The November 2012 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 21-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico  

   OCTOBER 2012 / VOLUME 38 / NUMBER 11 / ISSUE #446 

Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012

EDITOR: Jim Pittman=

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, November 7th, 2012 at 7:00 PM
        North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE

  Dues Due.......................................Membership Committee
  Photos from the Balloon Fiesta Weekend...Larry Yoffee & Jim Pittman
  "Air" Force President's Letter...........................John Wiker
  October Meeting Minutes...............................Anne Mae Gold
  October Board Meeting Minutes..............................Art Gold
  Hot Air & Corvairs......................................Jim & Heula
  Above and Beyond - Balloon Fiesta Story.................Robert Gold
  Treasury Report.........................................Robert Gold
  Letters to the Editor...................Balloon Fiesta Participants
  October Car Council Report - Soapbox Edition............Robert Gold
  Christmas Donations Project................Emma Rogers & Lee Reider
  Birthdays & Anniversaries.........................Sunshine Committe
  Calendar of Coming Events........................Board of Directors
  Joel Nash - 1939-2012........................................Editor
  Seven, 14, 21, 28, Years Ago.........................Club Historian
COVER: "Balloon Fiesta" Corvairs drive from Albuquerque to Madrid, NM

MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM
       North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE

          President:   John Wiker    505-899-3076         wikerj63 @
          Vice-Pres:    Pat Hall     505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @
          Secretary:    Art Gold     505-620-7434        rollerart @
          Treasurer: Robert Gold     505-268-6878        beisbol30 @
Board:  Car Council:   Mike Stickler 505-856-6993        sticorsa @
Board: Merchandise:  Vickie Hall     505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @
Board:  Membership:   Larry Yoffee   505-321-5909         corsa180 @
Board:    Sunshine:   Heula Pittman  505-275-2195             jimp @
Board:  Newsletter:     Jim Pittman  505-275-2195             jimp @
Board:   Past Pres:     Pat Hall     505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @
Board:   Past Pres:     Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436              ray @
Board:   Past Pres:    Mike Stickler 505-856-6993        sticorsa @
Board:   Past Pres:   David Huntoon  505-281-9616        corvair66 @

              DUES:  CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00
                   CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00
             CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00

             CORSA's home page:
          Steve Gongora's page:
             CNM's newsletters:
        Larry Yoffee home page:



2012.10     Mary Lou & Mark Martinek
2012.10        Sylvia & Ray Trujillo

2012.11    Connie & Hubbard Elmore
2012.11         Kay & Tarmo Sutt
2012.11     Brenda & Hurley Wilvert

2012.12               David Huntoon
2012.12    Barbara & Gordon Johnson
2012.12        Kelli & Mark Morgan
2012.12               Roger Pape
2012.12                 Kim Patten
2012.12               Larry Yoffee

2013.01   Darlene & William Darcy
2013.01       Carolyn & Dan Palmer

2012.05               Jerry Goffe
2012.07     Anne & Geoffrey Johnson
2012.08       Janet & Steve Johnson
2012.08              Robert Philips

Send your Dues to:

CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold
1301 Valencia NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The
Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal
form from your CORSA Communique!


"Air" Force President's Notes
John Wiker

I want to thank everyone for having faith in me to continue another year as your
President. I also want to thank the rest of the staff and committee chairpersons
for their excellent work this past year. No one has stepped up to the challenge,
so they will continue for another year. We hope to "keep the ship afloat" and
"keep the wings level" and "keep the caissons pointed down field" and "keep the
rifles pointed over your heads" ... well, you get the idea I'm sure.

While I am thanking people, all those who spent the Balloon Fiesta weekend with
us really need to thank Larry Yoffee for all his work before, during, and after
the event. Thanks also to Kay and Tarmo Sutt for the trip into and out of Santa
Fe, and the excellent location for lunch. Those of us who went, really
appreciated all the positive comments from the crowds around the Plaza about the
eight or so Corvairs in our "Parade/Car Show." We also got some really positive
feedback from our out-of-state visitors. Some of them are already making plans
for next year.

Maybe more of our club members could make it part of their schedule next year.
See you at the next meeting or at least at the Christmas dinner on December the
1st at Roper's Restaurant.


