblivion and would someday soon be racing down the streets of Albuquerque. I forgot to mention that Sally Johnson will now get a chance to have a convertible for her very own. She won't have to covet my 1964 anymore... All I can say is this has happened thanks to the generous members of the best Corvair club around. -- Robert Gold =CNM= NEW YEARS DAY DRIVES by Steve Goodman Denvair News - Rocky Mountain CORSA January 2005 THE FIRST NEW YEAR of the club (1972) began with a drive into the mountains for brunch. The first several years it was a restaurant in Idaho Springs. In 1974 the weather caught us. It snowed all day on New Year's eve and New Year's Day arrived with snow and ice packed on 1-70. Only four cars made the drive that year, Leo/Bonnye Ford-Jon/Deb Ford-Speed Roberts-Ruth and I. All four of the Corvairs were red or maroon in color. RMC changed to the Alpine Inn in Georgetown and we drove there for many years until the Inn was sold and closed. After that we tried a couple of places in Georgetown and El Rancho for a couple of years, now we seem to have settled at The Other Side in Estes Park. Except for 1974 RMC has always had good attendance for the start of the year. I found pictures in the scrapbooks of 20+ Corvairs sitting at the Alpine Inn. For many years the club met at the shopping center at Alameda and Sheridan to begin the drive into the mountains. It began to be a hassle to drive in a pack on the highways, thus many started meeting at the restaurant. One of many stories about the early years of RMC, Erica Propst (still a member in 2004) crocheted a hat for Charlie, blue in color to match his car and he wore it on New Year's Day. The next year Erica presented me with a maroon colored hat (same color as my Spyder) that I still take to the New Year's Day drive. TECH TIP by Steve Goodman Denvair News - Rocky Mountain CORSA January 2005 I HAVE ALWAYS seen failures in the heater motor fan cages. The originals were metal and the center hub was pressed onto the cage itself. The common failure was to find the hub loose from the fan itself and making terrible noises. When GM introduced the plastic fans the problem didnŐt go away. I see the plastic fans with the center ripped from them also. THE REASON: Electric motors make lots of torque and typically car owners will shut the engine off and leave the heater motor switch on the "hi" speed setting. Then when the key is turned in the ignition, the fan motor is instantly trying to get to high speed. Also when the engine is fired on a cold morning, the heater motor is instantly twisting hard. THE SOLUTION: Turn the heater motor off when shutting the engine down and also turn the motor back on slowly, letting the slower speeds allow the motor to gain some rpm. -- Steve Goodman =CNM= SEVEN YEARS AGO Jim Pittman Seven Years Ago - February 1998 - Volume 24 - Number 2 The cover showed a 1966 Monza coupe that was to be raffled off at the convention in St. Louis. President Dennis ran our meeting while Chuck took notes and Wendy reported $7426 in the bank. We planned to design and order a new club banner. We discussed which flag pole to get for the Boydston cabin. Planning was already underway for the 1998 Christmas party. After our meeting Sylvan showed shifter parts, pointing out all the usual wear points and how to deal with them. Upcoming events included a tour to the AT&T Museum downtown and our Lake City, Colorado Tri-State - or was that going to be the "Lakewood" Tri-State? Dennis passed along two Virtual Vairs articles. First, Seth Emerson described sway bars and handling with respect to Corvairs and second, and Patrick (AKA gave us several ideas for Corvair brake improvements. Celebrating his twentieth anniversary as newsletter editor, Jim wrote about how the newsletter got started, how it nearly faded away and how he took it over to develop it into its present form. It has been a lot of work, but since the little guy in the back of his head does most of it, Jim has managed to stay relatively sane as we sail into our fourth decade as a club and his twenty-eighth year as editor. Fourteen Years Ago - February 1991 - Volume 17 - Number 2 A rocket-propelled Corvair on our cover? Actually it was a Corvair being tested under controlled simulated cross-wind conditions. Our bank account stood at $813. New aluminum license plates were on order and we worked on "new member" packets. President Steve Gongora outlined plans for the year's events. Other previews included: a garage tour, the Tri-State meet, a speaker on windshield repair, another on the Corvette Restoration Society, a tour to the VLA and an econo-run. Francis Boydston gave us a tech tip on removing a stuck power enrichment valve. There was also a useful tip on disposing of used motor oil. Twenty-one Years Ago - February 1984 - Volume 10 - Number 2 Not one but three Corvairs were driving through the snow on our cover. George Morin demonstrated seals and an alternator conversion for early models. Jim Pittman's analysis of the new Pontiac Fiero concluded by pointing out all the ways a Corvair is better. Once again, the bottom line was, don't spend x-thousand dollars for a new car when you can spend a third of that on restoring your old faithful Corvair. Bill Reider's tech tip told us the best way to torque Corvair heads. George Morin told us how to rebuild those old worn-out sloppy carb linkages. And a tech tip from the SAE told us not to neglect those old cracked fuel lines but to replace them before they start a fire. Twenty-eight Years Ago - February/March 1977 - Volume 3 - Number 2 This issue had an excellent article by Ike Meissner on autocrossing your Corvair and a short tip on torqueing Corvair heads by Richard Finch. We found an article in HOT AIR by C. Nicol of South Coast CORSA on Corvair clutch modification for high-performance engines. He suggested using a 1973-1976 Vega spring-center clutch disc, part number 328561. (Ike noted that this tip wouldn't work on late models unless the crank bolts are ground down 1/8 inch.) =CNM= WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Scavenged from the Internet by Wendell Walker You live in Arizona when... 1. You are willing to park 3 blocks away because you found shade. 2. You can open and drive your car without touching the car door or the steering wheel. 3. You've experienced condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl. 4. You would give anything to be able to splash cold water on your face. 5. You can attend any function wearing shorts and a tank top. 6. "Dress Code" is meaningless at high schools and universities. Picture lingerie ads. 7. You can drive for 4 hours in one direction and never leave town. 8. You have over 100 recipes for Mexican food. 9. The 4 seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot, and ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! 