The September 2013 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 12-Dec-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico  

   SEPTEMBER 2013 / VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 9 / ISSUE #456 

Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012

EDITOR: Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday September 4th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM
    North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE

Dues Due........................................Membership Committee
"Air" Force President's Letter............................John Wiker
Car Council Picnic Photos..............................David Huntoon
Car Council Picnic at Oak Flats..........................Vickie Hall
August Meeting Minutes......................................Art Gold
August Board Meeting Minutes................................Art Gold
Christmas Donations.........................Emma Rogers & Lee Reider
The Road to Chama: Plans................................Larry Yoffee
The Road to Chama: Volunteers Needed....................Larry Yoffee
The Road to Chama: Logo Contest.........................Larry Yoffee
Old Car Garage Strip Show................................Robert Gold
Birthdays & Anniversaries.........................Sunshine Committee
State Fair Car Show is Days Away!........................Robert Gold
Heaven or Purgatory TUNA..................................Bill Darcy
Treasury Report..........................................Robert Gold
Who Has What................................................Everyone
Calendar of Coming Events.........................Board of Directors
July Issue, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago...............Club Historian
COVER: Several enthusiasts met for a TUNA at the Halls' in Los Lunas
A little bird told me Ruth wanted to be on the cover! But with a bushing?

MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM
       North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE

    President:    John Wiker     505-899-3076         wikerj63 @
    Vice-Pres:     Pat Hall      505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @
    Secretary:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
    Treasurer:  Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30 @
  Car Council:    Mike Stickler  505-856-6993         sticorsa @
  Merchandise:  Vickie Hall      505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @
   Membership:   Larry Yoffee    505-321-5909         corsa180 @
     Sunshine:   Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
   Newsletter:     Jim Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
    Past Pres:     Ray Trujillo  505-839-7436              ray @
    Past Pres:    Mike Stickler  505-856-6993         sticorsa @
    Past Pres:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @


              DUES:  CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00
                   CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00
             CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00

                CNM only: 12 months $28.00 -or- 26 months $ 56.00


             CORSA's home page:
          Steve Gongora's page:
             CNM's newsletters:
        Larry Yoffee home page:



DUE AUGUST 2013 ==================== INACTIVE DATE
2013.08                Alan Gold       25-SEP-2013
2013.08                Lori Nash       25-SEP-2013
2013.08        Nancy & Russ McDuffie   25-SEP-2013

DUE SEPTEMBER 2013 ================= INACTIVE DATE
2013.09              Floyde Adams      25-OCT-2013

DUE OCTOBER 2013 =================== INACTIVE DATE
2013.10         Debra & Jon Anderson   25-NOV-2013
2013.10                Ruth Boydston   25-NOV-2013
2013.10     Mary Lou & Mark Martinek   25-NOV-2013
2013.10 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow   25-NOV-2013
2013.10        Sylvia & Ray Trujillo   25-NOV-2013

DUE NOVEMBER 2013 ================== INACTIVE DATE
2013.11        Linda & Dick Cochran    25-DEC-2013
2013.11   Anne Mae & Robert Gold       25-DEC-2013
2013.11     Cheryl & Edward Halpin     25-DEC-2013
2013.11         Kay & Tarmo Sutt       25-DEC-2013
2013.11     Brenda & Hurley Wilvert    25-DEC-2013

EXPIRED ============================ INACTIVE DATE
2013.02       Kathy & Larry Blair      25-MAR-2013
2013.04             Richard Finch      25-MAY-2013
2013.06       Joan & Murray Bruskin    25-JUL-2013
2013.06        David & Judy Jaramillo  25-JUL-2013
2013.07    Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski  25-AUG-2013
2013.07     Connie & Robert McBreen    25-AUG-2013
2013.07       Tracey & John McMahan    25-AUG-2013
2013.07      Leslie & Kevin Sullivan   25-AUG-2013

Send your Dues to:
	CNM Treasurer
	c/o Robert Gold
	1301 Valencia NE
	Albuquerque, NM 87110

Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The
Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal
form from your CORSA Communique!


John Wiker

Hope everyone is doing well. September seems to be a very busy month for us.
Picnic, State Fair Car Show, Swap Meet just to name a few. By that time, the
heat should be history and hopefully lots of you will participate.

My vacation in Branson fell through because of lots of rain and flooding in the
area, and a car accident in the family. So my wife and I took the opportunity to
attend the Car Club Picnic on the 11th of August at Oak Flats picnic area in the
Manzanos. There were eight members and about six guests representing the Club.
Only about 20 cars showed up at Smith's at Tramway & Central, and I was asked to
lead the parade to the park since a few others got lost last year. When we got
there without incident, there were a few cars already in place from the host
clubs that were setting things up. The weather was great with cloud cover that
kept the temperatures really mild, so we took a table in the open this year
instead of looking for cover under the trees.

