This page contains material from the April 2007 newsletter

Updated 26-Mar-2007 =-= Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 4 April 2007 at 7:00 PM Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due Sylvan "Zephyr" Zuercher March Meeting Minutes Charles "Chuckles" Vertrees March Board Meeting Heula "Flowerpower" Pittman Mechanically Un-inclined Ray "Mistral" Trujillo Birthdays and Anniversaries Sunshine "Greetings" Committee Holy Cow Dave "Typhoon" Huntoon For Sale, Wanted or For Trade Members and Friends Calendar of Coming Events CNM Bored of Directors Calendar Article for March Brenda "Chairperson" Stickler Car Council Report Robert "Hurricane" Gold Old Royte 66 Cleanup Ollie "Nissan" Scheflow Clark's Catalog Order Bill "Chicago" Reider T-Shirts for Tri-State Debbie "Pikes Pres" Pleau Tri-State 2007 Steve "Rearengine" Goodman Road test: Ford GT: A Fable "Breezy" Pittman & "Windy" Walker Seven, 14, 21, 28 Years Ago Club "Remember This" Historian COVER: Will "Windy" Walker finally gets his chance to drive a Ford GT? PRESIDENT: Ray Trujillo 839-7436 ray @ VICE-PRES: John Wiker 899-3076 wiker @ SECRETARY: Charles Vertrees 299-0744 vertrees @ TREASURER: Wendell Walker 892-8471 defarge505 @ MEMBERSHIP: David Huntoon 281-9616 corvair66 @ NEWSLETTER: Jim Pittman 275-2195 jimp @ PROPERTIES: Ruth Boydston 821-1506 CAR COUNCIL: Robert Gold 268-6878 beisbol30 @ DUES: CNM: 12 months $15.00 or 26 months $ 30.00 CORSA: 12 months $38.00 or 26 months $ 76.00 BOTH: 12 months $53.00 or 26 months $106.00 CORSA's home page: CNM's newsletters: CNM's home page: MEMBERSHIP DUES: EXPIRED, TO BECOME INACTIVE ON 25-MAR-2007: Carl Johnson 2007-Feb Clay Keen 2007-Feb EXPIRED, TO BECOME INACTIVE ON 25-APR-2007: Clint Collins 2007-Mar Geoffrey Johnson 2007-Mar DUE THIS MONTH: Jerry Chapman 2007-Apr John Dinsdale 2007-Apr Bill Hector 2007-Apr COMING DUE NEXT MONTH: Mike Hacker 2007-May COMING DUE SOON: Ruth Boydston 2007-Jun Terry Price 2007-Jun EXPIRED, NOW INACTIVE: Fred Edeskuty 2006-Feb Robert Moore 2006-Jun Lee Olsen 2006-Sep Dwight Simmons 2006-Sep Sally Williams 2006-Sep Joe Ashton 2006-Nov If your membership is due or has expired, please send your Dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. Note that the Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, provided that you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! PHOTO CAPTIONS: Wendell "Windy" Walker is a great admirer of the Ford GT, a high-performance Grand Touring car based on the original GT-40 that won the Le Mans race three years in a row in the middle 1960s. You can read the amazing story of the great Ford GT / Yenko Stinger competition on page 10 of this issue. Enhanced Convairs Newsledger is published mainly by Corsairs of New Mexico, a charming chapter of CORSA, the Corvair Sons of America. Contents are copyrighted in the names of the Authors and CNM except on April First when anything goes. Articles may be reprinted in nearly any CORSA publication as a service to most CORSA members provided significant credit or payback to the Author and this Newsletter are clearly provided. All opinions belong to the Author and may not reflect endorsement by CNM or CORSA except on April First. Submissions may reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material as ASCII TEXT via e-mail (jimp @ or in ASCII TEXT format on Apple II, Mac or Windows disk, or submit a readable manuscript. I don't like MS Word documents (they are ten times too big) but never mind, I can read them. The same for RTF files. So, send what you want, I'll read it! Photographs (digital JPGs) are welcome too! This newsletter was produced in a Microsoft-free environment using a 1989 Apple IIgs with GS/OS 6.0.1, a 2003 Macintosh G4 PowerBook with OS-X and a 2003 iMac with OS-X. Software includes Bernie To The Rescue 2.6, Addressed For Success, ShadowWrite 1.3.4, Platinum Paint 2.0, Pointless and Harmonie for the Apple IIgs and AppleWorks 6, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter 5.8, BBEdit 8 and InDesign CS 3 on the Macs, but you really don't care about that, do you? Printing is via HP LaserJet IIp and Apple LaserWriter Pro 630. Ask for more technical details if you are really care, but only on April First. Transportation provided by Albuquerque SunTran, 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata and 2003 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. =CNM= MARCH MEETING NOTES Chuck Vertrees The Meeting was called to order at The Highland Senior Center at 19:05 on 3/7/07. All officers were present and there were 25 members. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $573.87 in the checking account and $2,547.36 in the GMAC account for a total worth of $3,121.23. There were no new members or guests to introduce. Cary Hubbard reported on the February 28th Car Council meeting. The Car Council now has a web site up and running. It is and Robert reports that it works fine. The council also has an answering machine but no dedicated line as yet. The May Museum Car Show was discussed and also the fall swap meet. The All Club's Picnic will be August 5th at Villanueva State Park. Cary passed out flyers on two car shows, "Park in the Park" Car Show on Saturday April 28th in Rio Rancho and "Spring Cruise & Smoose" on Sunday April 29th at the Sonic Drive In at 5000 San Mateo NE. Anyone interested can get a copy from me at the April meeting. I also have a list of 21 more shows in the state from the Car Council. Or, check their web page. There was no report from the Sunshine Committee or