The August 2013 newsletter - Text Version Updated 26-Nov-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUGUST 2013 / VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 8 / ISSUE #455 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday August 7th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due ......................................Membership Committee Old Route 66 Cleanup Club Project .......................... Editor Fourth of July Notes ................................... John Wiker "Air" Force President's Letter ............... President John Wiker July Meeting Minutes .............................. Fly-on-the-Wall July Board Meeting Minutes ........................ Fly-on-the-Wall At the TA Truck Stop .................................. Vickie Hall Logo Contest, September Meeting ................... Brenda Stickler June Car Council Report ............................... Robert Gold July Car Council Report ............................... Robert Gold Thank You, Madame Governor ............................ Robert Gold Birthdays and Anniversaries .....................Sunshine Committee Collector Car Appreciation Day .................. Pat & Vickie Hall Treasury Report ....................................... Robert Gold Member Information: Who Has What ......................... Everyone A Real Cheap Summer Vacation .......................... Robert Gold Thank You Madam Governor .............................. Robert Gold Calendar of Coming Events .......................Board of Directors Seven, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago .....................Club Historian COVER: Above: Six Corvairs were at our July Club Breakfast. Here are three. Below: David Huntoon's brother sent iPhone photos from the CORSA Convention. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President: John Wiker 505-899-3076 wikerj63 @ Vice-Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Secretary: Art Gold 505-620-7434 rollerart @ Treasurer: Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 @ Car Council: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Merchandise: Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @ Membership: Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 @ Sunshine: Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Newsletter: Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Past Pres: Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray @ Past Pres: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Past Pres: David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 @ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES: CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00 CNM only: 12 months $28.00 -or- 26 months $ 56.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CORSA's home page: Steve Gongora's page: CNM's newsletters: Larry Yoffee home page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES DUE DATES FOR AUGUST 2013 DUE JULY 2013 ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2013.07 Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski 25-AUG-2013 2013.07 Connie & Robert McBreen 25-AUG-2013 2013.07 Tracey & John McMahan 25-AUG-2013 2013.07 Leslie & Kevin Sullivan 25-AUG-2013 DUE AUGUST 2013 ==================== INACTIVE DATE 2013.08 Alan Gold 25-SEP-2013 2013.08 Lori Nash 25-SEP-2013 2013.08 Nancy & Russ McDuffie 25-SEP-2013 DUE SEPTEMBER 2013 ================= INACTIVE DATE 2013.09 Floyde Adams 25-OCT-2013 DUE OCTOBER 2013 =================== INACTIVE DATE 2013.10 Debra & Jon Anderson 25-NOV-2013 2013.10 Ruth Boydston 25-NOV-2013 2013.10 Mary Lou & Mark Martinek 25-NOV-2013 2013.10 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow 25-NOV-2013 2013.10 Sylvia & Ray Trujillo 25-NOV-2013 DUE NOVEMBER 2013 ================== INACTIVE DATE 2013.11 Linda & Dick Cochran 25-DEC-2013 2013.11 Anne Mae & Robert Gold 25-DEC-2013 2013.11 Cheryl & Edward Halpin 25-DEC-2013 2013.11 Kay & Tarmo Sutt 25-DEC-2013 2013.11 Brenda & Hurley Wilvert 25-DEC-2013 ================================================== EXPIRED ============================ INACTIVE DATE 2013.02 Kathy & Larry Blair 25-MAR-2013 2013.04 Richard Finch 25-MAY-2013 2013.05 Rita & Steve Gongora 25-JUN-2013 2013.06 Joan & Murray Bruskin 25-JUL-2013 2013.06 David & Judy Jaramillo 25-JUL-2013 ================================================== Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! =============================================================================== Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. Don't photoshop your digital JPGs -- send the originals. This ecologically green newsletter is produced in a Microsoft-free environment. I still print mailing labels with a 1989 Apple IIgs on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIp. The newsletter is composed using Apple Macintosh computers. Software includes OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata, 2003 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. =============================================================================== OLD ROUTE 66 CLEANUP CLUB PROJECT Editor Oliver Scheflow has organized all of our Old Route 66 cleanup sessions starting with the very first one, Saturday September 14th, 1996. I think Bill Reider was the one who first proposed that the club should have some kind of public service function, our members approved, and Ollie took the idea and ran with it. At first we did three cleanups a year, then