At 12:00 the food was ready and the hosts did a great job of separating things
by category such as deserts, condiments, liquid refreshments, side dishes and of
course the stars of the show -- hotdogs and hamburgers.

If you went home hungry, it was your fault. Of course we ended the meal with
that cold delicious ice cream with toppings of your choice. There were seven
large door prizes to include two balloon rides, and the 50/50 was worth $170 to
the winner and her choice of charity -- the Ronald McDonald House. None of us
won anything, but Vickie Hall was only one number away from the 50/50 prize.

Thanks to Rita and Steve Gongora for the brisket and popcorn. Thanks to Pat &
Vickie Hall for company along with Lube Lubert and his brother, and Dave

During the raffle give aways, which everyone knows I never win, I roamed the
parking lot and counted 85 classic cars and about 20 other more modern brands.
At about 2:30, Anne and I took off to get home in time to see the last hour or
so of the PGA golf tournament. I think a great time was had by all. See you
around. Please participate in our events as you can. Thanks -- John
David Huntoon


Vickie Hall

We arrived at Smith's parking lot at 9:00 am driving our 1965 Corsa Coupe and
there were not very many vehicles there. By the time we left at 9:30 only a
couple more had showed up. One of those was John and Anne Wiker in their 1966
Coupe. Upon arrival at Oak Flats we spotted Lube Lubert's 1963 4-door. Entering
at stage left were Steve and Rita Gongora in their 1962 Rampside followed by
Dave Huntoon in his 8-door van. Not a great showing of Corvairs but always great
CNM'ers. I don't want to leave out family and friends who came with Lube Lubert
and Steve and Rita Gongora.

As always there were plenty of main courses, salads, chips, salsa, beans, soft
drinks, water, watermelon, wonderful desserts and of course ice cream with
several flavors of homemade toppings.

Oak Flats is a great picnic area and especially so for this picnic. I believe
that everyone enjoyed the day and you couldn't have asked for better weather.

Until next year, keep those classics on the road.

-- Pat & Vickie Hall

The photo below is from the 2008 NMCCC picnic, another one we enjoyed!


CNM Regular Meeting Minutes - 8-7-13
Art Gold

Meeting came to order at 7:03pm at North Domingo Baca Multicultural Center with
17 in attendance.

Officer Reports

President (John Wiker) talked about giving an award to the Sticklers for helping
Ollie. There is also a plaque for Ollie for organizing and running the Old Route
66 Cleanup for seventeen years. He talked about WD40 and its many uses. Very
interesting information about WD40 (i.e. it is made out of fish oil). He talked
about his artificial stent for his nose.

Vice President (Pat Hall) stated that he had gotten rid of two Corvairs last
week. He traded his 1968 Convertible for three other cars. He sold a 1961 to an
individual in Tennessee, from right outside of Nashville (Greenbrier, TN).

Treasurer (Robert Gold) stated that the account has $4,203.95. The latest
renewal is Steve Gongora. Robert thanked Jim Pittman for putting in his writing
efforts in the newsletter. He encouraged other members to put articles in the

Secretary (Art Gold) talked about nothing.

Membership (Larry Yoffee) talked about the Hemmings article in the Classic Car
magazine. There was a guest Brian Roe. Brian has a 1969 Monza, and is interested
in selling it. Larry placed the car on his website to aid Brian in selling the

Member Reports

Jim Pittman (Editor) stated that the deadline is Friday, 8-23-13. Jim followed
up on what Robert had stated. Jim discussed that he has been editing the
newsletter before he worked at the computing center at the University of New
Mexico. He had a very interesting story about an editor he once knew at UNM. Jim
went on to discuss previous CNM editors. Jim is always positive with his editing
ever since 1978. He encourages everyone to submit articles.

Heula Pittman (Sunshine) stated that Joy Junction is the organization that CNM
will be donating items. The upcoming anniversary will be CNM's 40th. There will
be something for each family, but it is a secret. The quilt is in process. They
have heard from Mark Morgan and he is still a CNM member. Mark lives in
Chesterfield, MO.

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) stated that she has merchandise for sale. Items for
sale: She sold 1 Care and Feeding book for ($5.00). Rita Gongora stated to
Vickie that the Christmas party will be on December 7th, at Roper's Restaurant.
Vickie also has empty frames donated from Rita. Rita did not say anything about
the potluck. There is a correction to the newsletter about the Corvair-only
picnic. Changed from September 14th to September 21st, which is a Saturday. This
is the day before the State Fair Car Show (9-22-13). The new members have their
name tags.