from the newsletter editor. Bill Reider is ordering the 2007-2012 Clark's catalogues and hopes they will be at the April meeting. Members who want to submit pictures for the 2008 calendar can start submitting them at any time until late summer. Then the members will pick the ones for the calendar. Upcoming events include the Spring Thaw Open House at Bob Agnew's garage, WorldWide Automotive, on Saturday April 14. This has been discussed in an earlier newsletter and is really worth attending. April 21st is a TUNA Saturday at Business Printing Service (4316 Silver SE) and will feature Carburetor tune-up. Events mentioned in the Car Council report are, Rio Rancho show at Haynes Park, Saturday April 28 and Sonic Drive-in on San Mateo on Sunday April 29. There was a good turnout for the garage tours at Jay Hertz's and at Cary Hubbard's. Thank to Bill Reider for arranging the tour. Also there was a great turnout at the TUNA Saturday at Cary's place. There were four projects to work on: two differentials, a shorted out backup switch and a bad flasher. Thanks to the members who came to teach and learn, and thanks to Cary for the use of his garage. Mark and Elizabeth Domzalski have officially moved to Washington DC for a few years. We will miss them. We have an address and a telephone number. The meeting was adjourned at 20:10. -- Chuck =CNM= MARCH CNM BOARD MEETING MINUTES Heula Pittman President Ray Trujillo called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM. There were five members present: Ray Trujillo, John Wiker, Wendell Walker and Jim & Heula Pittman. Chuck Vertrees was under the weather and not present. Ray reported that there had been no check from Galles Chevrolet for our newsletter postage and that he would follow up on this again soon. Vice President John reminded everyone that the deadline for nominations for the Boydston Award is by the end of the April 4th membership meeting. He also stated that he had received one nomination from a member of the Pikes Peak Club. He asked about the committee for the Boydston Award. The previous three winners are Ben Benzel, Wendell Walker and LeRoy Rogers who are to serve as this year's committee. Perhaps we should contact them soon. John also told us that the date of our next breakfast is Saturday, April 21 at 8:30 AM and will be held at Jimmy's Cafe at 7007 Jefferson NE. (There is a CNM TUNA scheduled that day at Ray's place at 11:00 AM.) We decided not to schedule a breakfast in May because of the Old Route 66 cleanup. Instead, we will have a brunch gathering immediately following the cleanup at the Golden Corral on Central NE, just east of Eubank. Jim reported that there was a good turnout of members for the March Old Route 66 cleanup. After the pick up was completed, some of the members went to the Golden Corral on Central at Eubank for brunch. The cleanups are held four times a year in March, May, August and October. More on that elsewhere. Treasurer Wendell reported that as of April 21, 2007, we had $623.87 in the CNM account and $2,558.78 in the GMAC account. This gives us a total of $3,182.65. There were some comments on how our GMAC account is doing with the current fluctuations in the stock market. The consensus was, not to worry. Heula read a post card from Dale Wilshire of Rocky Mountain CORSA inviting us to join them at their next meeting in honoring Steve and Ruth Goodman. This meeting will be held on April 6th in Denver, Colorado. Robert was not present to give us a car council report this month, but Jim said he got an article from Robert via e-mail and it was on the web page and would be in the newsletter. Our editor noted that Friday, March 24, is the deadline for newsletter contributions. He also told us that he had sent Tarmo's recent article to CORSA for possible publication in the Commuinque. Jim also mentioned that he hopes to clean up back issues of the newsletter to add to his web page. This will be a time consuming job but, since he will be retiring soon, he might be able to accomplish this. Ray reminded us that the next TUNA is scheduled for Saturday, April 21 at 11:00 AM. It will be held at his and Sylvia's place of business, Business Printing Services, 4316 Silver SE. This will be a carburetor tune-up session. He hopes to have at least two members present who are knowledgeable about this procedure as well as many others in attendance who want to learn. This will be a good opportunity to make your Corvair run better for the spring and summer! Come and learn how to use a Uni-Syn - whatever that is. The Rio Rancho car show is scheduled for Saturday April 28th at Haynes Park on NM 528, across from Intel. The cost is $25 per car. The Old Car Club of Albuquerque has its car show scheduled for April 29th at the Sonic Drive-in at 5000 San Mateo NE. Entry will be free and dash plaques will be go to the first 50 cars entered. The show runs from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. No trophies or awards will be given. We were reminded that the dates for the Tri-State Meet are May 18-20 in Monte Vista, Colorado. Debbie Pleau e-mailed a photo of the T-shirts. Orders can be made for them at the next membership meeting. Ray reminded us that the annual Albuquerque Museum/Car Council car show will be Sunday, May 20th. We hope that all CNM members who won't be going to the Tri-State will represent us at the Museum Show. Our thirty-third anniversary dinner on March 10th was well attended with 37 adults and two children. There was some discussion about possibly scouting out other restaurant options