10. You know that "dry heat" is comparable to what hits you in the face when you open your oven door. You Live in California when... 1. You make over $250,000 and you still can't afford to buy a house. 2. The high school quarterback calls a time out to answer his cell phone. 3. The fastest part of your commute is going down your driveway. 4. You know how to eat an artichoke. 5. You drive your rented Mercedes to your neighborhood block party. 6. When someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will take to get there rather than how many miles away it is. You Live in New York City when... 1. You say "the city" and expect everyone to know you mean Manhattan. 2. You have never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building. 3. You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus Circle to Battery Park, but can't find Wisconsin on a map. 4. You think Central Park is "nature," 5. You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual. 6. You've worn out a car horn. 7. You think eye contact is an act of aggression. You Live in Maine when... 1. You only have four spices: salt, pepper, ketchup, and Tabasco. 2. Halloween costumes fit over parkas. 3. You have more than one recipe for moose. 4. Sexy lingerie is anything flannel with less than eight buttons. 5. The four seasons are: winter, still winter, almost winter, and construction. You Live in the South when... 1. You can rent a movie and buy bait in the same store. 2."Ya'll" is singular and "All ya'll" is plural. 3. After five years you still hear, "You ain't from 'round here, are ya?" 4. "He needed killin' " is a valid defense. 5. Everyone has 2 first names: Billy Bob, Jim Bob, Mary Sue, Betty Jean, Mary Beth, etc. You live in Colorado when... 1. You carry your $3,000 mountain bike atop your $500 car. 2. You tell your husband to pick up Granola on his way home and he stops at the day care center 3. A pass does not involve a football or dating. 4. The top of your head is bald, but you still have a ponytail. You live in the Midwest when... 1. You've never met any celebrities, but the mayor knows your name. 2. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor. 3. You have had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" on the same day. 4. You end sentences with a preposition: "Where's my coat at?" 5. When asked how your trip was to any exotic place, you say, "It was different!" You live in Florida when... 1. You eat dinner at 3:15 in the afternoon. 2. All purchases include a coupon of some kind -- even houses and cars. 3. Everyone can recommend an excellent dermatologist. 4. Road construction never ends anywhere in the state. 5. Cars in front of you are often driven by headless people. Wendy Walker 301 Utah Meadow NE Rio Rancho, NM 87124-4360 defarge505 AT aol DOT com =CNM= IKE MEISSNER AWARD Description The Ike Meissner Award is presented annually to a Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) member, in good standing who best exemplifies a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship, in the Corvair realm, with other CNM members and other Corvair enthusiasts. To commemorate the occasion, the recipient shall be awarded a plaque suitable for prominent display. The award shall read: YEAR Corvairs of New Mexico IKE MEISSNER AWARD AWARD RECIPIENT NAME The selection committee for the awards shall be comprised of three CNM members appointed by the CNM President, within two months of the last presentation, who will work with and report to the CNM Vice-President. It is recommended that at least two of the three members be immediate past award recipients. It is preferable for the last three immediate recipients to serve on the selection committee. The CNM Vice-President shall achieve approval of the award by concurrence with a quorum of the officers of CNM. (i.e., Three of the four CNM officers must concur to approve the award.) Guidelines for consideration for the Ike Meissner Award, in order of priority, shall be: 1. Attend meetings and plan, coordinate or organize CNM activities or events 2. Share Corvair knowledge, contribute technical information and tips to the CNM newsletter or other CORSA publications. 3. Encourage owners to preserve, maintain and share in the lore of the Corvair. 4. Serve in CNM as a committee person, chair, director and/or officer. 5. Attend an official CORSA event and/or serve with CORSA in an officially recognized capacity. 6. Recruit at least one new member. The presentation of the Ike Meissner Award shall be made at the annual CNM Anniversary Banquet or at a time and place designated by the CNM President. The presentation shall be made by the CNM Vice President or an alternate designated by the CNM President. The content of the oral award presentation shall be scripted in advance and have achieved concurrence of the Ike Meissner Award Committee and the CNM Vice President or an alternate designated by the CNM President. The oral award presentation and engraved plaque shall be prepared no later than one week prior to the annual CNM Anniversary Banquet or the otherwise designated time and place. IKE MEISSNER AWARD Nomination The Ike Meissner Award is presented annually to a Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) member, in good standing who best exemplifies a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship, in the Corvair realm, with other CNM members and other Corvair enthusiasts. This form is confidential. To avoid disappointment, do not divulge to or otherwise advise the nominee of this action. This form shall be submitted to the CNM Vice President or an alternate appointed and designated by the CNM President. This form will be distributed in the January issue of the Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter and at the January Membership Meeting. The DEADLINE for submission of this completed nomination form shall be NO LATER THAN adjournment of the February Membership Meeting or as otherwise designated by the CNM President. Any exceptions to this deadline shall be made by agreement between the CNM Vice President or the appointed alternate and the CNM President. To the Ike Meissner Award Committee: It is a pleasure to submit the following Corvairs of New Mexico member to be considered for the Ike Meissner Award. Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________ City, State and Zip:____________________________________________________________ Has been a CNM member since:___________ Has been a CORSA member since:__________ Has served as a CNM official, chair or leader: Y _ N _ Approximate years:_______ Has promoted the Corvair and Corvair hobby: Y _ N _ Has helped other people: Y _ N _ Briefly describe the merits of this member and nomination:______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Date of this nomination:_____________________________ Author of this nomination:___________________________ =end=