Robert Gold (Car Council) stated that the old treasurer is the treasurer once
again due to an illness to the new one. There was a lot of fun at a car show.
They talked about the Los Lunas swap meet at the end of September. There will be
more porta potties. There will be private security this year, not Los Lunas
police. There will be a correction to the mud issue. Posters will be distributed
soon for the swap meet. The picnic this year is back on at the original location
(Oak Flats). It is at 10am on Sunday 8-11-13. CNM is providing water for the
picnic. Pat Hall is taking the water. There is a new president. The new
president wants to buy a grill. They also want an enclosed trailer to haul
things around. The council voted the trailer down. Robert also discussed a
demonstration of a new technique to remove paint from a car. There is a use of
high pressure water to take the paint off.

Old Business

Lube Lubert was at Pat Hall's house and learned about 140 heads.

John Wiker talked about attending Summerfest. He met a Corvair owner.

Tarmo Sutt talked about the attention that his car receives. This was in Santa
Fe during cruise nights June and July on the Plaza.

New Business

2014 Tri-State in Chama, NM.
Larry Yoffee: The most important activities to do for the event is getting
lodging. The host motel is the Branding Iron. It only has 39 rooms and the rate
is $65 + tax per night. In order to get the rate is to make a reservation by
April 30th, which is a month in advance. There is another lodging location
called the Chama Trails Inn. The only place that will take the banquet is a
local church. More on the banquet will be posted in the newsletter. The banquet
may have smoked meat. Larry had a sign-up sheet for other activities. These
sign-up sheets were posted on the board for consideration.
Russ McDuffie will be the emcee of the banquet. Larry is currently looking for a
breakfast venue. There were suggestions of activities to do in Chama:
	1) a tour of the train depot
	2) shopping
	3) riding the train (cheaper on Sunday)
	4) sightseeing the train from the highway to Antonito.

Larry is proposing a photo contest. It is also time for a logo contest for the
2014 Tri State. Submissions are for next month's meeting (September).
Suggestions are for the logo to be placed either on a patch or a dash plaque.

Upcoming Events

 8-11 - Car Council Picnic at Oak Flat
 8-24 - TUNA (pitman arm bushings)

 9-21 - Corvair Picnic (help needed)
 9-22 - State Fair Car Show, meeting at the parking lot of the old Furr's
 9-27 - 9-29 - Swap Meet in Los Lunas

10- 6 - Balloon Fiesta
10-12 - Route 66 Clean-up (Lube Lubert)

11- 9 - Potluck Bingo/Auction (Rita/Steve Gongora)

12- 7 - Christmas Party
(Rita Gongora)

Tonight's 50/50 winner is Roger Pape ($14) $7 for the treasury and $7 to the
winner, and Roger contributed his winnings to the Sunshine Committee.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:28pm

Mr. Gold Reporting


Board Meeting Minutes - 8-21-13
Art Gold

Meeting came to order at 5:02pm at Highland Senior Center.

Officer Reports

President (John Wiker) discussed providing articles to Jim. He received a call
from LeRoy Rogers about the Make-a-Wish car show which is occurring this Sunday,
8-24-13 at Reliable Chevy. John talked about the picnic. Seven CNMers attended.
Everything at the picnic, organized by Rainbow Roadrunners, was very planned and
was a jubilant time with terrific weather and tons of door prizes. There were
over 100 cars in attendance.

Vice President (Pat Hall) talked about future plans for a TUNA, this Saturday
8-24-13 at 10am at Pat Hall's place. Pat wants to show pitman arm bushings
replacement and maybe carburetors. Pat wants to postpone the picnic next month
due to too many events occurring around the same time. Pat has had many
transactions with his cars. All is well.

Robert Gold talked about knowing a person who can help out getting titles. The
person is at Morningstar Collision.

Pat talked about a garage in Santa Fe. The garage has many atypical cars such as
Internationals, Hudson Hornet, Terraplane. Maybe the club would be interested in
going there as a "garage tour" to see his vehicles. He also has nice horses.

Treasurer (Robert Gold) stated that the account has $4,036.34.

Anne Mae Gold was in attendance and spoke about the anniversary dinner. Possible
locations could be the County Line (the 30th Anniversary dinner was held there)
or Rudy's.

The president told the secretary to remind him to have the members bring in
pictures to the next meeting of years past. We need a collector of the pictures
to place them in digital format. Art Gold volunteered to digitize the pictures
of years past.