for next year's celebration. Papa Felipe's food is excellent and the personnel are easy to work with, but their banquet room is awfully noisy. There will be more discussion about this later. The Club cleared about $50, including the money collected for raffle tickets. We especially appreciate the lovely quilt Ruth Boydston made and donated as a door prize. We know that many hours of love and dedication were put into this creation of hers. Many thanks go to everyone who donated door prizes. A special thanks to Anne Mae and Sara Gold who distributed the door prizes. The words "funny" and "hilarious" come to mind and we all enjoyed their efforts. The meeting was adjourned at 6:08 PM. =CNM= MECHANICALLY UN-INCLINED Ray Trujillo HELLO EVERYONE! The spring season has finally arrived and that means it's time to get ready for the start of many car shows, the annual Tri-State Meet, and a couple of Tuna Saturdays. But before I get into those activities let me recap last month's happenings. On March 10th CNM held its anniversary dinner at Papa Felipe's restaurant and we had a great turnout, I'd say around forty people attended. It was a very nice evening, we all visited with each other and everyone had a good time. We had lots of door prizes to give away and thank you to all who donated items as they were greatly appreciated. Believe me, an evening with door prizes always adds a special touch to an already fun time. Thanks to Anne Mae Gold for doing such a great job of calling the winning numbers with such great enthusiasm. If you were there you know what I mean. It was my pleasure and honor to present certificates of appreciation to two of CNM's greatly valued members. First, Wendell Walker was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for his ten years of service as our Treasurer. You know, that's a lot of work keeping all the financial dealings straight for our club over the years. The second Certificate of Appreciation went to Jim Pittman for his 30 years of being editor of the wonderful Enchanted Corvairs of New Mexico newsletter. That's right folks, I said 30 years, a truly amazing accomplishment. During that time Jim has been awarded CORSA's national Newsletter of the Year for 2005, and I believe his newsletter should always be the standard for other clubs to emulate. A huge thank you from all members goes out to Wendell and Jim for their tremendous efforts and contributions over the years to CNM. Also highlighting the anniversary dinner was the presentation of the Ike Meissner Award. Last year's Meissner award recipient, Tarmo Sutt, did the honors of presenting the 2007 award and this year's winner is the well deserving Dave Huntoon. Dave's been a member of CNM for over twelve years and was our president in 2005. He is now serving as one of our new member chairpersons and he's a constant participant in our Old Route 66 cleanups. Dave has also been a steady participant in many of our club activities and is definitely worthy of being named the Ike Meissner award recipient for 2007. Congratulations Dave on your award! When you get a chance, if you haven't already done so, please join me in congratulating Wendell, Jim and Dave on their great honors. All right, let's now talk about our upcoming activities. First, on Saturday April 21st the monthly CNM breakfast will be held at Jimmy's Restaurant at 7007 Jefferson NE at 8:30am. Just a few hours later we'll have a carburetor tune up at Business Printing Service. The address is 4316 Silver Avenue SE and we'll be starting around 11:00am. So if your Corvair is running a little rough then this would be a good time get your carburetors adjusted for those spring and summer drives. Second, on April 28th the Rio Rancho Car show will take place at Haynes Park from 11am-3pm, entry fee is $25 per car with trophies awarded for many various classes. On the following day, April 29th, the Old Car Club of Albuquerque will have a free entry show from 11am-3pm at the Sonic Drive-In at 5000 San Mateo NE. No trophies will be awarded but they will give dash plaques to the first 50 cars. Next on the schedule is the always fun Tri-State Meet which is being held this year in Monte Vista, Colorado on May 18th - 20th. Please remember to give some thought to a Boydston Award nomination and bring your form to the next membership meeting. If you plan to go you might want to make room reservations at the Movie Manor Motel by calling 1-719-852-5921 and mention "Corvair" when you call. The cost per night ranges from $64+tax to $74+tax depending upon your needs. Also, only 25 rooms are being blocked for the meet so make your reservations now. If you're unable to make the Tri-State Meet that weekend then the ever popular Museum Car Show is being held on May 20th. So if you can't attend the Tri-State Meet then please plan to help represent CNM by participating in the Museum Car Show. I'll have more specific details for you on the car show at the next meeting. In either case, both of these events are a lot of fun, so no matter which one you choose you can't go wrong. Moving on now, I have some good news and some bad news to report. First, I'll tell you the bad news. As president of CNM I have approved a membership price increase. Effective on your next renewal date the cost will now be $30 a year for a CNM membership. The reason for this is due to increases in postage, newsletter printing, and relatively low membership fees for many years. As many of you know this topic has been addressed before and no action has ever occurred. Hopefully you'll understand