Meeting Minutes 10-03-2012
Anne Mae Gold

President John Wiker called the meeting to order. He stated that today's meeting
was the last chance for members to volunteer for a position for the coming year.
A special guest was introduced, Murray Bruskin, a Corvair person from Illinois
and a CNM member, who was in town to attend the Balloon Fiesta. In addition,
Kevin Sullivan, a long time CNM member, who hadn't attended a meeting in a long
time, was recognized. John Wiker then requested that CNMers share their car
information with other members under the tech talk portion of meetings.

Pat Hall requested that anyone interested in holding an office with the club,
submit their nominations at this meeting.

Robert Gold reported that there was $4,710.81 in the club's checking account.

Larry Yoffee said many people thanked us for our Balloon Fiesta weekend
activities. he said that a potential new member named Matt may be at the next

Jim Pittman told the multitude that Friday Oct 26 is the deadline to make
submissions to the newsletter. He said that Richard Finch, who is in really poor
health, has been moved to a care facility near Portland, Oregon. The facility is
near to Richard's brother, Phil Finch. You can contact Phil if you would like to
communicate with Richard. Jim has the address -- see his web "News" page.
Lastly, it was announced that CORSA has awarded CNM a first place award for our
newsletter. The club heartily congratulated Jim, the newsletter editor. This was
the third National award for the newsletter -- two first places and one third

Heula Pittman, Sunshine Committee chairperson, congratulated Rita and Steve
Gongora on the birth of their first grandchild. Heula added that members should
be hospitable and wear their name tags to club functions. She said the Sunshine
Committee spent $17 on "Welcome Bags" for the Balloon weekend event.

Vickie Hall asked the club members to spend more money on club merchandise.
Sales of those items help fund club activities. Vickie told us that Joan &
Murray Bruskin consulted Pat with a problem with their 1966 Corvair running
rough. The problem was fixed by installing a new set of spark plug wires.

Robert Gold reported that the last meeting of the Car Council was held just
before the annual swap meet. Four CNMers volunteered to direct traffic at the
event on Saturday morning. He said Pat Hall helped out by lining the field on
Thursday. That was the main thing discussed at the meeting. The Car Council's
attempt to change its tax status continues to go nowhere with the IRS.

Larry Yoffee gave the Balloon Fiesta Weekend report. He recognized Tarmo Sutt
for the fact that even though he lost his father recently, he would still be
participating in the Fiesta. The "meet and greet" will take place on Friday
afternoon between 5 and 6 PM at the Target on Paseo del Norte. Six Corvairs and
13 people will be participating. Larry added that there are four more spaces
available for the Saturday night banquet at El Bruno's Restaurant. The caravan
of cars will meet at the Smith's at Central/Tramway parking lot on Saturday
morning between 8:00 and 9:00 AM. Sunday activities will begin around 7:00 AM
when the cars for the display will meet at the Victory Church at El Pueblo and
2nd Street. From there the cars will be led onto the Balloon Fiesta grounds at
about 8:15 AM.

John Wiker asked for a volunteer to do the raffle at the Saturday night Balloon
Fiesta banquet. Robert Gold responded that door prizes could be given out using
the tickets that will be given out for the dinner.

Ollie Scheflow reminded the club that the last Old Route 66 cleanup of the year
will take place on Saturday, October 13 beginning at 9:00 AM.

Steve Gongora and Tarmo Sutt have organized a tour (maybe it's an "Aspencade")
for Saturday, October 27. A group of club members will drive up to the
Ragsdales' "Taj Garage" in Los Alamos for a garage tour. We will meet at 9:00 AM
at the Sandia Casino gas station. Anyone with questions should call Steve on his
cell at 220-7401. Be sure to bring your lunch.

Our Bingo / Auction / Pot Luck will take place on November 3 at 5:30 PM at House
of Covers. Please bring items for the silent auction.

Lube Lubert told us that "PJ's Classic Stop" at  6022 2nd Street NW will have a
swap meet on Saturday November 10th from 8:00 to 4:00.

Rita Gongora has organized the CNM Christmas Party and it will be held on
Saturday December 1 at Roper's Restaurant on Central just east of Eubank SE. It
will begin at 5:30 PM. Cost is not known yet and the menu is not known. At
November's meeting we will have a sign-up sheet. As in past years, there will be
a collection for items to be donated to a worthy cause. Heula said that Emma
Rogers and Lee Reider were setting up our Christmas donations which would go to
"PTA Clothing Bank" and we'll hear more about what they need. Their web site is
"" if you want to check them out.