Secretary (Art Gold) discussed his car, still in the paint shop after one year.

Membership (Larry Yoffee) had nothing no new members.

Member Reports

Jim Pittman (Editor) deadline is this Friday, 8-23. He called up Mark Domzalski.
Mark will not be fully retired for at least a year and has Corvair projects but
may not be finishing his garage soon. Mark suggested having a breakfast at a
cafe near their home in Placitas, NM. Board members thought this was a good

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) had sold a few items.

Heula Pittman (Sunshine) talked about our donations to Joy Junction during our
Christmas party. She talked to Emma Rogers and Lee Reider about Joy Junction.
It's time to start collecting items for donation. Heula talked about the
Boydston Award plaque and the engraving on the plaque. The plaque is about 3
years behind. John and Robert will take care of getting it engraved and brought

Jim discussed the premise and action of the Boydston Award. Jim is going to
contact the Pikes Peak and Rocky Mountain clubs about the traveling trophy.

Heula wants to give some recognition to the two people, Steve Gongora and Steve
Goodman, who have been to every one of the 29 Tri-State events. She talked about
Jim Gould, a former member who passed away recently, in May.

Robert Gold (Car Council) recognized Pat and Vickie Hall for notifying him about
his nomination and winning a spot on the board. He discussed the "Mild to Wild"
car show. There were long lines for the food. It was a very casual event.

New Business

September Meeting is the time for the voting for the design for our Tri-State
logo. Do not put your name on the submitted design.

Upcoming Events

Sun 22 Sep 7:00 AM New Mexico State Fair Car Show - Robert Gold

Wed 2 Oct Corvair Heritage Day (Corvair's official birthday)

Wed 2 Oct 7:00 PM Meeting: North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, at
Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we
may go to "Jason's Deli" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE.

Fri 4 Oct Start of Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Sat 5 Oct  Balloon Fiesta
Sun 6 Oct  Balloon Fiesta - NMCCC Car Show

Sat 12 Oct 9:00 AM Old Route 66 Clean-up Lube Lubert - 505-256-9331

Sat 7 Dec ... Christmas Party: Our donations will be again organized by Lee
Reider & Emma Rogers to benefit JOY JUNCTION.

Tri-State News

Larry Yoffee reported on making a recent reconnaisance trip to Chama. The St.
Francis Church will be the location for the banquet.

There are 3 expenses for the banquet, 1) time for using the hall, 2) cleaning
deposit, 3) insurance. The host hotel is the Branding Iron (call 575-756-2162
for reservations).

There is a perfect place for the hospitality room in an old restaurant next door
to the church. Catering will be $20 per person with food buffet style, BBQ
brisket, BBQ chicken. No upfront costs for the dinner. More information will be
posted on Larry's website. His website has suggestions for activities to do
while in Chama.

Larry made a suggestion of playing Oldies music during the Tri-State car show.

A possible photo contest. Take photos at the car show, compare them, vote on the
best. How to do this?

There are still more volunteer positions to fill, more information to be seen in
the newsletter.

Suggestions for T-Shirts???

Russ McDuffie earlier suggested that we have the Kansas club included in the


Meeting Adjourned 6:29pm.

Mr. Gold Reporting


Pat Hall

Panicphobia is the fear of becoming an officer in an auto club, sometimes called
This was found in the CORSA Communique dated April 1989 and was written by Jack


Christmas Donations
Emma Rogers & Lee Reider

This year at our annual Christmas dinner at Roper's Restaurant, donations for
"Joy Junction" will be accepted. This organization helps anyone in need and
accepts ANYTHING from clothing to household items. There is a need for
toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, tooth brushes, bath soaps,
deodorant, hair brushes and combs and barrettes. Toys are always appreciated,
but only NEW stuffed animals can be accepted. Any other toys and games would be

The greatest need is for clothing from newborns to adult, with emphasis on
infants and teenagers clothes for both boys and girls.

Joy Junction maintains a thrift store where anyone can purchase items and where
residents of Joy Junction can choose items they need free of charge.

Once again Emma Rogers and Lee Reider will collect the items we take them in
December and then deliver them to Joy Junction. We know it's only September, but
we ask that everyone start collecting items for this worthwhile organization.
Our ultimate goal is to help make someone's Christmas just a little bit better
by what we contribute.


* Larry Yoffee, Tri-State Coordinator *

Plans for our 30th Annual Tri-State in beautiful Chama, New Mexico are well
under way.

Our host motel, The Branding Iron Motel, has agreed to block all 39 of their
rooms for May 30th and 31st, 2014 for our event.

It is important for those planning to attend Tri-State to know that The Branding
Iron will be closed from October 20th, 2013 to May 1st, 2014. It is therefore
recommended that you book your room before October 20th to insure that you will
be able to get a room with most of the other club members.

You can do that by calling
575-756-2162 and letting them know that you are with the "Corvair Convention."
All rooms are $65.00 a night plus tax.

If you do not call by October 20th, not to worry. You can still make your
reservation by email at:

You will need to provide your credit card information at the time of booking but
will not be charged until you check in.

No Tri-State would be complete without the Saturday afternoon banquet. All the
arrangements for the banquet and catering have been made. More details to

Chama is of course famous for the Cumbres & Toltec Historic Railroad. Please
consult their website for schedule and fares:

Following the Saturday morning car show which typically ends at noon, you will
have time to explore other activities before we meet for the banquet. We are
recommending the following activities one of which you will have to sign-up for
in advance. That is the Tierra Wools "sheep to shawl" tour in nearby Los Ojos.
We are also recommending a driving tour into Colorado that parallels the Cumbres
& Toltec tracks and thereby seeing much of the same scenery minus the charm of
the black smoke and train whistle. This is approximately a 30 mile round trip
tour. No need to sign up for this but we will organize that at Tri-State. Lastly
is the charm of main street shopping which is a short drive down a road a piece.

Lastly, everything you need to know will be on my website at:

I have constructed a special page called "The Road to Chama 2014." There you
will find all you need to know about Tri-State. You will also need to go to my
website to sign-up for the Tierra Wools tour.

So most everything is in place and we will soon be advising our Colorado Corvair
friends to make their plans as well.


* Larry Yoffee, Tri-State Coordinator *

No event as big and well organized as Tri-State would be possible without the
assistance of all the volunteers from the host club that make it happen.

At the August membership meeting, we had some volunteers sign up. We need more
and would like to fill all positions by the October membership meeting so that
we can meet and plan sometime in November. We will then follow up in April to
make sure everything is good to go for May 31st.

The following members have now volunteered but we need to fill more positions.

*Registration* John Wiker (he needs help - please volunteer)

*Registration Bags* the Sunshine Committee: Heula Pittman, Vickie Hall, Brenda
Stickler, Anne Mae Gold, Ruth Boydston, Kay Sutt, Wendell Walker

*Car Show* Robert Gold, Pat Hall, Art Gold

*Emcee* Russ McDuffie

*Hospitality* Brenda and Hurley Wilvert (contact them-they may welcome
additional help)

*Door Prizes* A volunteer to coordinate and collect but lots of help needed
here-multiple volunteers please.

*Media Contact* Volunteer(s) needed to contact and update the other clubs.

Thank you! If you would like to volunteer prior to the September 4th membership
meeting, please email me at:


* Larry Yoffee, Tri-State Coordinator *

Now is the time to employ all your creativity in pursuit of winning our next
Tri-State logo contest.

Think "Chama" + "Tri-State" = one possibility for a winning logo.

Or just be amazingly clever in creating a Tri-State Corvair related design that
will impress your fellow club members and make them vote for yours.

Then, bring your award-winning design, unsigned, to the September 4th membership
meeting to be displayed and voted on. Good luck!


Old Car Garage Strip Show
Robert Gold

I think you might remember a Car Council article I wrote a few months ago where
I mentioned a revolutionary method to strip paint and rust from cars. The
technique was different in that it uses an approach that eliminates the
drawbacks from most current processes. This technique uses a combination of
ground glass and water to strip the metal (or fiberglass) without damaging the
metal in any way. It saves both time and money.

All Bob Agnew could do at the council meeting was describe the technique and
show us the results. Last night I actually got to see the "stripping" in action.
Bob invited folks to witness a vehicle being worked on and to marvel at the
results. We were not disappointed. My brother, Alan, and I watched as the tech
first suited up with the necessary protection, and then proceeded to go to work
on a bondo laden Porche 911. In no time a section of the roof was wiped clean of
the old paint and made ready for an application of epoxy primer to prevent rust.

All I can say is that if you are looking for a way to quickly and economically
strip your car for that concours paint job you need to contact Bob Agnew. He
said he can do a whole car down to bare metal for about $1,500. It may sound
like a lot, but traditional techniques wind up costing a lot more, with not as
good results. This is such a good way to go that you can strip those pesky
louvers on an early deck lid in no time.

I guess that's all for this report. I just want you to know that I was not paid
by Bob Agnew for publicizing his service. Of course Bob, if you want to
contribute to the Gold Family Corvair Fund...		-- Robert Gold


Eighteen CNM'ers celebrate Birthdays this month:

  Angela Fraleigh       September  1
  Susanne Hickerson     September  1
  Jamie Anderson        September  3
  Becky Mullins         September  3
  Gordon Johnson        September  5
  Janet Johnson         September  7
  Lori Nash             September  8
  Kevin Sullivan        September  9
  Curtis Shimp          September 13
  Connie McBreen        September 15
  Connie Adams          September 16
  Kelly Gold            September 16
  Dave Huntoon          September 17
  Carl Johnson          September 17
  Frank Stadler         September 18
  Christian Deyermand   September 19
  Julian Trujillo       September 22
  Josh McDuffie         September 27

Four CNM couples celebrate Wedding Anniversaries:

Brenda & Hurley Wilvert September  3
Emma & LeRoy Rogers     September  4
Kathy & Larry Blair     September  8
Kay & Tarmo Sutt        September 24


The State Fair Car Show Is Only Days Away!
Robert Gold

Greetings fellow CNMer's. I just wanted to remind you that the 16th annual State
Fair Car Show is going to happen on Sunday, September 22nd. If you have any
doubts about entering your car just ask your fellow club members how much fun
they've had in the past. Remember you'll get a full day's entertainment for
little or no cost.

To attend, all you need to do is to get up early (sorry Bill Reider) and join us
at the former Furr's Cafeteria parking lot on the southwest corner of Central
and San Pedro at around 7:00 am. Everyone will then pose for a group photo and
leave around 7:15 to enter the Fairgrounds through gate 3. This is the farthest
gate to the south on San Pedro. We will be parking on Heritage Ave just south of
the Manual Lujan Building.

So let's spruce up our Corvair beauties and get ready for the Show. This is our
chance to show all New Mexico how special our cars really are.
See you there!		-- Robert Gold


"Heaven or Purgatory TUNA"
Bill Darcy

Saturday August 24th found several members at Pat Hall's garage for a TUNA. For
those who have never so far made a visit to Corvair "Heaven" OR " Purgatory"
depending on your perspective, you owe it to yourself to make the trip to Los
Lunas, as it's really a treat to see so many 'Vairs in one place. We all enjoyed
the hospitality provided by Pat and Vickie, who are truly committed to our
favorite cars. (Any non Corvair enthusiasts among us may be excused for thinking
they should BE committed.)

The weather was perfect and the refreshments were great, although I must admit
the mini donuts went down waaaaaay too easy .The coffee wasn't bad either! And
as an added bonus Pat even cleaned the garage!

Pat demonstrated how to identify a worn pitman arm bushing and the steps
involved for removal and replacement using a kit obtained from Clark's that uses
a nylon bushing in lieu of the more wear-prone rubber bushing used by GM. If
you've got slop in your steering this is a very easy and worthwhile repair and
makes a noticeable difference in how the steering responds.

After that we moved on to "all you ever wanted to know about carbs but were
afraid to ask". Two disassembled and cleaned carbs were provided and Pat
challenged us to find the two missing pieces he had hidden just to see if we
were awake. He then did a very thorough tutorial on identification, assembly and
adjustments required for a good overhaul, with emphasis on choke pulloffs,
unloaders and fast idle cams, as well as pump stroke settings and jet sizes. All
in all, a very informative session and a great time spent with great people.
Thanks to all. Those in attendance were: John Wiker, Heula and Jim Pittman,
Robert and Art Gold, Geoff Johnson, Bill Reider, Ray Trujillo and your humble
correspondent. Corvairs were driven to this gathering by John, Ray, Art, Robert
and myself. Any suggestions about topics for future TUNAS are most welcome.
 	PS. We missed you Lube.


TREASURY REPORT: 07-18-2013 to 08-19-2013 .............. ROBERT GOLD

=========== ====  =========  ============ =================================
2013.07.18       +$   25.00 Deposit      Dues -- Tommie Anderson
2013.08.07       +$   50.00 Deposit      Dues -- S.Gongora
2013.08.07 2166  -$   90.00 CORSA        Dues -- F.Riggs
2013.08.08 2169  -$   62.28 J Wiker      NMCCC water, Ollie Plaque
2013.08.12 2168  -$   65.33 H.Pittman    August newsletter, sunshine committee
ENDING BALANCE =  $4,036.34

If you have any concerns or questions about this report please
contact Robert Gold at 505-268-6878 or email:


* *   M E M B E R    I N F O R M A T I O N   *   W H O    H A S    W H A T   * *
Ruth Boydston 505-350-6003 has a 1963 Corvair Coupe, automatic, 98,252 miles,
  all original. It has white exterior and blue interior. This car has been seen
    at recent meetings and local events and was featured on the cover of the
      December 2012 ENCHANTED CORVAIRS newsletter.
Pat Hall 505-620-5574 in Los Lunas, NM has Corvairs in need of repair. Lots of
  parts for most Corvairs.
Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 has terminated the Corvairs of New Mexico Newsletter CD
  and Newsletter DVD projects.


  How many Corvairs can you see in this photo?
  Bill supervises while Pat conducts the carburetor cleaning session.
  How many parts are in a carburetor, anyway?
  Hmmmmm... who is teaching whom?


|     September 2013     |      October 2013      |      November 2013     |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |
|   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  |         1  2  3  4  5  |                  1  2  |
|   8  9 10 11 12 13 14  |   6  7  8  9 10 11 12  |   3  4  5  6  7  8  9  |
|  15 16 17 18 19 20 21  |  13 14 15 16 17 18 19  |  10 11 12 13 14 15 16  |
|  22 23 24 25 26 27 28  |  20 21 22 23 24 25 26  |  17 18 19 20 21 22 23  |
|  29 30                 |  27 28 29 30 31        |  24 25 26 27 28 29 30  |
                    at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE.
Wed  4 Sep After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE.

PREPARATIONS FOR 2014 TRI-STATE AT CHAMA, NM -- We are now in the ten-month
 stretch of getting ready for the 2014 Chama Tri-State. Our next big decision
 will be what we want for the 2014 Tri-State Convention logo. We will have a
 contest to design the logo.

So, at the SEPTEMBER meeting please, bring in your conception for what the logo
 should look like and we will decide by a club member vote which logo will
 represent our club. As we have done in the past, each entry will be numbered
 and the members will vote for the logo they like the most, without knowing who
 actually designed it. We have so many talented members in our club, we look
 forward to viewing each of them. Thanks to all. -- Brenda Stickler

Sat 14 Sep  6:00 PM Los Lunas Mystery Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms
Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or

Wed 18 Sep  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE

Fri 20 Sep  9:00 PM  Deadline for items for October newsletter

Sun 22 Sep  7:00 AM  New Mexico State Fair Car Show - Robert Gold

Fri 27 Sep Sat 28 Sep Sun 29 Sep ........ N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas
Wed  2 Oct           CORVAIR HERITAGE DAY (Corvair's official birthday)

                    at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE.
          After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE.

Sat xx Oct  .......  Road Rally -- organized by Russ McDuffie
	Contact Russ at 505-400-5526 or ( for information.

Fri  4 Oct          Start of Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Sat  5 Oct          Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
Sun  6 Oct          Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta - NMCCC Car Show

Sat 12 Oct  9:00 AM  Old Route 66 Clean-up - Lube Lubert

Sat 12 Oct  1:00 PM Los Lunas Pumpkin Pie Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms
Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or

Wed 16 Oct  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE

Fri 25 Oct  9:00 PM  Deadline for items for November newsletter

Sat 26 Oct 10:00 AM  Club Breakfast -- PLACITAS CAFE -- Placitas, NM

		Sunrise Park, Palm Springs, California
		Quality Inn  1269 E. Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs CA 92644
		Hosted by Inland Empire Corvair Club
                    at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE.
          After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE.

Sat  9 Nov  1:00 PM Los Lunas Food Drive Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms
Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or

Sat  9 Nov  5:00 PM Potluck / Bingo / Auction at HOUSE OF COVERS

Wed 20 Nov  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE


Fri 22 Nov  9:00 PM  Deadline for items for December newsletter
Sat  7 Dec 5:00 PM  Christmas Party -- Donations will be organized by Lee Reider
                     and Emma Rogers to benefit JOY JUNCTION. Details later.
Sat xx Mar ...  We will be celebrating our 40th Anniversary! Our chairperson
                is Anne Mae Gold. Location will be announced.
                    New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site:
============================ ======================



Sep 2006 Vol 32 Nr 9 # 372

On the cover: John Wiker's all-yellow 1966 Monza at our July breakfast at
Milly's, overlooked by a Galles Chevrolet hot-air balloon. Photos of Ray
Trujillo's early white sedan were inside and Ray told about a couple who admired
the car and told him "that was our first car" and shared some memories about
what a great car it was. John Wiker reported that the Car Council picnic was
disappointing because many were scared away by the weather which turned out to
be not so bad. A new-old member was Dick Cochran who had a 1963 coupe and lived
in Grants. Dick organized a CNM tour to the Mine Museum in 1990 and an economy
run to Estancia in 1991. We should do those tours again some time! At our board
meeting it was decided to call delinquent members "inactive" instead of
"dropped" which was considered to be harsh terminology. The recent cleanup of
Old Route 66 turned up unusually interesting "found art" including wire
headlight guard, corroded Colorado Quarter coin, a Woody Allen movie DVD and a
complete set of Toyota keys. Robert Gold mentioned the prominent appearance in
Albuquerque of the initials "CNM" -- no, not our club but Community College of
New Mexico whose old name "TV-I" was no longer suitable. The State Fair was
previewed and there were photos from the NMCCC picnic. Finally, there were many
photos from our tour of the Unser Racing Museum, and one photo made at Ray's
house where we had a marvelous get-together.

Sep 1999 Vol 25 Nr 9 # 288

On the cover: officers Norm Brand, Robin DeVore, Francis Boydston and LeRoy
Rogers posed near a Corvair in the woods. VP Hurley ran our meeting as Dennis
was out of town. Wendell reported $6,367 in the bank. Prospective new members
Ron & Debbie Deck, proud new owners of a 1962 convertible, were introduced. A
campout at Jack's Creek in the Pecos was planned, and later in the newsletter
Larry told us how it went: a lot of rain, but an opportunity to get in some
great fly fishing. Jerry told us about his new "Horseless Carriage" license
plate which limited the miles he could drive each year and cost $12 for six
years. Robert was organizing our State Fair car show. Ruth told us about her new
Corvair rig: a Rampside with a side-door camper shell. Dave told us about a
Confederate Air Force flying show in Odessa, Texas and suggested we organize a
CNM overnight outing. Billiken found summer started early and gasoline prices
were up - so what's new? In a long tech topic from Virtual Vairs, Larry Claypool
and Seth Emerson discussed the bewildering variations of steering wheels,
shafts, couplers and gear boxes that different year Corvairs came with. Swapping
out a standard wheel for a simulated wood-rim wheel, a fixed wheel for a
telescoping wheel or a one-piece shaft for a collapsable shaft were popular
projects. Finally, we wasted an entire page telling what various tools are
really good for. Example: "Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer
nowadays is used as a kind of divining rod to locate expensive parts not far
from the object we are trying to hit."

Sep 1992 Vol 18 Nr 9 # 204

The cover showed Jim & Heula's 1965 Monza coupe at UNM. More photos of this
pretty car were inside. Steve was our president. Robert Gold introduced his
guest Anne. The treasury balance was $813. We had a great Fourth of July in
Santa Fe and a curious visit to Tinkertown. Steve said our new meeting place at
Casa Chevrolet was great except for parking. Jim made up a Burma Shave
quotation: "Corvairs exhale, without a doubt, the same stuff politicians spout:
hot air!" (Are we gonna get more for the next 15 months?) Billiken's characters
also complained about politicians. Tech tips included identifying wheel bearing
noise and keeping an eye on the condition of those late model motor mounts.

Sep 1985 Vol 11 Nr 9 # 120

The September 1985 cover was a Mark Morgan fantasy showing a modified early
coupe. Francis was president. We had $549 to spend. We discussed having a
"subscription fee" for members who moved away but wanted to keep getting the
newsletter. Billiken said the Corvair was a "great, noble and desirable" car.
Bill McClellan gave us part five of his article on Gas Welding. Bill Reider's
column described a breakdown on a lonely road far from home, and the friendly
strangers who helped him get his car fixed and on his way again. Why don't we
hear about wonderful people like this on the evening news? Tech tips told about
starting up your engine after storage, repairing the Powerglide governor tab, a
cylinder head temperature adapter and using your oil-dripping Corvair as a fire
ant suppressor.

Sep 1978 Vol 4 Nr 8 # 36

Our cover showed Mario Andretti in a race car... not a Corvair, but at least the
engine was in the back. We had a report on a misguided bill in the legislature
to pay dealers $300 to scrap old cars. Ike Meissner gave a tech talk on what to
do if your Corvair failed on the road. Mark Morgan commented on the turbocharger
article from last month, and this month Jim gave us the "pro" article on the
many advantages of turbocharged Corvairs. (Jim's argument must not have
convinced himself, as he no longer owns a turbocharged Corvair. Two of them were
too many.) Bill Reider's tech column was on the distributor and how to set it up
when doing a real tune-up. A tech tip from San Diego told how to repair your
thermostats - a tricky procedure for sure.

Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. Don't
photoshop your digital JPGs -- send the originals. This ecologically green
newsletter is produced in a Microsoft-free environment. I still print mailing
labels with a 1989 Apple IIgs on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIp. The newsletter
is composed using Apple Macintosh computers. Software includes OS-X, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata,
2003 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.