this was a necessary need for the club. Now before you start asking for my head on a platter let me give you the good news. Because this is the April newsletter and I obviously like a good prank this is the perfect time to say "April fools." Got ya didn't I? Ha ha, Hee hee, I hope no one got injured reading this last paragraph because as I told you a few months back you'd have to tolerate my monthly articles. Well, I guess that's enough said for now so I hope to see you at the next club meeting. See you soon! -- Ray =CNM= HOLY COW......... Dave Huntoon I want to take this opportunity to thank the club for the Ike Meissner award. To say I was surprised when my name was announced at the club anniversary dinner would be an understatement. Stunned would be more like it. I never met Ike, but by reading some of his articles in the library stack of stuff and by hearing what others recount, you can get a good idea of the man. I suspect he would work all weekend on your car to get it running, lend tools and parts or drive a hundred miles to check out a car for another member. The kind of guy you would like to hang out with in other words. Anyhow, thanks again and I will do my best. -- Dave Huntoon =CNM= = = = = = = = = = = = = FOR SALE, TO TRADE, OR WANTED = = = = = = = = = = = = = NOTE: Please tell me if any of these are obsolete and should be removed! - Jim = = = = = = = CNM ADS ARE FREE TO MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-MEMBERS = = = = = = = FOR SALE: 1964 stick shift 3:55 ratio differential, clutch, shift linkage, and related parts to convert a powergilde car to stick shift. Asking $150 for the whole lot. Richard Finch, Tularosa, NM phone 1-505-430-1258 FOR SALE: 1962 Corvair Monza 900 Coupe. 66,500 miles. Bronze color original paint with surface rust. All original body/trim and glass. Only damage is cracked front windsheild. All original parts intact. Has been in storage in Las Vegas, NV and not run for over eight years. New tires for towing purposes. Interior is all original but vinyl seats are cracked. Great restoration potential. We can deliver to Albuquerque. For sale, fair market value. Please Make offer. Please contact: for pictures or more info. 702-723-1206 Charles Marshall HCR 31 Box 884 Sandy Valley, NV 89019-8972 WANTED: a good hood for a 1963 -- Dick Cochran - Grants, NM - 505-287-8403 FOR SALE: Hello Vair heads, I have a nice yellow '65 coup body that is free for the taking. It does not have the drive train although I have all the rear suspension parts from another '65 parts car. This car was a project that will not come to fruition and I would like to see it go to a good home. The body is intact and straight. All glass is good. There is a little rust in the usual spots, on some spots along the windshield, and some spots on the lower part of the driver's door. Interior is shot and will need some work. Yours for the taking. The car is definately worth saving but you have to be willing to tackle a project. It will be cut up if there are no takers. Call or email for more information. 805-460-9651 or bob0017 @ I could take some pictures if you so request...... Thanks, Robert O'Brien bob0017 @ FOR SALE: 1961 Monza coupe, '66 110-HP engine, Powerglide. New interior, Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 hurbrenwil @ FOR SALE: 1968 Monza coupe, 110-HP rebuilt engine with 4 carbs, Powerglide. New paint, good interior. Make offer Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 hurbrenwil @ =CNM= ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | April | May | June | | | | | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | : : 1 2 3 4 5 | : : : : : 1 2 | | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | | 29 30 : : : : : | 27 28 29 30 31 : : | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | ============================================================================ Wed 4 Apr 7:00 PM Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Sat 14 Apr Spring Thaw Open House at Bob Agnew's garage, WorldWide Automotive Wed 18 Apr 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE Fri 20 Apr 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 21 Apr 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - Jimmy's Cafe - 7007 Jefferson NE Sat 21 Apr 1:00 PM CNM TUNA -- carburetor tune-up at Business Printing Service (Ray Trujillo's place --- 4316 Silver SE) --- come join us! Sat 28 Apr 10:00 AM Rio Rancho car show at Haynes Park -- entry fee $25 / car Sun 29 Apr 11:00 AM Old Car Club car show at Sonic - 5000 San Mateo NE - free Wed 2 May 7:00 PM Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Sat 5 May 8:00 AM Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow Sat 5 May 11:00 AM Club Brunch at Golden Corral at Central & Eubank Wed 16 May 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE Fri-Sun May 18-20 Tri-State Meet - Monte Vista, Colorado - Pikes Peak club Sun 20 May ....... Albuquerque Museum / Car Council Car Show Fri 25 May 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 6 Jun 7:00 PM Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Wed 20 Jun 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE Fri 22 Jun 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 4 Aug .... AM Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow Sat-Sun Sep 8-9 Moriarty EAA Fly-in and Old Car Display Sat 6 Oct .... AM Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow ============================================================================ SUBJECT: CALENDAR ARTICLE FOR MARCH CORVAIR CALENDARS