Mike Stickler won the cash from the 50/50 raffle, dollar amount not reported to
me. Our annual election of officers followed. These people were elected club
officers by unanimous vote of those in attendance:

	John Wiker	President
	Pat Hall	Vice President
	Robert Gold	Treasurer
	Art Gold	Secretary

Pat Hall announced that there will be a club breakfast on December 15 at the TA
Truckstop on University NE between Menaul and Candelaria. The breakfast will
begin at 9:30 AM. Be sure to drive a Corvair!

We adjourned at 8:08 PM.


Board Meeting Minutes
Art Gold

Meeting came to order at 5:03 PM at Highland Senior Center.

Officer Reports

President (John Wiker) thanked Larry Yoffee for the Balloon Fiesta event.

John also made a comment about the Los Alamos trip, and if people will be
remembering the event. Everyone should meet and depart at 9:00 AM. There will be
a telephone reminder performed by Heula, Vickie and John. The meeting location
is the on-ramp for I-25 North at Sandia Casino. Bring your own lunch to picnic
at the location.

Vice President (Pat Hall) had nothing to report.

Treasurer (Robert Gold) stated that the account has $5,033.81. The check to El
Bruno's restaurant for the dinner had not cleared as of yet.

Secretary (Art Gold) stated he is getting his car painted and that it had a
small colony of mice living in the driver's rear quarter panel.

Membership (Larry Yoffee) discussed the balloon event, very positive. He talked
about the dinner at El Bruno's. There was a negative with the other restaurant,
which was discussed by Larry. The guided walking tour did not occur in Santa Fe
but everyone seemed to get around the Plaza on their own just fine. There is a
potential new member named Matt, who found Larry's website and may possibly be
at the next meeting.

Member Reports

Jim Pittman (Editor) stated that the deadline is Friday 10-26 for the
newsletter. Jim received a phone call from Dennis LeForge concerning the issue
that Richard Finch is in ill health and in a nursing home in Portland, Oregon.

Pat Hall stated that he knows an auctioneer for Richard Finch's estate if
Richard's brother has need of one.

Jim discussed the free fall from a high-altitude balloon event that occurred
this past week. Records were set for highest human flight in a balloon, highest
jump from a balloon, and breaking the sound barrier in a space suit. The longest
duration free-fall record was not broken, however. That record was set sixty-two
years ago by Joe Kittinger of the U. S. Air Force.

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) talked about an individual whose car they worked on
were contacted (Joan & Murray) and thanked by them. The problem was a spark plug

Heula Pittman (Sunshine) talked about Richard Finch's situation, and that
Richard's brother would appreciate people sending a greeting or get-well card.
She said $17 were spent on the bags for the balloon event's out-of-town guests.
There is $200 in the "kitty." Fun Fun Fun to be had at this year's Christmas
dinner! She talked about being contacted by Emma Rogers. She and Lee Reider will
be asking for donations to the Bernalillo County Council of the PTA organization. They need donations of winter coats
(sizes 10, 12, 14), winter items, and toiletries.

Upcoming Events


10-27-2012 Aspencade to Los Alamos, be there at noon for lunch and leave when
you want. Caravan meeting at Sandia gas station at the on ramp 9am, leaving at
9:30am. Bring your own lunch.


11-03-2012 Potluck / Auction / Bingo at House of Covers 5:30pm. Bring food!
Bring items to sell.


12-01-2012 Christmas Dinner at Roper's Restaurant on Central SE, 5:30pm. Bring

12-15-2012 Club Breakfast at TA Truck Stop (Menaul and University) 9:30am.

New Business

Lube Lubert told us that PJ's on North 2nd is having a flea market on

Meeting Adjourned
at 5:54 PM.

Mr. Gold Reporting


Hot Air and Corvairs 2012
Jim & Heula

Larry Yoffee imagined an opportunity for Corvairs from around the country to
come to New Mexico, bringing their owners to the 2012 Albuquerque International
Balloon Fiesta. After all, this is a world-famous event and thousands arrive
from all over the world each year to enjoy a week of hot air balloon activity.
Why shouldn't Corvair owners drive their Corvairs to the event, get together
with other Corvair owners and enjoy local tourist opportunities and the fabulous
colorful balloons?

Especially since there is a tradition that on the first Sunday of the Balloon
Fiesta, hundreds of "classic" cars of all types drive onto the field after the
first wave of balloon ascensions.