it changed to four, and now it's back to three again. Many of us have enjoyed these outings over the years and it's always a mystery why certain items seem to get thrown out on the roadway. Don't miss the fun, come and join us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "AIR" FORCE PRESIDENT's LETTER John Wiker How many of you know how to break into a Corvair's trunk if it refuses to open? I do now, thanks to Pat Hall and Lube Lubert. It's major surgery! You have to take out the headlights, the headlight retainer and housing, and force the whole area back into the trunk. Its not easy if you have stuff stored behind the headlight area like rags, cleaner fluids, spare tools, spare light bulbs, spare fuel pump and some extra tools. Then you have to find and loosen the trunk locking bracket and finally it should open. Replacing the locking mechanism did not fix our problem. It would open with no problem with a screwdriver, but not with the key. So now, I have to order a new key system and in the meantime, the screwdriver in the glove box is now the "key" to the situation. So if you see me driving down the road with the front emblem missing, you now know why. It's in the trunk, waiting for replacement parts from Clark's. Thanks to the three of us working as a team, we finished the "operation" in about 3 1/2 hours, including breaks. Once again, I owe these two deeply and we have arrived at a "payback" after the next board meeting. Oh by the way, haven't these evening rain storms been great? Just what the doctor ordered. See you at the August meeting. Think about volunteering for President or Vice President for next year. Mike Stickler, Pat Hall, Ollie Scheflow and Lube Lubert pose at our July 6th Old Route 66 cleanup. Also working today were John Wiker and Jim Pittman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOURTH OF JULY NOTES John Wiker Well, I hope all of you had a great 4th of July. My plans changed from Santa Fe to local events. I started my day at the Kirtland Golf Course getting 28 groups of golfers out to play in the annual Fire Cracker event. I then met my wife, Anne, for lunch at the TA truck stop for free lunch for us Veterans. Thanks for the heads up from Pat Hall. At 2:30, I left for the Balloon Fiesta Park to participate in the Car Show and other activities. At my last count, I had 54 cars there, the majority being Chevy products along with my lonely Corvair. As you know, I enjoy having kids in my trunk and car for pictures. I was parked next to a brand new Lotus and its owner had one of those signs that invites trouble - you know, the one that says don't touch, just look. This may work at normal car shows, but when you have about 30,000 or so all over the field and standing family deep to look at the cars, you can't expect that your pride and joy will stay perfect all day long. He ran out of cleaner and borrowed some from me to use every time someone laid a finger on it. By the end of the evening, he must have been hoarse from yelling "Please don't touch my car." He even asked me to stop letting kids climb over my car so they would not be tempted to do the same with his. I kindly declined. You meet all kinds at a show like this. One cute five-year-old boy asked me "How often do you have to use the "spare" engine in back?" Another young lady let me know in no uncertain terms that my steering wheel was on the wrong end of the car. The best of the night goes to the gentleman who told me his friend owned a Corvair with a 400 HP engine in the back and he raced it at the Sandia Raceway and was hardly ever beat because the front wheel drive of the Corvair gave him a great advantage. You should have seen the look on his face when I told him that Corvairs only had rear wheel drive, no matter what year they were. As I was dozing, what do my eyes see but the Sullivans approaching to say hello. He was playing his bass guitar in one of the bands on stage that night. They thought about bringing the Ultravan to the show, but decided that they could not stay until 10:00 PM, since they were leaving in it the next morning on a trip. My wife joined me after taking the bus in from St. Pius. The night then turned ominous, with Mother Nature providing her own Fireworks Show with lightening hitting the Sandias. Nothing ever hit close to the Fiesta Grounds and at 9:15, the real Fireworks kicked off. Fortunately, unlike California, there were no incidents, and the launch area was well away from the crowd and no misfires occurred. At 10:00 PM, we left the grounds and were home at 10:30. It was a long but very entertaining day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETING MINUTES 03-JUL-2013 Fly-on-the-Wall Meeting minutes were put together from the notes available at newsletter deadline time as transcribed by our reporter Fly-on-the-Wall. John Wiker (President) Thanks for newsletter and news. Fourth of July, balloon museum, free if bring a car, otherwise $10, fireworks show. July 20th: neon cruize at Nob Hill. There was to be a visitor tonight but apparently he did not show up. Pat Hall (Vice President) Free meal to veterans at the T.A. Truck Stop on July 4th. Club breakfast on Saturday July 20 at 9:00 AM at T.A. Truck Stop. Phone tree to notify members. Show of hands: 15 indicated they would go. Robert Gold (Treasurer) $4,076.76 in treasury. Art Gold (Secretary) nothing recorded. Larry Yoffee (Membership Chair) was not present. Was reported to be doing well. Jim Pittman (Editor) newsletter deadline is Friday July 26th at 9:00 PM. Heula Pittman (Sunshine Committee) our next club anniversary should be special! It's our 40th anniversary. Committee will meet to discuss the anniversary celebration. We have asked Jon Anderson about getting the cut-away Corvair to the Chama Tri-State next year. Vickie Hall (Merchandise) has not sold anything lately, no money to turn in. The new Care & Feedings books are only $5.00. Robert Gold (Car Council) reported on the June meeting. Museum Car Show attracted 341 cars but income not yet reported. The NMCCC Picnic will definitely be held, but we don't have a location yet. Oak Flats is closed due to fire danger. The Car Council had elections and the officers were re-elected. For the board of directors, Robert tied with another nominee who then dropped out, so Robert is now on the NMCCC Board of Directors. Robert really likes the Car Council and expects to enjoy serving the 3-year term. Pat Hall said, since no one had suggested topics for a TUNA, he and Bill Darcy would provide a presentation on carburetors on Saturday September 14th at the Hall's place in Los Lunas. Brenda Stickler reminded us that we will have a contest to select a logo design for the 2014 Chama Tri-State. Everyone is invited to bring a design to the September meeting and we will vote on the best design. Wendell Walker said all his cars are insured and if someone wants to drive his red early convertible to a car show, contact him. Wendell also has a 1963 Cadillac and a 2008 Honda S-2000. He said he had talked to Kim Patten who still drives a truck in between visits to Hawaii. The 50/50: Ruth Boydston won tonight's drawing, with $8.50 to her, $8.50 to CNM. Bill Reider donated a copy of the very first CORSA issue for raffle. The winner: Roger Pape who told us the story of his finding a 1971 Corvette for his 71st birthday present. The meeting adjourned around 8:00 and most of us had to drive home in a sudden rainstorm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOARD MEETING MINUTES 17-JUL-2013 Fly-on-the-Wall Meeting minutes were put together from the notes available at newsletter deadline time as transcribed by our reporter Fly-on-the-Wall. John Wiker (President) reported pretty dense traffic making some of the members late. John asked if we knew what the primary ingredient of WD-40 was, then read out 40 uses for WD-40. Handy stuff to have. Pat Hall (Vice President) had nothing to report. Art Gold (Secretary) said he had been visiting his car in the paint shop and it was taking longer than expected. Robert Gold (Treasurer) reported $4,178.95 in the treasury. Robert Gold (Car Council) reported he was now on the board of directors and he had attended Car Appreciation Day where there was food after a long wait, and the cars there were wonderful. The NMCCC Picnic will definitely be held at Oak Flats because recent rains have reduced the fire danger. It will start at 11:00 AM and we can all meet at the Smith's parking lot, Central at Tramway SE at 9:30 or 10:00 or so, then caravan down old South 14 (now officially NM Hwy 337) to Oak Flats. Larry Yoffee (Membership) was not present. Jim Pittman (Editor) newsletter deadline is Friday July 26th at 9:00 PM. Heula Pittman (Sunshine Committee) Lee Reider & Emma Rogers will organize our charity donation for the Christmas dinner. Do we want to donate to the same organization as last year, or another? Vickie Hall suggests JOY JUNCTION and they will accept just about anything. The committee will meet on Saturday July 20th at our club breakfast to discuss various issues relating to the Christmas dinner, our 40th anniversary luncheon next March, and the 2014 Chama Tri-State. OLD BUSINESS: There had been a proposal at the May meeting that we change our club logo from "CNM" to "Corvairs of New Mexico" because the educational institution that used to be called TV-I had changed their name to "Central New Mexico Community College" and had appropriated the logo "CNM" leading to confusion for anyone seeing our "CNM" logo. After discussion we vetoed the idea of changing our logo. We have had it since 1974 and we will just keep it as it is. John Wiker asked if we have a hotel in Chama yet. He passed around a brochure for Tierra Wools, a weaving company near Chama which would be great for a tour. He asked, what else might there be to do in or near Chama? NEW BUSINESS: Pat Hall mentioned that there was an article on Corvairs in the current Hemmings magazine. Robert Gold reported on taking the family to the Santa Fe Fourth of July festival where they had a great time. Highly recommended for a near-by vacation spot! John Wiker said we would commemorate Ollie Scheflow's many years of running the Old Route 66 Cleanups. He said we needed a new chairman because Ollie said he must resign. Lube Lubert volunteered to take on the job. A first order of business was to try to get the state to replace our sign at the east end of our mile. Another order of business was to somehow get more members to come out and help clean our mile. Vickie & Heula were "volunteered" to do a phone tree to call members to encourage them to go to the club breakfast on Saturday July 20th. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday morning, July 20, 2013, 9am at the TA Truck Stop Vickie Hall What better way to start your day than having breakfast with 15 of your closest CNM Friends. We enjoyed good food, several of us drove our Corvairs (Roger Pape brought his "new" Corvette!) and with this group, there is always great conversation. We were glad to see Elizabeth and Mark Domzalski who have recently moved back to New Mexico from living in Washington, D.C. for several years and are looking forward to them attending CNM meetings again. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the picnic next month at Oak Flats. Pat and Vickie Hall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PHOBIAS Pat Hall Panicphobia is the fear of becoming an officer in an auto club, sometimes called Gavelphobia. This was found in the CORSA Communique dated April 1989 and was written by Jack Allison. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Logo Contest on September 4th Brenda Stickler As we all look forward to our first ever Chama, New Mexico Tri-State event in 2014, it's time to select a logo. So, we are calling on our talented members to bring in their vision for what this logo should look like. At next month's meeting, a bulletin board will be placed at the front of the meeting room and we will ask members who have brought their logo ideas to pin them up on this board. All members in attendance will be able to vote for the logo they think is a winner. Good Luck! We always look forward to this selection. -- Brenda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A TIE GOES TO THE RUNNER -- June Car Council Report Robert Gold This time of the year there isn't much to report concerning the New Mexico Car Council. The Museum Car Show is now history and nothing much is going on until the August Car Council Picnic. Therefore, there isn't much to report here, except one thing of note-- the annual Council elections. More about that later. I was the lone CNM'er in attendance this month, which is better than last month, when no one from the club attended. My excuse for missing that meeting was that I experienced a "senior moment" and didn't pay attention to the Council newsletter. It had announced that the May meeting would be held a week early because of the Museum Car Show. I arrived at the right time, but a week late. I can say one advantage to arriving at the wrong time is that I did get a great parking spot. Sorry CNM. Also, for those of you who aren't aware of the fact, I'm the "unofficial, super secret" CNM Car Council rep. I'm not the official CNM rep, but I like the Council so much I attend meetings to just to be part of the gang. As I mentioned before there really isn't much to report this month. One thing that did come up was that the Council's web site continues to operate splendidly. You might even say it operates as nicely as the ones run by Jim Pittman and Steve Gongora. I would suggest you take a look and see how nice it is. Just go to and take a look. The report on the Museum Show was brief since all the costs hadn't been resolved. There were 341 cars. A last minute problem with a broken water main was resolved after a Council member's friend in city government was contacted. I love New Mexico, because of its population you're not far away from the people who make things happen. The Treasurer's report was brief. Our Treasurer was departing after 8 years of service. He was all smiles at the prospect of leaving his post. I guess he had had enough fun. . . We heard a report about the upcoming July 13 Car Collector Appreciation Day. Events are to be held in various places in the State. In Albuquerque the celebration will take place at Mild to Wild Classics. I attended the event a couple of years ago and had a great time. One nice thing was the free food! If you're interested take a look at the web site for more info. The Council Picnic, scheduled for August 11, was discussed. It seems that Mother Nature is messing with this event. Extreme drought conditions have resulted in the closing of the picnic area that was to be used. The event still will be held, but we won't know until next month where that will be. There is a possibility that we will assemble at the Estancia Fairgrounds. Tune in next month to hear about the location. I know in the past CNM was well represented, I hope you all will again plan to attend. With this business out of the way, it was time to elect the new Council officers and Board of Directors. A Council member had asked for a CNM'er to run for a seat on the Council's Board of Directors. I agreed to run after no one else stepped forward. My great fear was that I would set our club's reputation back and not get any votes. Luckily, that didn't turn out to be the case. Here are the new officers: President Dennns Seibert Vice President Lauri Rector Secretary Bill Lemen Treasurer Lisa Bon Durant These positions were not contested, so we pretty much knew who would be elected. The Board of Directors elections, however, were contested. We had three people running for two, 3-year seats on the Board. Paul McLaughlin got enough votes to be elected, but my contest turned out like most soccer games-- it ended in a tie! I tied Louis Paul of the Rainbow Roadrunner Car Club, the other person running. Those people who say your vote doesn't count were proved wrong this time. While the current officers were trying to decide what to do next Louis graciously bowed out making me the new Board member. I'm thrilled to be elevated from the "super-secret" CNM rep to a member of the Board of Directors. I'll get a chance to give a little back after all the years of enjoying their events. Well that's about all for this month. If you attend CNM's next monthly meeting you'll get to hear a report from your new Car Council Board Member! -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Half Step Behind -- July Car Council Report Robert Gold It seems that I'm in a bit of a slump concerning the New Mexico Car Council. For the second time in three months I arrived at the Council meeting at the wrong time. I missed the meeting completely in May. For July I arrived one and a half hours late. It seems there was an envelope stuffing event scheduled for this month preceding the business meeting. I missed it because I didn't pay attention to the announcement in the newsletter. I did, however, arrive in time for the free pizza. Timing is everything! Since I did attend the business meeting here are the highlights. We spent a good amount of time talking about the Swap Meet that will take place on September 27-29 in Los Lunas. Tickets for sellers are now available. Due to flooding problems the north field will be reconfigured. The "friendly" Los Lunas police will be replaced with hired security people. Posters for the event will be distributed at the next council meeting. And the most important thing -- the number of porta-potties will be increased 50 percent from 10 to 15. Remember CNM'ers, if you volunteer at the event you will get free lunch and an early crack at the things for sale. I'll be asking for volunteers at the upcoming monthly CNM meetings. One thing of note, the former treasurer who was so happy at leaving the post after eight years has returned. Lisa has some health issues and will be taking a couple of months off. As CNM treasurer I know that you never really leave the position. I tried it once, but it didn't take. Do you all know I was treasurer before Wendell got the job? Now about the Car Council picnic. It is happening and it will take place on Sunday, August 11, beginning at 10:00 am at the Oak Flat Picnic area, 8 miles north of I-40 on NM Hwy 337 (the old Hwy South 14). CNM is donating 3 cases of water to the event, so I'll be arriving at 9:00 am for the setup. Admission is $5.00 a car (a deal at twice the price). The NMCCC will supply burgers and dogs, and, of course bottled water. Let's have a good CNM turnout for this fun event. Concerning this month's Car Appreciation Day. We had over 100 cars arrive at Mild to Wild Classics. Everyone had a good time. The only problem was when someone complained about how the free hotdogs were prepared... big deal. Anyway, the Council will be taking over the event next year. We have been promised the event will be bigger and better next year. Details will be coming soon. Stay tuned.... Lastly, I know many of you have attended various meetings and witnessed what writers like to call a "tempest in a teapot." That means, much ado about nothing. That happened at this meeting. Things were rolling along just great and then our new president requested that we approve two purchases. The first was an executive-sized barbeque so we wouldn't need to borrow one for our events. It costs $399 and after some debate that purchase was approved. Then came the bombshell. It was proposed that the council purchase an enclosed trailer to ferry equipment back and forth to events. Keep in mind that it was a bit warm in the meeting room. We then proceeded to talk FOREVER about the purchase. Who would be responsible for the trailer? How much would it cost? What about insurance? No one would make a motion to make the purchase, so after days of discussion, someone had the sense to make a motion to put the decision off until next month when we would hopefully have more information. The meeting then thankfully adjourned. That's it for this month. -- Robert Gold, Your dedicated NMCCC Board member. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank You Madam Governor Robert Gold Do you go through life feeling that nobody appreciates you and your car(s)? You are not alone. The car hobby has been under attack for many years for valid and invalid reasons. For a number of years I commuted to and from work on my bicycle and I saw first hand how unmaintained older cars were a hazard to both the drivers who were trying to control them, and me, as I had to dodge them or get hit. But we in the collector car hobby know that the dummies who drive such cars are not real "car guys". They are just jerks who drive junk cars. Unfortunately, those who think of old cars as just dangerous and polluting, don't understand the true old car culture. Because of their lack of knowledge old cars have been the target of misconceived "junker" laws whose aim is to get all old cars off the street. We know better. Car enthusiasts like those in CNM strive to restore our rides and make them as safe and desirable as we can. Luckily for us there is a national movement among car guys to educate the public about the true nature of the car hobby. On July 13, car enthusiasts nationwide got to celebrate our passion on "National Car Collector Appreciation Day". In Albuquerque the celebration took place at Mild to Wild Classics. The celebration was sponsored by the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs. Did you know that I'm on the Board of Directors?!! Anne Mae and I attended the ceremony to both support the car hobby in general, and Corvairs in particular. What a fun time it was! The parking lot and surrounding streets were clogged with classics of all sorts. We had high-end show cars and not so high-end cars "customized" cars. What we all had in common was a love and respect for our cars. The highpoint of the event (besides the free food) was the reading of a proclamation made by Governor Martinez celebrating the car hobby. Here are just a few of the points the Governor made in her proclamation: 1. Many people collect and maintain classic cars as a pastime shared across all segments of society; 2. Hundreds of area car clubs have been instrumental in preserving a historic part of the heritage of New Mexico by encouraging the restoration of vintage vehicles; 3. Car clubs encourage preservation of historic highways in our state; and 4. The collection and appreciation of cars are an important part of preserving the cultural heritage of the state. Sorta makes you feel good to hear those things, doesn't it? So I'd like to thank our Governor for her good words and support for the car hobby. With this kind of support there is hope that future generations will get to continue our love of old cars. For you CNM'ers who missed this year's celebration, I would strongly suggest you attend next year. You get to see all kinds of groovy cars, talk to a lot of great car people, and don't forget all the free food. Not a bad deal. --Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Six CNMers Celebrate Birthdays This Month: Steve Johnson August 10 Lee Reider August 11 Floyde Adams August 14 Ryan McDuffie August 18 Larry Yoffee August 25 Mark Morgan August 28 Two Couples Celebrate Wedding Anniversaries This Month: Marilyn & Richard Foster August 5 Sylvia & Ray Trujillo August 7 Congratulations to Kyle Stickler who just graduated at UNM Computer Tech Center! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT: 06-19-2013 to 07-17-2013 .......... Robert Gold DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION ========== ==== ========== ============ ==================================== 2013.06.19 +$ 50.00 CNM Dues Art Gold 2013.06.19 +$ 165.00 CNM Dues J.Dinsdale, F.Riggs 2013.06.21 2165 -$ 45.00 CORSA Dues Carl Johnson 2013.06.21 2167 -$ 62.81 J.Pittman JUL 2013 Newsletter ENDING BALANCE = $4,178.95 If you have any concerns or questions about this report please contact Robert Gold at 505-268-6878 or email: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================================================================================ * * M E M B E R I N F O R M A T I O N * W H O H A S W H A T * * ================================================================================ Ruth Boydston 505-350-6003 has a 1963 Corvair Coupe, automatic, 98,252 miles, all original. It has white exterior and blue interior. This car has been seen at recent meetings and local events and was featured on the cover of the December 2012 ENCHANTED CORVAIRS newsletter. ================================================================================ Larry Blair 505-249-1035 has two Clark's finned aluminum valve covers. ================================================================================ Pat Hall 505-620-5574 in Los Lunas, NM has Corvairs in need of repair. Lots of parts for most Corvairs. ================================================================================ Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 has terminated the Corvairs of New Mexico Newsletter CD and Newsletter DVD projects. ================================================================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Real Cheap Summer Vacation Robert Gold In case you don't know it, I'm a member of the "Peace and Love" generation. This has resulted in really thin, white hair, a tendency to tell too many stories about my college years, and a couple of teenagers in the house. Teenagers? For most people my age when they mention teenagers they're referring to their grandchildren. Alas, I am referring to my children. You have to understand I love Javi and Sara, but, they are getting to be increasingly expensive. This year is a case in point. Javi has now taken the first steps towards a college education. That means for him new adventures, new friends, increased knowledge,and college experiences he can bore people with when he's a senior citizen like me. For Anne Mae and me it means spending lots of MONEY on his college education. With a college student in the house we now need to pay more attention to where our money is going. And starting this year much of our money won't be going to extended vacations. So this year we decided to forgo any major trips. This creates a dilemma. We want to save money, but we still want to have a fun summer. Luckily a solution was just up the road in Santa Fe. It occurred to me at the beginning of the summer that we hadn't attended the July 4th celebration on the Santa Fe plaza for a number of years. That meant the kids really didn't remember much about it. Also, as most of you know, I am a rabid baseball fan. Last year a professional baseball league was formed in New Mexico called the Pecos League and Santa Fe has a team called the Fuegos. It was like a perfect storm where no money meets an inexpensive trip. Also a perfect storm like the name of the visiting team, the Taos Blizzards. With this in mind we ventured to Santa Fe arriving mid-morning to enjoy the pancake breakfast and car show on the plaza and then we drove down Cerrillos Road to our all-time favorite New Mexican restaurant, the Horseman's Haven. For any of you who like HOT green chile you gotta go there. We then splurged and checked in to a motel prior to our drive to historic Fort Marcy Park to see the Fuegos play. They had everything, bad pitching that resulted in lots of runs, a bench-clearing brawl, and a home team win. The morning following the game all the stores had reopened so we window shopped around the plaza, ate at a French restaurant and drove the 60 miles back home. That ended our summer trip, full of fun things to do and at a cost that we could afford. The trip was so much fun that Javi and Sara gave it two thumbs up,which is quite a nice thing coming from teenagers. I guess the lesson to be learned from this adventure is that if you want to vacation on the cheap and still have a good time consider the 4th of July in Santa Fe. Maybe next year we'll journey to Los Lunas and see what it has to offer. -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ | August 2013 | September 2013 | October 2013 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 1 2 3 4 5 | | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | | 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 29 30 | 27 28 29 30 31 | ============================================================================ Wed 7 Aug 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 10 Aug 6:00 PM Los Lunas South Rte. 66 Hint Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms - Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415, or Sun 11 Aug 10:00 AM NMCCC All Clubs Picnic - Oak Flats Picnic Area, NM South 14 Side Dishes and Desserts to share are encouraged. Meet at the Smith's, Central & Tramway, at about 9:00 AM and caravan to Oak Flats. ( Wed 21 Aug 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 23 Aug 9:00 PM Deadline for items for September newsletter Sat 24 Aug 10:00 AM TUNA: Pitman Arm Bushing, Pat Hall & Bill Darcy, LOS LUNAS ============================================================================ Wed 4 Sep 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. Wed 4 Sep Bring your design for a logo for the 2014 Chama Tri-State tonight! We will vote on the best design. Wed 4 Sep After the meeting we'll go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 14 Sep ....... CNM Picnic at Los Lunas - sponsored by Vickie & Pat Hall Sat 14 Sep 6:00 PM Los Lunas Mystery Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, Wed 18 Sep 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 20 Sep 9:00 PM Deadline for items for October newsletter Sun 22 Sep 7:00 AM New Mexico State Fair Car Show - Robert Gold Fri 27 Sep ........ N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas Sat 28 Sep ........ N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas Sun 29 Sep ........ N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas ============================================================================ Wed 2 Oct CORVAIR HERITAGE DAY (Corvair's official birthday) Wed 2 Oct 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat xx Oct ....... Road Rally -- organized by Russ McDuffie Contact Russ at 505-400-5526 or ( for information. Fri 4 Oct Start of Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Sat 5 Oct Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Sun 6 Oct Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta - NMCCC Car Show Sat 12 Oct 9:00 AM Old Route 66 Clean-up - Lube Lubert - 505-256-9331 Sat 12 Oct 1:00 PM Los Lunas Pumpkin Pie Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, Wed 16 Oct 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 25 Oct 9:00 PM Deadline for items for November newsletter Fri 25 Oct ........ 36th ANNUAL GREAT WESTERN FAN BELT TOSS & SWAP MEET Sat 26 Oct ........ 36th ANNUAL GREAT WESTERN FAN BELT TOSS & SWAP MEET Sun 27 Oct ........ 36th ANNUAL GREAT WESTERN FAN BELT TOSS & SWAP MEET Sunrise Park, Palm Springs, California Quality Inn 1269 E. Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs CA 92644 Hosted by Inland Empire Corvair Club ============================================================================ Sat 7 Dec ... Christmas Party -- Donations will be organized by Lee Reider and Emma Rogers to benefit JOY JUNCTION. Details later. ============================================================================ Sat xx Mar ... We will be celebrating our 40th Anniversary! We need to have a chairperson to organize this event - as early as possible! ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities: ========================= ========================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seven Years Ago in August Aug 2006 Vol 32 Nr 8 # 371 On the cover, a Corvair looks out over the city from high on the road to La Luz Trail. At the July meeting Wendell reported $2,935 in the treasury. Jim reported that, since CNM sponsored the Montrose, Colorado Tri-State last month, we mailed a copy of the July newsletter to everyone who registered. Five CNM members (with three Corvairs) were at the Fourth of July car show on the plaza in Santa Fe. President Ray told the story of how he came to buy his Corsa convertible in Phoenix back in 2003. Naturally, Ray soon met Sylvan Zuercher and soon joined CNM. Robert reported on the Car Council meeting and described seeing a beautiful 1956 Lincoln Mark II at the Old Car Garage. Maybe he went to the meetings just to see the exotic old cars? An article by out long-time member Del Patten described his life in Virginia, at least the parts where he attended Corvair club events. Wrapping up this issue was a brochure forecasting the NMCCC picnic at Jemez Falls camp grounds on August 6. Aug 1999 Vol 25 Nr 8 # 287 The cover shows Steve, Dave and Ollie posing next to filled trash bags on an Old Route 66 cleanup excursion. The weather was cool but windy, making it hard to fill those flimsy plastic bags. New members were Wayne Uhl of Cloudcroft and Richard Foster of White Rock. Dennis conducted our meeting at Casa Chevrolet. Wendell e-mailed that our finances stood at $6,329. Mark Domzalski had been elected CORSA president for another term. Our Tri-State was at Salida, Colorado and we were happy that Kay and Tarmo received the Boydston Award. The Tri-State for 2000 was to be in Albuquerque in conjunction with the Museum Car Show. Several Corvairs were in Santa Fe for the July 4th plaza show, but English cars got all the awards. At the board meeting we had a report on the car show at Cottonwood Mall, away west in Rio Rancho. We planned a camping trip to Jack's Creek in the Pecos and a map with directions was provided. An article from Virtual Vairs by Norm Helmkay discussed keeping a Powerglide automatic transmission alive in an Ultravan. Yes, heat is the big killer, and driving a heavy Ultravan up and down hills or into the wind in the summer may be the worst case! Norm told how he added an oil temperature gauge to keep an eye on the fluid temperature, and he suggested installing an oil cooler (perhaps an early Corvair 12-plate) to help keep the Dextron ATF below 170 degrees at all times. Norm added a tip for looking at a drop of the fluid to see it it has been overheated. Finally, four letters to the editor discussing a recent article on the Corvair's unsafe image were borrowed from the Wall Street Journal. Aug 1992 Vol 18 Nr 8 # 203 The cover photo showed Wayne Christgau's 1969 Monza in front of the unfinished Crazy Horse Memorial in South Dakota. We met at the Ken Johns Lincoln-Mercury dealership, across the street from Casa Chevrolet. Sylvan introduced new member Ollie Scheflow. Wendy reported $1,043 in the bank. Milton reported that 21 CNM members helped move new Chevrolets from Ed Black's to the new Casa dealership. Casa Chevrolet offered to pick up the postage for "Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter" for which we are all grateful. Steve reported that we sponsored two cars in The Great American Car Race. He also reported on our trip to the Santa Fe Fourth of July show and our tour of Tinkertown. Previews included an Arts in the Park Tour by Sylvan; the State Fair Car Show by LeRoy; an Orange Barrel Funkhana by Chuck; and the Christmas Dinner by the Sticklers. Larry provided a photo of a 1960 Corvair floating through the flooded intersection of Second and Indian School several years ago. Tech tips told us how to fasten those early model air cleaner clips without chipping the paint, and the use of pieces of plastic water pipe and glue to repair old cracked Corvair body parts. We had "A Poem Four Bill" about the hazards of trusting your computer's spell checker. Aug 1985 Vol 11 Nr 8 # 119 The cover: another Mark Morgan Corvair-derived race car. Our meeting was in Santa Fe at Molly's Kitchen. Bill McClellan's "Gas Welding" concluded with part four. Mark Morgan told us about how he started drawing modified Corvairs after a comment by Sylvan. Bill Reider's tech column was on fixing floating valves and changing oil. Aug 1978 Vol 4 Nr 7 # 35 Our cover showed a rare Loadside. At a board meeting we said our diversity was a strength but also a weakness: it was hard to find activities that everyone would participate in. Jim contributed technical articles on turbocharging. The first one asserted that it was not a good idea on Corvairs. Bob Helt had an article on spark plugs, Francis Boydston wrote about cooling considerations and Gary Jarvis wrote about Corvair brakes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PREVIEW OF THE 30th TRI-STATE 2014 -- CHAMA, NEW MEXICO Larry Yoffee Before you know it, we'll be in Cripple Creek, Colorado attending Tri-State 2013! It is then that we will announce our plans to host the 2014 Tri-State in beautiful Chama, New Mexico. If you have not had the opportunity for visit this charming northern New Mexico destination, Tri-State is the perfect time. As you know, it takes Corvair people to make Tri-State happen and continue this great and fun tradition. So here is the opportunity you've been waiting for! Join the Chama 2014 Team. Please volunteer for one or more of the following: Event chair: Larry Yoffee Media contact: _ Registration: _ Registration hand bags: Sunshine Committee Hospitality: Brenda & Hurley Wilvert Car show and parade: _ Banquet: _ Banquet MC: Russ McDuffie Door prizes: _ Tour Leaders: More on this later at our membership meetings. We need more than one person for each of these above, so please sign on now. I will also be sending around a sign-up sheet at upcoming membership meetings. Soon we will be discussing the process for choosing the 2014 logo so stay tuned for that. I am looking forward to working with you all. Once we have a team, we will meet and finalize our plans to put on a wonderful, memorable event in beautiful Chama, New Mexico. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you. You may reach me in one of the following ways: 505-321-5909 Thanks very much, Larry Yoffee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =END=