Brenda Stickler -- Chair Person There was a positive response to the idea of producing a 2008 CNM Calendar as a fund raiser this year. The club liked the idea of 11 x 17 Glossy Color one sided calendar as a club fund raiser. We need photos and drawing of Corvairs Submitted at the March through July meetings, and we plan on a vote of the best picture at the August Meeting. (Both Mike Stickler and Ray Trujillo will collect photos). We feel at a sale price of around $3.00 each we can give the car club a dollar for each Calendar sold. Our goal is to have the Calendars ready for you at the November Meeting for you to share with family at Thanksgiving and the month of December. Bill Reider will let us know how another club managed their calendar sales. We will have a minimum requirement of 5 calendars if they must be shipped out and we will be calculating a shipping fee by the August meeting. Thanks for your input in this project. Brenda Stickler (505) 856-6993 - (505) 266-4011 =CNM= REPORT OF THE CAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28, 2007 Robert Gold The Car Council had its second meeting of the year without your council rep in attendance. Even though I'm now a retired Federal worker I decided to offer my services at no cost to my old agency. I am now officially a "Volunteer for Science." My volunteering resulted in a scheduling conflict resulting in my absence. However, CNM was well represented at the meeting. Cary Hubbard was kind enough to attend. His willingness to take up the slack is an example of what makes our club such a good one. Thanks Cary. So you are probably now wondering what did go on at the February meeting of the council? Cary reported that Bob Agnew, the council President, presided over a pretty routine meeting. Discussion was held about the upcoming Albuquerque Museum Car Show that will take place on Sunday, May 20. As we get nearer to the show the council will be asking for volunteers to assist with the show. CNM has traditionally done a great job in helping out and I'll be letting you know what help will be needed. Discussions were also held on the other two yearly council functions, the August picnic and the September swap meet. I'll have more information about those events in future council rep reports. That pretty much sums up what happened at the council meeting. Not too exciting, huh? Don't worry, I do have something exciting to report this month, so read on. You may remember that in an earlier repot I talked about the slick new Car Council web page. Unfortunately, when I tried to access the page nothing came up on my computer screen. I therefore, made the executive decision not to report any of the specifics of the web page. I have tried again to look at the page and I was able to actually see it! Here is what I saw: 1. When you go to the url: you'll see a flashy display that announces that this is in fact the web page of the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs. The screen proclaims that the council represents over 2,500 members in more than 50 car clubs throughout the State of New Mexico. Pretty impressive! 2. The top banner is your gateway to all sorts of information. All you need to do is click on one of the following listed topics- Officers, Member Clubs, Events, and Cruise with us. Unfortunately, I guess that a lack of space prevented any punctuation. This resulted in a little confusion for me of where to click, but I got to each section just fine. 3. I was very impressed with listing of upcoming events. I hope that this will be kept up to date, because I'm always being asked by the CNM'ers what events are coming up. I can now just refer you to this web page and you'll be completely informed. That is pretty important here in New Mexico where we seem to be having events all the time during the Spring through Fall period. I've always been a movie fan and one of my favorite movies is The Jerk with Steve Martin. In the movie when he gets a new phone book he tears through the book and when he sees his name and number listed he exclaims, "I'm now somebody!!" Well, that is what I did with this web page. I tore through it to see if Corvairs of New Mexico was indeed listed there. I can report that "We are Somebody!" Yes, indeed we have a listing under member clubs. The listing allows the user to link to our web page or send me, as your council rep, an email. I have yet to receive an email, but I'm ready at any time to get one. Tune in next month to see if anyone wrote me. Anyway, information about CNM is reachable through the council web site. So that's the current summary of the now functioning Car Council web page. I'd encourage you to take a look. Let me know if you have any comments or concerns and I'll relay them on to the council. I know you've heard this before, but I really, really, plan to attend the March meeting of the council. I'll let you know what happened in my next report and at the April CNM meeting. --Robert Gold =CNM= OLD ROUTE 66 CLEANUP FOR MARCH Ollie Scheflow The first of four clean ups was held on Saturday, March 17th, Saint Patrick's Day. We had a record turnout of eleven people and we had exceptionally good weather. We could notice the effect of the early daylight saving time as it was a bit chilly and windy at 9:00 AM. But it warmed up quickly and we had a bright sunny morning. The trash was a bit heavier due to the fact this was the first pick up in four months. The north side of the road was heavier due to the wind coming from the south. There seemed to be a lot more paper for some of us to pick up. We added up 20 bags of trash for the whole crew! Those participating were: Jim and Lupe Arellanes, Larry Blair, Robert Gold, Pat Hall, Larry Hickerson, Dave Huntoon, Jim Pittman, Bill Reider, Ollie Scheflow and John Wiker. After the cleaning was done, Robert, Art, Jim, Larry Blair and I went to the Golden Corral on Central for lunch. We were too late for breakfast so we had the buffet lunch. Thanks to everyone for all the help. We hope to see you at the next cleanup, which will be on May 5th, Cinco de Mayo and Mary Alice's and my wedding anniversary! The next three cleanups of the year are scheduled for: May 5th, August 4th, and October 6th. We always appreciate all the help we can get. =CNM= CLARK'S CATALOGS Bill Reider The Clark's Catalogs have arrived. They will be available for pick up at the April Meeting. If you haven't paid for them be sure and bring your money. We will have a few extra copies if you didn't get a chance to order one. They will be available at the meeting. Let me know if you won't be at the meeting as I don't want to carry all those catalogs back and forth. We have 90 lbs. of catalogs. If anyone would like to pick there's up at the house please let me know and I will keep it here for you. Just give me a call at 299-4597. -- Bill Reider =CNM= SUBJECT: TRI-STATE T-SHIRTS From: Dennis & Debbie PLEAU ( ddpleau @ ) Date: 2007-Mar-18 15:52:18 MDT Hi Jim, We are taking preorders for T-shirts for the Tri-State. They will be $15.00 each. Can you pass something around at your next meeting to see who wants what. I'll need the numbers by April 13th. Thanks and hope we see you guys in Monte Vista, Debbie =CNM= TRI-STATE 2007 Steve Goodman Pikes Peak Corvair Club cordially invites all CNM members to Monte Vista, Colorado on the weekend of May 18-20, 2007 for the annual Tri-State Corvair meet. The main attraction to the area is GREAT SAND DUNES NATIONAL MONUMENT, a few miles northeast of Monte Vista. Also there is an alligator farm nearby. The city park for the Show'n'Shine has been reserved, we can park on the grass, it is on the west side of town. The motel is on the west side of town, named MOVIE MANOR. It is a Best Western and it is renowned for the ability to watch the drive-in movie next door from your motel room. The schedule will be as always, registration is Friday starting after lunch and continuing to supper time. The motel has given us an area for registration away from the desk and the check-in area. The motel also has its own restaurant and will be hosting the Saturday night banquet. Motel prices are: SINGLE QUEEN bed -- $64 plus tax (per night) SINGLE KING bed -- $69 plus tax (per night) DOUBLE QUEEN bed -- $74 plus tax (per night). There are 25 rooms blocked and ready for reservation. Get your room early. Please identify yourself by using the word 'CORVAIR' in your opening conversation. The phone is: 719.852.5921 There is also an RV park next door if you are bringing a motor home. The Saturday night banquet will be a buffet with roast beef and baked chicken plus potato, vegetable, salad, bread, small dessert and beverage of coffee/tea/soda. The price of the meal is $20 per person including tax and tip. PPCC is designing a T-shirt for the occasion and the usual goodie bag and dash plaque will be present. Judging for the Show'n'Shine will be a combination of attendees voting for class wins and the local townsfolk voting for PEOPLES' CHOICE. Any questions should be directed to Steve Goodman 303.278.4889 (w) or 303.934.5027 (h) or rearengine.steve @ (email). Hope to see all of the CNM members attend. -- Steve =CNM= ROAD TEST: FORD GT: A FABLE "Breezy" Pittman & "Windy" Walker It was a gusty March evening when Windy called up Breezy with the news that his wealthy friend from Scottsdale, Scirocco Jones, had e-mailed that she was planning a secret comparison test centered on the Ford GT. Since the Ford GT was Windy's favorite car in the whole world, he vowed to go and see the test. All he needed was a co-driver to make the trip to Scottsdale. So, long before daylight the next morning Breezy and Windy left Rio Rancho to head west in the little Mazda sports car. Along about Unser and I-40 they began to have second thoughts. "We need a more comfortable car," Windy said, and Breezy agreed, so they went back and got the 1963 Cadillac. Fortunately Breezy had just come into a bundle of cash playing the slots at Sandia Casino, so it was no worry to cruise along the freeway to Arizona getting eleven miles per gallon on three-dollar CostCo gas. Four or five hours later they were approaching Scottsdale. It was Breezy's turn at the wheel and Windy was consulting the secret map that Scirocco had sent him and watching his GPS unit for the right road to turn onto. "There it is!" he shouted, pointing to a narrow dirt track heading into the desert. The Cadillac bounced over the ruts and corduroy until they were out of sight of the highway and there the road became wide and smooth, curving through the pine trees. Presently they emerged from a juniper thicket to behold the beautiful vista of a wide, green valley. As the road descended into the valley they saw a flat area with a huge asphalt oval, a road-racing course with lots of curves, a group of hangar-like buildings, a big ranch house, a bevy of sports cars, and a crew of mechanics. As the Cadillac rolled to a stop next to a 1965 Jaguar E-Type, a tall, spectacular blonde approached them and greeted Windy with a big hug. "Hello, Scirocco," Windy said, "This is my friend Breezy who wants to see your Ford GT run as much as I do." "Well, honey, you've come to the right place," Scirocco said with a Pepsodent grin and another big hug. "Just make yourself at home while we put the finishing touches on the replacement engine control computer chip." Soon introductions had been made all around and everyone gathered near the immaculate Ford GT. Long, low, wide and sleek, its silver paint and black trim exuded power and speed. "I bought this baby to drive, not to look at," said Scirocco. "I've already checked it out driving down here from Sedona and she's choice. I thought we'd give everyone here a chance to drive it, and to drive the other car as well. Then the two drivers with the fastest times will drive in the final elimination race and we'll know for sure who has the better car, me or my buddy from Albuquerque." "Where is this other car," Windy wanted to know. But before anyone could answer, an approaching car was seen nosing into the valley from the grove of Junipers. All eyes were on the streamlined coupe as it drove up to the crowd. "Holy smoke!" exclaimed Breezy while Windy just stared, speechless. For the new car was none other than an immaculate white-and-blue Yenko Stinger and the driver who emerged was none other than the famed former president of CNM, "Hurricane" Gold. "I almost got lost," said the Hurricane to Scirocco as he was getting his hug, "but your note about that dry gulch landmark saved me and I doubled back and got here in time. I think I may have lost my pit crew back on that last turn, though." But just then a Greenbrier came through the juniper grove and headed down toward the group. As two eager CNM members jumped out of the yellow van, the Hurricane introduced them to Scirocco. "Meet Typhoon Huntoon and Mistral Trujillo," he said. "They have brought our tools and spare parts and they want to do some driving, too." "Y'all are right on time," said Scirocco, glancing up at the sun. "Everybody gets a drive! If we're all ready to do some racing, let's go over and fill up the cars with my secret ethanol blend and start the first lap." Drawing straws, two of Scirocco's California friends, "Tornado" Norm and "Cyclone" Vance, got the first drives. While they buckled up and started the engines, everyone else adjourned to the shade of the patio at the side of the ranch house to drink Gatorade and watch the cars heading out to the oval. "We had a hunch we'd see you here," said Windy to the Hurricane. "Scirocco told me the competing car was from Albuquerque and had just been purchased by our club's most affluent member. So it could only be you." "Yep, when this one came along I just couldn't pass it up," replied the Hurricane. "It's had a transmission overhaul by "Tornado" Hall, the carbs have been gone through meticulously by "Zephyr" Zuercher and the ignition has been tuned up to perfection by "Chicago" Reider. And to think that "Typhoon" Huntoon delivered it to my door just in time to for me to drive it over for this competition!" The first two drivers soon came in from their first lap, arguing over whether it was legal to pass on a sharp left-hand turn uphill section of the track. Breezy got the next chance at a drive and picked the Stinger. It was a terrific ride and the car handled perfectly, but he wasn't quite able to keep up with the big Ford. More laps added up while the stopwatch-equipped lap timers filled up a laptop with lap time data. Typhoon and Mistral each had a turn in each car and both swore it would be hard to choose which car they'd most like to take home, although each remarked that there was a lot to like about the cars they already owned. Windy's turn finally came around in the straw drawing and of course he picked the GT. "I have already driven plenty of modified Corvairs," he said, "and I once had a great ride in a Ford GT, but I have not had the pleasure of piloting one till today!" He snapped into the competition seat belt and then headed out to the oval. The Hurricane jumped in his new Stinger and pulled onto the track ahead of the GT. The race was on! The Stinger held the lead as the cars disappeared around the first turn. Soon they could be seen, neck-and-neck on curves of the back stretches of the track, and then on that last sharply curving uphill section Windy blasted past the Stinger. Both cars took a victory lap around the big oval and then came back to the cheering crowd. "Wow, this is the greatest Corvair ever," exclaimed the Hurricane. "To think that I almost kept up with you on that hill. Man, I'm gonna enjoy taking my Stinger to the Museum car show this year. I hope Typhoon got some good shots with his video camera." "Shucks, I was just cruising around," bragged Windy. "I didn't want to show off too much. But you need to realize I never got that GT out of third gear. It's got three more gears, you know! I believe I'll go down to Rich Ford and order one of these tomorrow -- unless of course Scirocco wants to sell hers." But Scirocco pretended not to hear this offer so Windy reluctanly climbed out of the GT with a sigh. After more bragging and many photos and a terrific lunch, Breezy checked his watch. "Let's head on back, Windy," he said. "You know we promised we'd get back before dark, and as it is we'll have to drive your Cadillac over a hundred all the way on I-40 if we want to get home while it's still April First." Yenko Stinger Photo by Steve Gongora Ford GT Photo by "Cyclone" Vance =CNM= SEVEN YEARS AGO Jim Pittman Seven Years Ago - April 2000 - Vol. 26 - Number 4 - Issue 295 Our cover showed five photos of members, events or vehicles. This month in celebration of spring your editor filled a page with a clever Chaucer-inspired poem, complete with old English spelling. VP Robert Gold ran our meeting and Wendell reported $6,061 in the bank. A garage tour, a Tri-State, an August picnic, a trip to the War Eagles museum, cleanup of old Route 66, the Museum car show, Wheels Museum activities were among the many things looming in our future. Dennis Pleau arranged a home for CNM's web site. The Sticklers told us they were getting out of the Corvair parts business. Anne Mae Gold reported on CNM Ladies and their recent activities. We reprinted an article from Newsweek which elaborated on the motto, "It's okay to touch this car" by Donna Cunningham. Donna finds this motto goes a long way towards enhancing their enjoyment of showing their 1952 Jaguar XK-120 at car shows. Donna says the car is also a blast to drive top-down in Vermont in the summertime. A tech tip by Rich Thompson told us about a perfect paint for the inside bezel of a 1964 instrument panel: DupliColor's Low Gloss Black Engine Enamel. Another tip: use genuine GM steering gear lube in your steering box. Really. Jim Burkhard elaborated on why the secondaries on a 140 engine are NOT open all the time. Mr Burkhard also reminded us how useful the "How to Hot-Rod Your Corvair" book by Bill Fisher can be to Corvair tinkerers or restorers. And finally, we had a photo of Wayne Christgau's world-famous 1967 Monza coupe parked next to the Surf Ballroom in Iowa. Fourteen Years Ago - April 1993 - Volume 19 - Number 4 - Issue 211 The cover said "Many people laugh when I tell them that carburetors have feelings too" and naturally referred to Sylvan. Our meeting was held at the Three-R Museum AKA the Tool Museum. We had $1,012 in the bank. Plans for future events included a picnic at Cochiti Lake, a car show at the Albuquerque Museum and the Tri-State at Alamosa, Colorado. Last month's late sedan cover car had the following "wrong" features: no steering wheel, no exhaust pipe, no seat backs, gas door on the wrong side. How many did you see? Mark Morgan was working as a park ranger at the Vicksburg National Military Park and gave us a great article on Driving in Mississippi. Rather to his surprise, he liked living (and driving) there, even if he never saw any Corvairs. For those who like crossword puzzles, we had a nice big Corvair Crossword: 41 definitions across and 35 down. Tech tips this months included removing a rusted exhaust system, storing engine parts and getting good used Saginaw transmission parts. The secret? Look for 1966 or later Chevy IIs, Novas, Chevelles or Camaros. Cartoons included Otto Mechanic reading to his son from "Pintonocchio" as follows: "... and every time the little Ford told a lie his nose grew and grew and grew until he looked just like a '74 Monte Carlo!" Twenty-one Years Ago - April 1986 - Volume 12 - Number 4 - Issue 127 The April 1986 cover was "backwards" as an April Fool's joke. Mark Morgan drove a huge Greenbrier next to a tiny Diahatsu, illustrating his "Driving in Japan" article. At our meeting we had a raffle for heirloom coffee mugs that added $22.50 to the $658 in the bank. Bill Reider was still working on our "daily driver" list; he said fully half of our members drove a Corvair every day. We talked about lining up all our cars to spell "CORSA" for a photograph from a hot-air balloon. We talked about this year's Tri-State in Montrose, Colorado. We planned a money-raising flea market sale to get rid of junk, er, treasures. Our speaker was Chuck Rumschlag of "The Color Works" in Los Lunas who talked about car restoration as an investment. President Clayborne suggested we take our Corvairs to the mini-convention in Phoenix. Bill Hector previewed our Blue and Gray Rally and invited members to come out to his place in Tijeras Canyon where the skies were dark to look for Halley's Comet on April 26th. Bill Reider gave us a letter from Larry Claypool with additional information on steering box rebuilding. An article from the San Diego club advocated adding convertible weights to the front of a hardtop or sedan to make the car better balanced. Our editor disagreed, saying that a front air dam or "spoiler" was worth more to gain stability at highway speeds; no extra weight needed. Other tips were: twist a fan belt into a small triple loop so it will take up less space in the trunk; enlarge stock small exhaust manifolds so they can be used on 140-HP heads; adjust your carb floats slightly high or low to fine-tune your gasoline mixture. Twenty-eight Years Ago - April 1979 - Volume 5 - Number 4 - Issue 43 The April 1979 cover was another Mark Morgan drawing: a race-prepared late coupe. Meeting minutes: we had $384 in the bank (but that was real money back then) and we were planning a Winrock Mall car show. A guest speaker, George Brazil, told about driving his slightly modified turbo Spyder against unsuspecting Mustangs, Corvettes and other muscle cars and usually beating them. Secretary Les Campbell wrote about how to get a good but inexpensive paint job for your Corvair by doing a thorough preparation and taking your car to a good shop. An article on Spring Cleaning by Ike Meissner told how to get rid of the oil, dust and grime in the engine compartment. Tech tips: be sure the jam nut on your fuel pump is tight so the pump can't move up and down; getting 3.89 gears in a late differential; checking for a stuck choke or an inoperative choke pull-off; tools to use to remove fin flash from Corvair heads. =CNM= =END=