Winter Break Pod Project List

Updated: 11/05/2013

        Here is the Winter Break Pod Project List (some projects will be 

        initiated prior to the start of the Break due to time constraints).

        Please review this list, to add to it, contact either Joseph/Mark

        with your additions so an exact list can be maintained.

        Thank You, Pod Management                                   


            Winter Break -- Dec. 14, 2013 through Jan. 20, 2014 

                      Dec                         Jan 

              S  M Tu  W Th  F  S         S  M Tu  W Th  F  S

              1  2  3  4  5  6  7                  1  2  3  4   

              8  9 10 11 12 13 14         5  6  7  8  9 10 11       

             15 16 17 18 19 20 21        12 13 14 15 16 17 18            

             22 23 24 25 26 27 28        19 20 21 22 23 24 25        

             29 30 31                    26 27 28 29 30 31  



DSH --      OPEN -- Friday, December 13, 7:30am to 5pm

---         OPEN -- Saturday, December 14, 8am to 3pm

          CLOSED -- Sunday, December 15, through Monday, January 20 

            OPEN -- Monday, January 21, 7:30am to 10pm

Walter Luba, DSH Pod Supervisor, will schedule Scon coverage for the 

following dates and times:

Contact Scheduling for faxed copies of DSH classroom schedule -- Joseph -

POD SCHEDULING Break & Spring Hours - Fri, Dec 6, 6:30pm LoboLab - Walter

(two scons on-duty, Monday through Friday, 7:30am-4:30pm; one scon on-duty, 

Saturdays and pod hours outside the M-F, 7:30am-4:30pm)

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted 

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn 

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break 

-- Walter, Kristen

*** NEW SCON Training Follow-up - Dates, Times, Location & Agenda - Kenny, 

All Pod Supervisors and Lead Technicians - Help.UNM Triage, E-mail etiquette,

troubleshooting contacts, training document... 

*** Set correct time on all classroom and pod clocks -- Walter

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break.


Create DSH image task list(s) to give to Wsite -- WSM

- what software upgrade are needed...

On Wednesday, Dec. 18, starting at 9am - update all PCs in pod, classrooms 

and hallway -- Walter, Sam, Wsite -- please follow the assigned Naming 


Enable anti-virus and do MS updates on the print release stations in Pod,

classrooms and hallway - Adan Ruiz

Walter - please e-mail the wsite list to state that the work is completed and

         list any problems encountered

Double check temp in DSH computer classrooms 142-144 prior to Spring semester

opening -- Walter 

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down pod/classroom equipment and 

hallway PCs - Walter

Double check functionality of all pod/classroom/hallway equipment -- Walter

Check the need for replacing broken mice on all workstations -- Walter

Check on specific pod needs, staples, whiteboard cleaner, paper, markers, etc...

-- Walter

Create DSH image task list(s) to give to Asite -- Lucas - WSM

On Friday, Dec 20, starting at 10am, re-image all macs -- Lucas, Walter, Sam,

Asite (contact Lucas on Monday, December 16th for instructions)

Do restore on Mac scanner -- Lucas - WSM

Clean filter on projectors -- James Gonzlaes, Rodney De Jesus

Monday, December 16 (check focus and light projection, clean lens)

IT Printing Team will be cleaning (4) printers in preparation 

for the Spring Semester -- Walter, Mike, Carlos, Laser Specialists

On Monday, Dec. 16, 9-11:30am totally clean DSH Pod and classrooms - Kristen 

& Sconcrew - Wipe down all whiteboards, counter-tops, clean entrance/exit door 

and classroom doors, Scon's desk, How-To bins, software cabinet, and all Pod 

hardware. Clean all keyboards, mice, monitors and cpu cases especially the 

printers. After pod cleaning, pick-up everything (chairs, trashcans, toner) 

off the floor for carpet cleaners.

(pick-up chairs off floor after scon cleaning - Walter)

** On Monday, December 16, Dane Smith Rooms 140-145, clean carpet and 

strip/wax/buff front tile - Joseph/PPD Work Order number CU- was created

and accepted on __/__/2013. 



IT POD     OPEN -- Friday, December 13, 7am to midnight     

-------    OPEN -- Saturday-Friday, December 14-20, 8am to 8pm

CLOSED -- Saturday, December 21 through Friday, January 3 

           OPEN -- Saturday, January 4, 10am to 8pm

           OPEN -- Sunday, January 5 through Sunday, January 19

         CLOSED -- Monday, January 20

           OPEN -- Tuesday, January 21, 7am to 12am midnight 

POD SCHEDULING Break & Spring Hours -- Fri, Dec 7, 6:30pm LoboLab - Susan

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed Dec. 21 through

January 3

*** NEW SCON Training - Dates, Times, Location & Agenda - Kenny, All Pod 

Supervisors and Lead Technicians - Help.UNM Triage, E-mail etiquette,

troubleshooting contacts, training document...

*** Update parking meter signs to reflect Spring Semester IT Pod hours - JQ

Implementation of the following tasks will be done January 2-3. 


Create IT image task list(s) to give to Wsite -- Lucas, WSM

On Thursday, January 2, starting at 9am - update all PCs in pod, please 

follow the assigned Naming Convention- Zander, Sam

Enable anti-virus and do MS updates on the print release station in Pod - Adan

Zander - please e-mail the wsite list to state that the work is completed and

        list any problems encountered

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down pod equipment - Zander

Double check functionality of all pod equipment -- Zander

Create IT image task list(s) to give to Asite -- Lucas, WSM

On Friday, January 3 starting at 9am, re-image all macs -- Lucas, Zander, Sam

Do restore on mac scanner workstation - Lucas, WSM

Check on specific pod needs, staples, whiteboard cleaner, paper, markers, etc...

-- Zander

IT Printing Team will be cleaning printer in preparation

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Mike, Carlos, Laser Specialists

On Saturday, January 4, 9am-10am, totally clean IT Pod/classroom -- Kristen & 

cleaning crew - Wipe down all counter-tops, clean entrance/exit door and 

classroom doors, Scon's desk, software cabinet, and all Pod hardware especially 

printers. Clean all keyboards, mice, monitors and cpu cases. Pick-up everything 

off the floor and place chairs on counter-top for the carpet cleaning crew.

** On Friday, January 3, IT Pod Rooms 1001-1001A, clean carpet - Joseph/PPD 

Work Order number CU-____ was created and accepted on __/__/2013 

(pick-up chairs off floor after scon cleaning - Zander)


LOBO LAB      OPEN -- Friday, December 13, 8am to 5pm

--------    CLOSED -- Saturday, Dec. 14 through Wednesday, January 1 

              OPEN -- Thursday and Friday, January 2-3, 8am to 5:30pm

            CLOSED -- Saturday, January 4, through Monday, January 20

              OPEN -- Tuesday, January 21, 8am to 11:30pm

Carlos Gonzalez, LoboLab Pod Supervisor, will schedule Scon coverage for the

following dates and times:

*** Comp Exams - Friday, January 17, 8:00am-5:00pm - Phyllis Palmer

    - - 277-4453

*** NSO - Wednesday, January 15, 1:00pm-5:00pm - Corine Gonzales

    - - 277-3361, 277-7869

POD SCHEDULING Break/Spring Hours -- Fri, Dec 6, 6:30pm LoboLab -- Carlos

(Spring Hours - two scons on-duty Monday through Friday, one scon on-duty

on weekends and during Winter Break Hours)

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted 

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn 

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are partially closed 

for Break -- Carlos, Kristen

*** NEW SCON Training Follow-up - Dates, Times, Location & Agenda - Kenny, 

All Pod Supervisors and Lead Technicians - Help.UNM Triage, E-mail etiquette,

troubleshooting contacts, training document...

Implementation of the following tasks will be done January 6-10.


Create LoboLab image task list(s) to give to Wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

On Wednesday, December 18, starting at 9am, - update all PCs in pod and hallway

please follow the assigned Naming Convention - Carlos, Sam, Wsite

Enable anti-virus and do MS updates on the print release stations in LoboLab 

and Commons Area - Adan

Carlos - please e-mail the wsite list to state that the work is completed and

list any problems encountered

Double check the Help.UNM ticket status on down pod equipment (especially 

hallway PCs and printers) - Carlos 

Double check functionality of all pod/classroom/hallway equipment -- Carlos

(especially printers, keyboards and mice)

Create DSH image task list(s) to give to asite -- Lucas, WSM

On Wednesday, Dec. 18 starting at 9am, re-image all mac -- Lucas, Carlos, Sam,

Asite (contact Lucas on Monday, December 16th for instructions)

Check on specific pod needs, staples, whiteboard cleaner, paper, 

markers, etc... -- Carlos 

Clean filter on projector -- James, Rodney - Monday, December 16 

(check focus and light projection, clean len)

IT Printing Team will be cleaning 4 printers in preparation

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Carlos, Mike

On Friday, January 10, 1pm-5pm, clean Pod Area - Kristen and Sconcrew

Wipe down all whiteboards, counter-tops, clean entrance/exit door and classroom

doors, Scon's desk, How-To bins, software cabinet, and all Pod hardware. 

Clean all keyboards, mice, monitors and cpu cases. Pick-up everything off the 

floor and place chairs on counter-top for the carpet cleaning crew.

On Monday, January 13, starting at 9:00am, CLEAN CARPET Rooms 1012-1013 --

Chem-Dry-299-9222, invoice _____ Carlos, Joseph (Carlos don't forget to open 

LL for Chem-Dry) scon crew will help put down chairs


JOURNALISM CLASSROOM      OPEN -- Friday, December 13, 9am to 5:00pm 

--------------------    CLOSED -- Saturday, Dec. 14 through Monday, Jan. 20

                          OPEN -- Tuesday, January 21, 7:30am to 9:30pm

Manny Martinez, C&J Pod Supervisor, will schedule Scon coverage for the

following dates and times:

*** CJ 323-007, Mac computer classroom 124 - Monday through Friday, January 6-10,          1:00pm-5:00pm - Dawn Nordquist - - 277-6353

*** CJ 323-007, Mac computer classroom 124 - Monday through Friday, January 13-17,          1:00pm-5:00pm - Dawn Nordquist - - 277-6353 

POD SCHEDULING Spring Hours -- Fri, Dec. 6, at 6:30pm LoboLab -- Manny 

Contact Nancy Montoya for C&J classroom schedules -- Joseph

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break

- Manny, Kristen

*** NEW SCON Training Follow-up - Dates, Times, Location & Agenda - Kenny, 

All Pod Supervisors and Lead Technicians - Help.UNM Triage, E-mail etiquette,

troubleshooting contacts, training document...

*** Set correct time on all classroom clocks -- Manny

Implementation of the following tasks will begin on Monday, December 16.


Create C&J image task list(s) to give to wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

On Wednesday, Dec. 18, starting at 9:00am, update all PCs in classroom, 

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- Manny, Wsite

Manny - please e-mail the wsite list to state that the work is completed and

list any problems encountered

Create C&J image task list(s) to give to asite -- Lucas, Sam, Manny

On Thursday, January 2, starting at 10am, re-image all classroom and hallway

Macs - Lucas, Manny, Asite     

Double check the Help.UNM ticket status on down pod equipment (especially

hallway Macs and printers) -- Manny

Double check functionality of all classroom equipment -- Manny

(especially printers, keyboards and mice)

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted 

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn 

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break

-- Manny, Kristen

IT Printing Team will be cleaning (2) printers in preparation 

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Mike, Carlos, Johnny

On Friday, January 10, 1pm-5pm, wipe down all counter-tops, clean 

entrance/exit door and instructor's PC and Mac, clean all Pod hardware (wipe 

down PC and Mac monitors, CPUs and keyboards) -- Kristen, & Scon cleaning crew

On Monday, December 16, floors will be stripped and waxed by PPD custodial

service -- PPD, Joseph (notified Nancy Montoya to issue service request)

PPD Work Order number CU- was created and accepted on __/__/2013 (pick-up

chairs off floor after scon cleaning - Manny)   


ECON CLASSROOM    -- CLOSED ENTIRE BREAK, Saturday, Dec. 14 through

--------------       Monday, January 20

The following scheduled training will take place in Econ over the Winter Break:

Nothing scheduled as of yet...

Implementation of the following tasks will be done anytime during the Break.


Create Econ image task list(s) to give to James Gonzales -- Lucas, WSM

On Wednesday, Dec. 18, starting at 9am, update all PCs in classroom, 

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- James, Sam, Wsite

James - please e-mail the wsite list to state that the work is completed and

list any problems encountered

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down classroom equipment - James

Double check functionality of all classroom equipment -- James

Check the need for replacing broken mice on all PCs -- James

Clean projector on Monday, December 16 -- James

(check focus and light projection, clean lens)

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break

-- James, Kristen

IT Printing Team will be cleaning printer in preparation

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Mike, Carlos, Johnny

On Friday, January 10, 1pm-5pm, totally clean classroom -- Kristen and

Sconcrew - Wipe down all whiteboards, counter-tops, clean entrance/exit door 

and classroom doors, Scon's desk, software cabinet, and all Pod hardware 

especially printer. Clean all keyboards, mice, monitors and cpu cases. 

On Monday, December 16, carpet will be cleaned by PPD custodial

service -- PPD, Joseph (notified Chris Garcia to issue service request)

PPD Work Order number CU-____ was created and accepted on __/__/13 (pick-up 

chairs off floor after scon cleaning - James)


MH CLASSROOM -- CLOSED ENTIRE BREAK, Saturday, Dec. 15 through

------------    Monday, January 20

James Gonzales, will open and close MH 116 for the following event:

Nothing scheduled as of yet...

Notify MH & Scheduling of IT's usage of classroom -- Joseph - NOT DONE

Contact Scheduling for a faxed copy of MH's classroom schedule - Joseph 

*** Carpet cleaned by MH janitorial service for Break -- Tabia, Joseph


Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted 

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn 

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break 

-- James, Kristen

** Clean HVAC filters at MH -- Joseph (call Greg - 922-5623 as a reminder)

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create MH image task list(s) to give to wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

On Wednesday, Dec. 18, 9am, update all laptop PCs in classroom, please 

follow the assigned Naming Convention -- James, Sam (test laptop printing 


Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down pod/classroom equipment and 

hallway PCs - James

Double check functionality of all classroom and hallway equipment -- James 

IT Printing Team will be cleaning (2) printer in preparation

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Mike, Carlos, Johnny

On Friday, January 10, 1pm - 5pm, totally clean classroom -- Kristen 

and scon crew - Wipe down all counter-tops, clean entrance/exit door and 

classroom doors, Scon's desk, software cabinet, and all Pod hardware 

(especially printer).  Clean all keyboards, mice, monitors and cpu cases.

On Monday, December 16, carpet will be cleaned by PPD custodial

service -- PPD, Joseph (notified Tabia to issue service request)

PPD Work Order number CU-____ was created and accepted on __/__/13 (pick-up 

chairs off floor after scon cleaning - James)


SSC CLASSROOM -- CLOSED ENTIRE BREAK, Saturday, Dec. 14 through

------------    Monday, January 20

Victoria Lopez will open and close SSC 263 for the following events.

Nothing scheduled as of yet...

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted 

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn 

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break 

-- Victoria, Kristen

Notify SSC & Scheduling of IT's usage of classroom -- Joseph

Contact Scheduling for a faxed copy of SSC's classroom schedule - Joseph

*** Clean HVAC filters at SSC -- Joseph (call Greg - 922-5623 as a reminder)

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break 


Create SSH image task list(s) to give to wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

On Wednesday, Dec. 18 starting at 9am, update all PCs in classroom, 

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- Victoria, Sam 

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down classroom equipment - Victoria

Double check functionality of all classroom equipment -- Victoria

On Friday, January 10, 1pm - 5pm, totally clean classroom -- Kristen and

scon crew - Wipe down all counter-tops, clean entrance/exit door and 

classroom doors, Scon's desk, software cabinet, and all Pod hardware 

(especially printer).  Clean all keyboards, mice, monitors and cpu cases.

On Monday, Dec. 16, 4:30pm carpet will be cleaned by PPD custodial service 

-- PPD, Joseph (notified Carolyn Gutierrez to issue service request)

PPD Work Order number CU-____ was created and accepted on __/__/13 (pick-up 

chairs off floor after scon cleaning - Victoria)


JOHNSON POD   Closes at 5PM on Saturday, Dec. 14, remains closed for the entire 

-----------   Winter Break. Reopens on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 9:00AM, start of 

              the Spring 2014 Semester.

POD Scheduling Spring Hours -- Friday, Dec. 6, at 6:30pm LoboLab -- Susan 

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break

-- Susan, Kristen

*** NEW SCON Training -- Dates, Times, Location & Agenda - Kenny, 

All Pod Supervisors and Lead Technicians - Help.UNM Triage, E-mail etiquette,

troubleshooting contacts, training document...

Implementation of the following tasks will be done anytime during Winter Break.


Starting Friday, Dec. 20, starting at 10am re-image all mac -- Lucas, Susan, Sam

On Monday, Dec. 16, clean filter on projector, focus projector & check WS 

keyboard functionality -- James (check focus and light projection, clean lens) 

Check on specific pod needs, staples, whiteboard cleaner, paper, 

markers, etc... -- Susan

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down classroom equipment - Susan

Double check functionality of all pod/classroom equipment -- Susan

(especially printer)

IT Printing Team will be cleaning the printer in preparation

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Mike, Carlos, Johnny

On Friday, January 10, 1pm-5pm, totally clean pod/classroom - Kristen and 

cleaning crew - Wipe down all whiteboards, counter-tops, clean entrance/exit 

door and classroom doors, Scon's desk, software cabinet, and all Pod hardware 

especially printer. Clean all keyboards, mice, monitors and cpu cases. Pick-up 

everything - chairs, trashcan, toner off the floor for carpet cleaners.

On Monday, December 16, carpet cleaned by JC janitorial service for this

Break -- Joseph, Jim Todd - scheduled by Jim on __/__/2013


SMLC B59 CLASSROOM  -- CLOSED ENTIRE BREAK -- Saturday, Dec. 14 through

------------------     Monday, January 20

James Gonzales, will open and close SMLC B59 for the following event:

        Nothing scheduled as of yet...

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted 

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn 

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break 

-- James, Kristen

Notify SMLC & Scheduling of IT's usage of classrooms -- Joseph

Contact Scheduling for a faxed copy of SMLC B59 & B81 Spring classroom 

schedules - Joseph

Clean HVAC filters at SMLC -- Joseph (call Greg - 922-5623 as a reminder)

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create SMLC image task list(s) to give to wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

On Wednesday, Dec. 18, starting at 10am, update all PCs in classroom,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- James 

James - please e-mail the wsite list to state that the work is completed and

list any problems encountered

Double check the Help.UNM ticket status on down equipment -- James

Double check functionality of all classroom equipment -- James

(especially lectern, printer, keyboards and mice)

IT Printing Team will be cleaning the printer in preparation

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Mike, Carlos, Johnny

On Monday, Dec. 16, 10:30am to 12pm, totally clean classrooms - Kristen, James,

Sconcrew -- Wipe down all PC tables, clean entrance/exit door. Clean all 

keyboards, mice, monitors and cpu cases.

On Monday, December 16, floors will be stripped and waxed by PPD custodial

service -- PPD, Joseph (notified Robert Ortiz - 604-6120 to issue service 

request) PPD Work Order number CU-____ was created and accepted on __/__/2013 

(pick-up chairs off floor after scon cleaning - James)


SMLC B81 CLASSROOM  -- Closed Entire Break -- Saturday, Dec 14, through     

------------------     Monday, January 20

James Gonzales, will open and close SMLC B59 for the following event:

        Nothing scheduled as of yet...

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted 

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn 

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break 

-- James, Kristen

Notify SMLC & Scheduling of IT's usage of classrooms -- Joseph

Contact Scheduling for a faxed copy of SMLC B59 & B81 Spring classroom 

schedules - Joseph

Clean HVAC filters at SMLC -- Joseph (call Greg - 922-5623 as a reminder)

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create SMLC image task list(s) to give to wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

On Wednesday, December 18, starting at 10am, update all PCs in classroom,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- James, Sam

James - please e-mail the wsite list to state that the work is completed and

list any problems encountered

Double check the Help.UNM ticket status on down equipment -- James

Double check functionality of all classroom equipment -- James

(especially lectern, printer, keyboards and mice)

IT Printing Team will be cleaning the printer in preparation

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Mike, Carlos, Johnny

On Monday, Dec. 16, 10:30am to 12pm, totally clean classrooms - Kristen, James,

Sconcrew -- Wipe down all PC tables, clean entrance/exit door. Clean all 

keyboards, mice, monitors and cpu cases.

On Monday, December 17, floors will be stripped and waxed by PPD custodial

service -- PPD, Joseph (notified Robert Ortiz to issue service request)

PPD Work Order number CU-____ was created and accepted on __/__/2013 (pick-up

chairs off floor after scon cleaning - James)


ESC POD       Southside - Closed Entire Winter Break

-------       Northside - Closed Entire Winter Break

              CLOSED -- Saturday, Dec. 14 through Monday, Jan. 20

              OPEN -- 7:30am, Monday, January 21, start of Spring semester

John Paez, ESC Pod Supervisor, will schedule Scon coverage for the

following scheduled ates and times:

Nothing scheduled yet...

*** The temperature at the ESC Pod will be lowered to 60 degrees during the

    UNM Holidays (12/21 to 1/1) to conserve energy.

POD SCHEDULING Spring Hours -- Friday, Dec 6, at 6:30pm LoboLab - John Paez 


Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break

-- John, Kristen

*** NEW SCON Training - Dates, Times, Location & Agenda - Kenny,

All Pod Supervisors and Lead Technicians - Help.UNM Triage, E-mail etiquette,

troubleshooting contacts, training document...

Implementation of the following tasks will be done during Winter Break. 


Create ESC Pod image task list(s) to give to wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

On Friday, Jan. 4, starting at 9am, update all PCs in classroom,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- John, Sam, Wsite 

Double check the Help.UNM ticket status on down pod equipment (especially 

classroom PCs and printers) - John

Double check functionality of all pod/classroom equipment -- John

Create ESC image task list(s) to give to asite -- Lucas, John, Sam

On Wednesday, Dec. 18 starting at 10am, re-image all macs -- Lucas, John, Asite

Do restore on Mac scanner -- Sam

Clean filter on projectors, focus projectors, check WS keyboard functionality 

on Monday, Dec 16, (check focus and light projection, clean lens) - James

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted 

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn 

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are partially closed 

for Break -- John, Kristen

IT Printing Team will be cleaning the printer in preparation

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Mike, Carlos, Johnny

Northside and Southside cleaning = Monday, December 16, 9am-12:30am 

Kristen and Sconcrew -- