The June 2023 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 29-May-2023 = Copyright (c) 2023 Corvairs of New Mexico        

   June 2023 / VOLUME 49 / NUMBER 6 / ISSUE 573 

Editor: Jim Pittman, 1112 Westerfeld Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM  87112
First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012
Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010

  President         Greg Nelson    505-400-8670            fesedu @
  Vice-President  Brenda Stickler  505-856-6993          tounce66 @
  Secretary         Lupe Arellanes 505-515-9897 ispeakmedicare505 @
  Treasurer        Steve Gongora   505-220-7401      stevegongora @
  Newsletter         Jim Pittman   505-275-2195              jimp @
  Birthdays        Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             heula @
  Past President     Pat Hall      505-620-5574  patandvickiehall @
  Past President    Dave Allin     505-410-9668          dnjallin @
  Past President   David Huntoon   505-281-9616         corvair66 @

MEETING:   Regular Meeting - Saturday June 3rd, 2023 at 10:00 AM
    Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

INTERNET:     CORSA's home page
               CNM's newsletters
  New Mexico Council of Car Clubs

SCHEDULE          CNM: 12 months = $25.00 or 26 months = $ 50.00
   OF	        CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 or 26 months = $ 90.00
  DUES	  CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 or 26 months = $140.00


DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2023.05        Emma & LeRoy Rogers     25-JUN-2023

DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2023.06        ======== NONE ========  25-JUL-2023

DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2023.07        H. C. "Lube" Lubert     25-AUG-2023
2023.07               Lloyd Piatt      25-AUG-2023

DUE JUL ============================= INACTIVE DATE
2023.08      Janice & David Allin      25-SEP-2023
2023.08     Katherine & Irv Brock      25-SEP-2023
2023.08     Katie & Clifton Trujillo   25-SEP-2023

INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE
2022.02 Linda Soukup & Tony Berbig     25-MAR-2022
2022.07              Mike R Hughes     25-AUG-2022

Send your Dues to:
	CNM Treasurer
	Steve Gongora
	8419 Palo Duro NE
	Albuquerque, NM 87111

Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period.
The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal
form from your Communique.

As of 28-May-2023 we have 41 active family memberships.

  Dues Due Dates ............................ Membership Committee
  Report on the 2023 Salida Tri-State ............. Gregory Nelson
  From the President .............................. Gregory Nelson
  Cerrillos Turquoise Mining Museum .............. Brenda Stickler
  Albuquerque Museum Car Show ........................ Jim Pittman
  Treasury Report .................................. Steve Gongora
  Birthdays & Anniversaries ........................ Heula Pittman
  Calendar of Coming Events ................... Board of Directors
  June Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ........ Club Historian
COVER 1: Tarmo Sutt's 1965 Corsa at the Salida, Colorado Tri-State
COVER 2:  The Heils' 1966 Corsa at the Albuquerque Museum Car Show


	One word - FANTASTIC. There were, I believe, 104 entrants, 41 cars and
90 attendees at the banquet. I left Albuquerque early Friday morning, and it
rained all the way to Antonito. I kept in contact with the Gongoras via text and
agreed to meet them (all five of them) at the Gator Farm (see photo) just north
of Alamosa. It's a retirement home for alligators, crocs, and emus. We spent a
good hour viewing all the animals and getting a good leg stretch. Then it was
back on the road for another hour drive to Salida.

After dumping off the luggage in the hotel room it was back downstairs to pick
up the registration packet and buy raffle tickets. They had a room reserved for
registration, raffle prize storage and a snack table. I bought a lot of tickets
because there were forty-one items to choose from. At 5:00 PM we all headed to
"50 Burger" for dinner just a block from the hotel. The service was excellent
despite the influx of dozens of us conventioneers.

Saturday morning the car show started at 9:00 AM at the Chevrolet dealership
next door to the hotel. Wow! Wow! Wow! The show was well run and well organized.
Door prizes were given out regularly -- I won a Corvair poster from Clark's. The
best part of the show of course were all the cars. I got to meet some new people
including a couple from a club in Oklahoma. I even got to meet our CNM member
from Silver City, New Mexico -- Curtis Shimp (see photo). CNM Corvairs were well
represented by Tarmo Sutt and Jim Richardson. My pick for Best in Show did not
win, but PPCC-member Phil DeGroot's 1962 Fawn Four-door was gorgeous. You'll
remember that he brought this car to the CNM-sponsored Tri-State in Albuquerque
in 2021.

After the car show concluded there were several To-Do options available for
attendees. I opted for a shopping trip to downtown Salida. At 5:00 PM it was
time for Happy Hour at the Banquet Hall where the organizers had the raffle
ticket winners on display. I was fortunate to pick up four items. Did I mention
I bought a LOT of tickets? They saved the quilt raffle drawing for dinner time.
Three quilts went to one winner, and I picked up the fourth one (see photo).
Thank you to Bonnie Russert for the quilt.

The organizers recognized Steve Gongora and Steve Goodman for their perfect
Tri-State attendance since the first one in 1976 at Montrose, Colorado. Rita
Gongora indoctrinated another member into the Tijuana Club. One of our members
was heard to say the banquet food was the best of any Tri-State she had ever
attended, and everything was superbly organized and executed.

Towards the end of the ceremony the organizers invited CNM representatives
(myself, Lupe & Jim Arellanes and Steve Gongora) to announce the location and
dates of the 2024 Tri-State. As you all know, it will be Las Vegas, New Mexico,
May 17th, 18th, 19th, 2024.

Overall, the 2023 Salida Tri-State was a well-organized and very enjoyable
event, the cars were a marvel to see, and I was glad to be able to attend this

	For the June meeting we'll watch CORSA's latest Zoom meeting
presentation from Larry Claypool on what to pack for car show road trips [or
Tri-State photos]. For the July meeting Tarmo will talk about the repair work he
did to his late model Corvair. There is no scheduled meeting for August since I
will miss this meeting. I'll be in Las Vegas, Nevada for the Star Trek
Convention. For the September meeting Shawn Kukowski will talk about his V-8
Corvair. I met him at the Park in the Park Rio Rancho Car show.

	   The next trash day is Saturday June 10th. Since it's starting to warm
up, we'll meet at 08:30 AM in the middle section (park on the west-bound
shoulder along the curve closest to I-40). Starting in July we'll most likely
meet at 8:00 AM to avoid the heat.

	Sounds like the Museum Car Show was a big success. It was held the same
weekend as the Tri-State. According to Robert Gold there were three Corvairs in
attendance: I'm guessing he brought two and Bill and Sharon Heil brought the
third. Thanks to both parties for representing the club.
	Next on the agenda was the Collector Car Appreciation Show on July 8 at
the Wheels Museum from 0800-1100. Unfortunately, this is about the same time as
the club's trash pickup on Old Route 66. Robert Gold usually volunteers but he
certainly has my blessing to represent the club at the Wheels Museum.

Cheers Y'all - Greg Nelson - CNM President


It has been quite a long time since most of us active in our Club have taken the
trip up north to Los Cerrillos, to visit the Turquoise Museum. We'll travel East
on I-40 and then take Highway 14 to the museum. This adventure will be Saturday
June 24th and we plan to leave Albuquerque at 10 AM. Our club has some great map
makers, so soon we will have some maps to share. At June's Club meeting we can
discuss if we want to start off in a NE section of Albuquerque, and caravan up
together for the hour-long trek. Tarmo always knows the great "watering holes"
up North and we may stop for coffee or lunch after our tour. Check the museum
web site:

We are heading to our mid-point for this year. If you have thought of a great
function for us, please, don't hesitate to send me an e-mail with a description
of what you think we would enjoy doing together as a club. Fresh ideas are
always welcome.

At our June meeting we will hear more from our members who went to the Tri-State
in Salida, Colorado. As a Sunshine Committee member I am heading the effort to
prepare registration bags for our "Route 66 Tri-State" for 2024. If you go into
any "Dollar" or bargain stores you can help me get those bags full of treasures.
For the next two months let's get pencils, little sticky note pads or small
items for a desk. Each month I'll have the theme for our registration bags in my
article and I can arrange to swing by to get them. Or, if you live near a member
who goes to the meetings, give your items to them. Or, best of all, come to the
Saturday meeting at 10:00 AM and share your Corvair experiences with all of us.

My thanks - Brenda

TREASURY REPORT FOR 05-01-2023 to 05-26-2023 ===============================================
DATE      CHECK#    AMOUNT PAYEE       DESCRIPTION                      BALANCE = $ 4,549.38
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2023.05.07 2589 -$   94.41 J.Pittman   Print 35 Newsletters MAY 2023  -$    64.51 $ 4,484.87
2023.05.07                 J.Pittman   29 Stamps @.84 each            -$    25.23 $ 4,459.64
2023.05.07                 J.Pittman   29 Envelopes @ .161 each       -$     4.67 $ 4,454.97
2023.05.08 7829 +$   50.00 Dues        T.Sutt         26 m CNM        +$    50.00 $ 4,504.97
2023.05.25 1330 +$   25.00 Dues        J.Dinsdale     12 m CNM        +$    25.00 $ 4,529.97
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2023.06    JUN NEWSLETTER  ============================================ BALANCE = $ 4,529.97
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========

Happy Birthday Wishes to June CNM'ers:
	Bianca Arellanes
	Phil Finch
	Robert Gold
	Rita Gongora
	Tony Lawler
	Heula Pittman
	Timothy Shortle
	Clifton Trujillo

Happy Anniversary Wishes to June CNM'ers:
	Janice & Dave Allin
	Debra & Jon Anderson
	Katherine & Irv Brock
	Sharon & William Heil
	Heula & Jim Pittman
	Sarah & Terry Price
	Mary Zelli & James Richardson


City Selection: Las Vegas New Mexico

Dates: May 17th, 18th, 19th, 2024

Venue Selections:

	The Castaneda and The Plaza Hotel

Car Show Hotel: The Castaneda

The Castaneda, a historical Fred Harvey House, has 18 rooms reserved for
out-of- state attendees. Overflow attendees will be directed to the historic
Plaza Hotel.

Seeking Silent Auction Donations:

Members can bring items to any monthly meeting. Asking for items valued at
$ 20.00 plus.

Rita & Steve Gongora will create 5 large basket auction items from donations
and additionally purchased items. Remaining donations will be raffled.

Seeking Sub-Committee Volunteers:
Have any ideas or want to take on the task of:
	* KEY-NOTE Speaker Search.

Seeking T-Shirt Design Ideas:
Send us your rough ideas, whether it be a drawing or a picture of other shirts.
If your inspiration idea is selected. you will WIN a FREE Shirt. Your winning
inspiration will be forwarded to our graphic artist to develop further.

	Please email your ideas to:


It has been years since I attended the Albuquerque Museum / Car Council car
show, but this year I was able to get there, if only for a short visit. As I
looked for a shady spot to park what did I see but a late white Monza sedan. It
was Sally Williams' daily driver, not entered in the show but perfectly
positioned for me to get a photo. After I parked in (temporary) shade I walked
into the display area and looked for Corvairs. I found three, accompanied by
Anne Mae and Robert Gold. Perhaps Art was also in attendance, but elsewhere at
the moment. I had a chat with the Golds. Robert told me he was coming to the end
of his tour of duty as Car Council President. I got a few photos and walked back
toward the headquarters tents. There I looked for Joyce Clements. I wanted to
thank her for all the years she has worked on the Museum Car Show. The photo of
me and Joyce reflected in a Buick hubcap is not new, it dates to 2006. As I was
leaving the Museum grounds I saw a lot of old Chevrolets along the main entry
street. Among them was a lone lemonwood-yellow late Corsa. The car belongs to
Sharon and William Heil who entered it separately from the other Corvairs. I am
glad I was able to get out in great weather and attend the Museum show even if
it was only for a short time.


|        June 2023       |        July 2023       |       August 2023      |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |
|               1  2  3  |                     1  |         1  2  3  4  5  |
|   4  5  6  7  8  9 10  |   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  |   6  7  8  9 10 11 12  |
|  11 12 13 14 15 16 17  |   9 10 11 12 13 14 15  |  13 14 15 16 17 18 19  |
|  18 19 20 21 22 23 24  |  16 17 18 19 20 21 22  |  20 21 22 23 24 25 26  |
|  25 26 27 28 29 30     |  23 24 25 26 27 28 29  |  27 28 29 30 31        |
|                        |  30 31                 |                        |

SAT 03 JUN 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
                 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

SAT 10 JUN  8:30 AM Old Route 66 Cleanup

WED 21 JUN  7:00 PM Board Meeting via Zoom

FRI 23 JUN  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the July newsletter

SAT 24 JUN 10:00 AM Tour to Turquoise Museum at Cerrillos - more at meeting


                    Manzano Mesa Senior center - 501 Elizabeth St SE


SAT 01 JUL 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
                 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

TUE 04 JUL Early! Fourth of July on the Plaza in Santa Fe -- Classic Car Display

THU 08 JUL  xxxxxxx NMCCC Collector Car Appreciation Day

WED 19 JUL  7:00 PM Board Meeting via Zoom

                    Manzano Mesa Senior center - 501 Elizabeth St SE

FRI 28 JUL  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the August newsletter


SAT 05 AUG 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
                 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

SUN 13 AUG xxxxxxxx NMCCC Picnic - Location, Time to be announced

WED 16 AUG  7:00 PM Board Meeting via Zoom

                    Manzano Mesa Senior center - 501 Elizabeth St SE

FRI 25 AUG  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the September newsletter

SAT 02 SEP 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
WED 20 SEP  7:00 PM Board Meeting via Zoom
SUN 24 SEP  The Swap Meet will be replaced with a car show & cruise
FRI 29 SEP  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the October newsletter
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities
======================== ======================
SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum
SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty
SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA

SEVEN YEARS AGO [ JUNE 2023 VOL 49 Nr 6 ISSUE 573 ] Jim Pittman

2016 == Vol 42 Nr 6 #489

We Happy Few: Corvairs at the Museum car show. President Ray Trujillo said we
had a great breakfast at the Central Grill and Coffee Restaurant. Would the club
gather at an Isotopes ball game? Heula introduced Jordan and Sean who were
visiting from Baton Rouge. Some of us spotted the B-17 "Aluminum Overcast"
flying over the Museum car show. Robert Gold said his son, Javi, set up a
Facebook page for us. Terry Price got a First Prize for his 1967 Monza. To
baffle non-computer-geeks, Jim told why ASCII was such a great thing.
Tech tips were offered by Chris Kimberly of the Pikes Peak club.

2009 == Vol 35 Nr 6 #405

Cover: A blue early model was adjacent to the apparently ubiquitous yellow Wiker
Monza. Mike Stickler ran the May meeting, Art Gold reported $3,718 and this was
the 25th anniversary of the Museum car show and the 100th anniversary of the
Ford Model-T. Many details about planning for the Taos Tri-State. Mike said when
he installed quiet stock mufflers he was able to hear the squeal of a bad blower
bearing. Another childhood photo was presented for identification. John Wiker,
Sally Williams, Dave Huntoon and Jim Pittman reported on the Museum Car Show
which featured only five Corvairs. There were twenty Ford T-models. Larry Blair
reminded us of the need to close those carburetor warming plates for the summer.

2002 == Vol 28 Nr 6 #321

Corvairs stopped at a pass in the mountains on the way to Grand Junction,
Colorado. Wendell reported $5,581 in the bank. The Car Council planned a big car
show at Los Lunas. Mark said CORSA would have an annual "best newsletter" award.
We voted to quit giving a free license plate to new members. Jerry complimented
Steve on the new CNM web site. Several members attended John Wiker's carb
tune-up session at Del Monte high school where we learned to use the Uni-Syn.
President Robert depleted the city's water supply by washing all his cars in one
day. Wendell reported on plans for the Grand Junction Tri-State.

1995 == Vol 21 Nr 6 #237

The cover photo was one of 45 illustrating our fabulous "Red River Rendezvous
II" Tri-State. We mailed a copy of the newsletter to everyone who attended this
Tri-State. Larry ran our meeting. Will reported $1,186 in the bank. Lots of Red
River expenses had to come out of that. Several automotive events were scheduled
for the same May 19-20-21 weekend. Corvair Underground wanted to sell Bill's
CARE & FEEDING book. We regularly met at the Pleau residence to plan for the
convention. A cookout "in the unspoiled wilds of Placitas" was announced. Larry
Blair reported on the Tri-State and how the Corvair Caravan came up behind a
slow-moving house near Taos.Thirty-three Corvairs were in our parade. Wayne
Christgau drove a thousand miles from Iowa in his famous 1967 Monza. Mark had a
broken valve spring and Ben Benzel lost a 2-spinner wheel cover.

1988 == Vol 14 Nr 6 #153

Our cover featured the Fiero, a rear-engine GM car full of promise. But it
suffered an early demise. Jim predicted it would one day be a classic. We had
$722 in the bank. Bill had a $15 CORVAIRS PARKING ONLY sign to sell. Tom Martin
told how he helped build a cabin in the Pecos Wilderness and hauled water to mix
concrete in the trunk of his new 1961 Monza coupe.

1981 == Vol 7 Nr 6 # 69

Our happy CNM dragon cavorted in a swimming pool improvised in the back of a
Loadside. We raised our dues to $10 a year. We planned a slalom in Los Alamos
and a flea market event. Ten of us won trophies in the Car Council car show.
Inflation during the last 16 years meant that spending $3,000 for a Corvair in
1966 was equivalent to spending $8,500 on the new car of your choice today. Tech
tips: getting stubborn brake drums off and how to make your Corvair quieter. An
article about "Slaloms and Car Shows" said that taking your car to a slalom was
a great way to learn how to keep control of your car in an emergency situation.

Forty-nine years ago:

In 1974 the club met at Ed Black's Chevrolet for the first time.

Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter
is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.