After contacting several CORSA members who inquired about attending, a "Meet &
Greet" was organized for Friday October 6th. Eleven Corvairs showed up, from
California, Illinois, Colorado and New Mexico. Years represented were 1960 to

After the mini-car show (which drew attention from several passers-by) the group
decided to go to the nearby Tomato Cafe for dinner. Although it was very crowded
and we had no reservations, everyone agreed the food was great. After dinner we
were invited to attend the 8:00 PM fireworks display.

On Saturday morning the Corvairs (plus a Brand-X which is old enough to be a
"classic" on its own by now!) gathered in the Smith's parking lot at the east
end of the city to make the trip north to Madrid and on to Santa Fe. We admired
our cars and on looking around the parking lot soon found several other
non-Corvair "classic cars" including Bill Sullivan's 1929 Buick.

Soon we were ready to head out on Old Route 66 (now designated New Mexico 333)
and continue up North 14 to the former ghost town of Madrid. We parked in front
of the Old Mine Shaft tavern, making quite a display of colorful 1960-era

Tarmo and Kay Sutt drove their 1965 turquoise Corsa to Madrid to meet us. They
then led the way to Santa Fe. There was road construction and there were crowds
of people on the streets around the plaza. There was hardly any parking to be
found! But, Kay & Tarmo successfully guided us to find parking.

After finally finding parking spots, we gathered at the San Francisco Street Bar
and Grill for a fine lunch. The "Adobe Mud Pie" was said to be very tasty!

Then we headed out to the plaza to explore a very crowded downtown Santa Fe.
Shopping opportunities abounded, or we could just wander around and see the
sights. Some of us went up the street to check out the charming Saint Francis of
Assisi Cathedral. We learned that the first church on the site was built of
adobe in 1610. Several other adobe churches were built and finally the present
cathedral was constructed (around the latest adobe church!) during the years

Kay and Tarmo guided us through back streets none of us would have found, so we
quickly evaded the heavy traffic and merged onto southbound I-25 to head for

Dave Olwine qualified for the Hardship Award for his red 1963 Spyder
convertible. After leaving Madrid a rear wheel began vibrating, apparently a
tread separation. After swapping tires another problem: a screw was found in the
tread of another tire. Dave went to Discount Tire and got four new tires. How
did he managed to find new 185-13 tires? Dave and Brenna were late getting to
the restaurant, but at least they had good tires for the trip back to Fort

We took I-25 and turned off at the second Bernalillo exit. We followed another
branch of Old Route 66 until it became North Fourth and arrived at El Bruno's
Restaurant. When we finished our dinner we adjourned to the 8:00 PM fireworks

Early Sunday morning several Corvairs met for the drive onto the field at the
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Despite delays, there were plenty of
balloons to be seen, not to mention plenty of "classic" cars, including classic

We hope you enjoyed the "Hot Air & Corvairs" weekend and the Balloon Fiesta!
Thanks to all who attended, and especially thanks to Larry Yoffee for all his
hard work organizing the weekend.


Above and Beyond - A Story From the Balloon Fiesta
Robert Gold

First, to recap this year's Balloon Fiesta Car Show:

Under John Wiker's direction we massed our Corvairs at the church parking lot at
El Pueblo and 2nd Street. It was dark, it was chilly, but the wind was calm and
in no time we saw the "Dawn Patrol" take to the skies. With that we knew that
the balloons would take off. A wonderful sight to see. All we had to do was wait
to be let into Balloon Fiesta grounds.

At least that was what we thought. The time for us to head out came at 8:15 and
away we went, following the lead of the organizer from the Rainbow Roadrunner
Car Club, Michael Madlener. We motored ever closer to the field and at the
turnoff that would lead us in, the long arm of the law directed us to head on
down the road. Away from the balloon field! Away from the crowds that would love
to see our cars with a backdrop of ascending balloons. What had gone wrong? This
is the story of what really happened.

It seems that this was just the latest hurdle that the organizer, Michael
Madlener, had to overcome to make the Balloon Fiesta Car Show a reality. Michael
oversaw the show's beginnings and had shepherded it along over the ensuing
years. Even a move to Las Vegas didn't deter him, and there he was again to head
this year's effort. However, his reward for all his work in 2012 was a mountain
of stress inflicted by his own car club, the car show participants, and worse,
the powers that were there to "serve and protect".

To begin with, there were folks in Michael's car club who wanted the show for
their very own. His move to Las Vegas, NM seemed to be the right time to wrest
control of the show away from him. But, he was able to fend off that challenge.
He had gotten over hurdle number one. The day of the show arrives and Michael is
forced to thread the needle between having the cars leave the parking lot at the
Rail Runner station at 8:15 and arrive at the precise moment that the cars would
be allowed on the field. Well folks, it didn't work out very well. Yes, we left
on time, but the powers (remember those guys?) at the gate, with the flashy
camouflaged 4-wheelers and those groovy high-speed cars with all the lights and
such, those guys with the guns... they said, "No you can't enter." So... that
was why we were heading on down the road to nowhere. We needed a place to "hole
up" for a while to wait until the coast was clear.

This is when it gets really interesting. When you're driving a very large motor
vehicle that is accompanied by a number of such vehicles, it is very hard to
find a parking spot along a two-lane road with small shoulders. With the show
organizers' help we finally parked along the shoulder the best we could. Then
along came hurdle number two... remember those guys with the guns? Those "serve
and protect" guys? Well, rather than trying to help 200 or so cars get situated
and wait for an event that we were an official participant in... they began to
threaten Michael with massive tickets and worse yet, told our hero that he would
be assessed a charge of $10,000 for his efforts in finding a place for the cars
to park. I'm sure at that point Michael was ready to head back to Las Vegas.
However, to his credit he hung in there.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention the less-than-steller way some of the car guys
reacted to the turn of events. Suffice it to say they had a few words for the

With all those happy people complaining to him, Michael did keep his head and
somehow managed to avoid the massive fines and griping car guys, and got us into
the field. Of course we had a great time. Of course we got to see the balloons,
and of course, everyone went home with a smile on their face.

I just felt like you should know the drama one hardworking show manager had to
go through to put those smiles on our faces. Thank you Michael Madlener for
going "above and beyond" to make this year's show such a success. I'm less happy
with those "serve and protect" guys. As they sometimes say, a uniform may make
an "officer" but it doesn't necessarily make a gentleman.

--Robert Gold


TREASURY REPORT .......... 09-20-2012 to 10-15-2012 .............. ROBERT GOLD


==========  ====   =========  ============ ====================================
09/19/2012         + $224.00  Deposit    R.Cochran,P.Campbell,R.McDuffie,J.Nash
09/21/2012  2137   - $ 57.00  Pat Hall      Car Show Equipment
09/25/2012  2138   - $ 62.81  Abq.Grafix      September Newsletter
10/09/2012  2141   - $ 78.00  Heula Pittman    Stamps
10/15/2012         + $401.00  Deposit           J.Anderson, Dinner, Raffle

ENDING BALANCE  =  $5,159.81



   From : halpinem @
Subject : Re: Report on Balloon Fiesta

Thanks for sharing, Jim! and a big THANK YOU to the whole CNM crew for a great
weekend and your fantastic hospitality! Already looking forward to next year's
get together!

Ed & Cheryl Halpin
Castle Rock, CO

   From : David Olwine dolwine @
Subject : Re: Report on Balloon Fiesta

Great publication! Thanks to all for a great weekend! Looking forward to

The Olwines

From: halpinem @
To: Larry Yoffee & John Wiker
Subject: Thank you All For Your Hospitality
         and Friendship!

Larry and John,

   I wanted to take a minute and thank you both, and the entire CNM crew, for
hosting such a fantastic weekend of events, and your down-home hospitality. It
isn't often you run into a group of folks that you just feel comfortable with
right from the get go, but that was the group Cheryl and I got to hang out with
for a couple days.
   We had a wonderful time visiting the area and we're already looking forward
to making the trip next year should this become an annual Vair and air event.
The car made it down and back without issue (the hard-luck award is one I do not
strive to achieve), and given that it was the first trip out of state under its
own power, I was very happy with the drive.
   Please thank everyone for us at the next meeting, for coming out, supporting
the event, and being open and warm to a couple of folks from north of the border
   Larry: You did an ace job in putting this event together! The weekend was
right on par with any Tri-State get together I've been part of, and the website
looks great with the pics of the weekend. Thanks again for a great time!
   See you all at the next Tri-State in Cripple Creek (if you can make it)

Ed & Cheryl Halpin
Castle Rock, CO

Subject: Re: Report on Balloon Fiesta


   Thanks for sharing, and for your part in hosting the visit. Sandi and I had a
lot of fun.
   We may try to glean some of your info/photos for our local newsletter.


Subject: Re: Report on Balloon Fiesta
From: Anne Mae Gold

   Jim, What wonderful photos you took and printed in the newsletter. Looks like
another National contender to me!

   :) AM



On My Soapbox: October Car Council Report
Robert Gold

I promise (mostly) that this won't be a long report. I just want to tell you
about two things of significance from this month's Car Council meeting.

The first is a good thing. Joyce Clements, the main organizer of the highly
successful yearly swap meet, took me aside to express her appreciation for the
support CNM gives to the meet. She told me that only one other club supplies
more volunteers than we do. She has come to depend on our participation. So,
from Joyce to me, and on to you folks, thanks for your help. Remember this
appreciation when it's time for the swap meet next year and we ask for your

On to number two: What not to do as a car organization. Joyce Clements made a
motion to donate $1,250 to the Village of Los Lunas in recognition of their
support of the swap meet. In addition to providing the site of the swap meet the
Village also contributed to the advertising of the event. The discussion of the
motion then ensued with some people for the payment, while some were against it
for a variety of unrelated reasons. I voted yes because I believe Los Lunas
saved the swap meet years ago when the Council was having problems locating a
suitable site. Because of Los Lunas, the Council has been able to finance its
other activities. Therefore, giving the Village a donation is just the right
thing to do.

However, what really got my attention were the comments made by the individual
who is in charge of the transition to "501C3" status. She said the donation
might violate the IRS rules, therefore she wanted to table the motion. It then
occurred to me that I was watching a train wreck developing in slow motion. The
Car Council was riding that train into a tunnel, not really understanding what
lay ahead. If this organization has to worry about IRS rules before they can do
something as simple as donating money to a worthy community maybe we should
rethink the transition to the new IRS status. Meeting after meeting I've
reported that the Council is being told what it can and cannot do because of the
status change. This makes me sad. What also makes me sad is that because of
501C3 all our decisions are now subject to review by the following Council
committees: 1. Bylaws Committee, 2. Budget Committee and 3. the Fiscal Review
Committee. Whew... that's a lot of bureaucracy to go through.

I will now get off my soapbox. The meeting ended with Bob Agnew informing the
Council that the Old Car Garage is moving to 3232 Carlisle NE. That means two
things. One is that our next meeting in January 2013 will be held at the new
site and two, there will be more room for the cars I love to see being restored.

That's all I have. My next report will be in 2013. Happy New Year!

-- Robert Gold


Christmas Donations at the PTA Clothing Bank
December 1, 2012
Emma Rogers & Lee Reider

For several years we have chosen an organization in the city that helps people
in need and we ask our members to contribute. This year we are supporting the
Bernalillo County PTA Clothing Bank on University. It is a place where folks can
go to get clothing for their children.

At this time, their greatest needs include:
Winter coats - sizes 7-8-10
Gloves, caps and hats for children, both boys and girls
Jeans in sizes 6-7-8-10
Girls' underwear sizes 4-6-8-10
Boys' underwear (preferably boxers) in sizes 4-6-8-10
Shoes in sizes 10 through 14
Socks in sizes medium to large
School uniforms
Toiletries - they like the travel size items but will take any size
Hair things for girls (barrettes, hair bands, pony tail bands, brushes, combs,
Small Toys and YES, stuffed toys are okay
Books, School Supplies, Back Packs, Notebooks, Pencils, Pens, Rulers, Notebook
Paper, Crayons, Markers, or any other school supply that you think might be
The only clothing items they DO NOT want is pajamas!

If you have extra grocery bags, either plastic or paper, please bring them too.
This organization will take and appreciate just about anything you can give
them. If you prefer to donate cash, that is okay too.

Just bring your items to our annual Christmas dinner at Roper's Restaurant, 8810
Central SE, on December 1st at 5:30 PM. See you there!

Thank You All.

Lee & Emma


Four Special Folks Celebrate Birthdays this Month:

Anne Wiker..........November  6
Darlene Darcy.......November  9
Jim Pittman.........November 13
John Wiker..........November 23

One Special Couple Celebrate Their Wedding Anniversary this Month:

Brenda & Mike Stickler......November 21


 C O R V A I R S   o f   N E W   M E X I C O    C O M I N G   E V E N T S
|      November 2012     |      December 2012     |      January 2013      |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |
|               1  2  3  |                     1  |         1  2  3  4  5  |
|   4  5  6  7  8  9 10  |   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  |   6  7  8  9 10 11 12  |
|  11 12 13 14 15 16 17  |   9 10 11 12 13 14 15  |  13 14 15 16 17 18 19  |
|  18 19 20 21 22 23 24  |  16 17 18 19 20 21 22  |  20 21 22 23 24 25 26  |
|  25 26 27 28 29 30     |  23 24 25 26 27 28 29  |  27 28 29 30 31        |
|                        |  30 31                 |                        |

Sat  3 Nov  5:30 PM  Potluck - Auction - Bingo at HOUSE OF COVERS

Sun  4 Nov 2:00 AM DAYLIGHT SAVING ENDS. Get back the hour stolen in the spring.

Tue  6 Nov  ELECTION DAY -- Vote to Save or Destroy the Country -- Your Choice.
          REMEMBER -- the United States has the best politicians money can buy.
        YOU can help decide which congregation of liars to send to office next.
     BE SURE to listen to those expensive ads - they will tell you how to vote.

  at the corner of Wyoming & Carmel, just north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE

Wed  7 Nov          After our meeting, we may go to the IHOP at 8100 Wyoming NE

Sat 10 Nov PJ's Classic Stop 6022 2nd St NW will have a swap meet, 8:00 to 4:00
           Call 505-268-4100 for more information

Sat 10 Nov Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.

Wed 21 Nov  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE

Fri 23 Nov  9:00 PM  December Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman


Sat  1 Dec  5:30 PM  Christmas Dinner - ROPER's RESTAURANT - 8810 Central Ave SE

  at the corner of Wyoming & Carmel, just north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE

Wed  5 Dec          After our meeting, we may go to the IHOP at 8100 Wyoming NE

Sat  8 Dec Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.

Sat 15 Dec  9:30 AM  Club Breakfast - A. T. Truck Stop at Menaul & University

Wed 19 Dec  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE

Fri 21 Dec  9:00 PM  January Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman


  at the corner of Wyoming & Carmel, just north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE

Wed  2 Jan          After our meeting, we may go to the IHOP at 8100 Wyoming NE

Sat 12 Jan Second Saturdays: Los Lunas 66 Cruise starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.

Wed 16 Jan  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE

Fri 25 Jan  9:00 PM  January Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman


See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities:
========================= =========================


Joel Nash 1939-2012

We learned the news by e-mail, with the information coming from the October 20th
Albuquerque Journal obits page. The news was a shock, even though we knew Joel
had been having various health problems in recent years. Sometimes he came to
meetings almost unable to walk. He came, though.

I met Joel one day in 1974 when I had parked in front of the Psychology building
at the University of New Mexico. It must have been a weekend. We graduate
students had to share the duty of coming in to feed the lab animals, and I did
not have an on-campus parking permit. Joel saw my 1966 Corsa and stopped to
introduce himself. Maybe that's how he learned about our Corvair club. He joined
CNM in December 1974.

Joel continued as a steady member of the club. He was elected vice-president in
1975 and 1976, president in 1977 and vice-president in 2002. In 1976 he served
on a committee to draft our constitution and in fact wrote the first version
himself. In 1989 Joel served on a committee to analyze our newsletter mailing
practices to better serve the members while keeping escalating costs under

Joel attended most club meetings and activities. He often drove his black GMC to
our Old Route 66 clean-ups. I never knew of him to drive or even own a Corvair,
but his ability to discuss any type of automobile was amazing. He was
knowledgeable about a wide range of topics and could always comment on any
subject that came up.

We found much to discuss about our military service: I was at Holloman AFB near
Alamogordo for two years, and he had been stationed at White Sands Missile
Range. Apparently we both found much to like about New Mexico. Over the years
I'd call him up occasionally to discuss the latest doings of the club or to rant
about the follies of politics. He was the soul of equanimity and always had wise
and soothing comments.

In June Joel visited us to lend me a book about automotive engineering he
thought I'd like. The last time I saw Joel was at the October 3rd meeting. He
drove the big white Chevrolet Caprice that he loved so much.

We don't know how we will get by without our Corvair friend Joel. For so many
years he was always there, always reliable, always cheerful, always a good
person to talk to about anything. We will have a different club without him.



      2005 - VOL 31 - Nr.11 - # 361

On the cover, members posed in front of an Ultra Van before going in to the
State Fair. In "The Joy of Lex" by Gyles Brandreth puns proliferated. At our
October meeting members laid plans for a trip to the Fan Belt Toss in
California. Wendell reported $2879 in the bank. LeRoy & Emma Rogers went to
Montrose, Colorado to work on next year's Tri-State. Heula Pittman told us about
the members and the mission of the Sunshine Committee. Ray Trujillo told us
about his life story leading up to getting a Corvair - leading to his election
as CNM president. Robert Gold reported the warm activities and cold statistics
on this year's State Fair car show, another great one. Kevin Sullivan told about
the great time we had at the Balloon Fiesta. Richard Finch told about a trip
around the country in an Ultra Van. Stops included Oshkosh, Wisconsin and
Shelburn Falls, Massachusetts and the whole trip racked up 7,890 miles. Sylvan
Zuercher told us the entire history of the Tri-State Events to date. Ollie
Scheflow told us about the last Old Route 66 clean-up of the year. Tech articles
told how to adjust your differential and how to align your suspension.

      1998 - VOL 24 - Nr.11 - # 277

Fantasy cover: Mark Morgan's Corvair Conoco fuel truck. Billiken's Spyder was
retrofitted with air bags. Our treasurer reported $7047. We heard more about the
Wheels Museum. Would it grow and prosper? Bobby Unser was on the board.
	Officers elected were Dennis Pleau, Paul Campbell, Chuck Vertrees and
Wendell Walker. We had 12 Corvairs at the State Fair car show. Robert Gold
reported that all had a great time. The best early car was the Gongora Lakewood,
the best late was the Anderson 500 coupe, and the best FC was the Domzalski
Rampside. Tech tips: Benny Abeyta told us to install a Fiero seat in a Corvair.
LeRoy said new windshields from Libby-Owens-Ford would cost $269 for earlies,
$351 for lates and $68 shipping. Order several for a discount. Libby-Owens-Ford
was a source of glass for many collector cars. A series of Questions and Answers
to Corvair related lore and a detailed article on batteries were reprinted from
Virtual Vairs. Finally, Ilva Walker wrote about our Aspencade tour through the
Jemez and up along the Rio Grande to Embudo Station where we had a great lunch.
The fall foliage was beautiful.

      1991 - VOL 17 - Nr.11 - # 193

The cover showed a Corvair maze; did anyone successfully navigate from one side
to the other? At our meeting we had two guests with cars for sale. We had $578
in the bank. We heard about Corvairs for sale all over the state. We discussed
trying to sell Bill Reider's "CARE & FEEDING" book as a Club project. Our newly
elected officers were Steve Gongora, Dennis Pleau, Chuck Vertrees and Wendell
Walker. We had a tentative list of activities for 1992. A tech article by Bob
Henrich of Columbia Basin Corvairs told us how to repair a bad '61-'65 backup
switch. Short tech tips included: adjusting the thermostat linkage, preventing
objectionable fumes in your heater, replacing heater hoses with the right part,
replacement door hinge bushings, a way to remove the pilot bushing, and pros and
cons of the spring type battery cable. We also had a "Shoe" cartoon with a 1963
Corvair in a junk yard.

      1984 - VOL 10 - Nr.11 - # 110

The cover showed the ascent of man from shambling proto-human cave dweller to
suave, sophisticated Corvair driver... oh, wait, this may have been okay to
publish way back in 1984, but these days it would never do to hint at a
Darwinian view of life. These days we'd have to do a cover depicting
"Intelligent Design" instead. We believe Corvairs are definitely the result of
Intelligent Design!

OCTOBER'S ELECTION was hotly contested and we picked for our officers Francis
Boydston, Clayborne Souza, Bill Hector and LeRoy Rogers. Sylvan reported on our
rally to Alamogordo. Bill Reider told us of a Corvair so neglected that the oil
pan was covered with half an inch of rubbery gunk. The cause? Apparently the
customer didn't change the oil very often, but added STP religiously. Bill
advised us to change our oil and not to waste money on STP or other additives.
Several short tech tips included: a substitute for the interlock in a '61-'64
four-speed, keeping your Corvair running smoothly with the help of electrical
contact cleaner, keeping cool by removing casting flash, installing a '64
differential in a '68 Corvair, preventing burned alternator brushes due to
regulator failure, repairing the spark plug wire holders on your top shrouds,
and removing early transmission mounts.

      1977 - VOL 03

There was no newsletter for November 1977.


== END ==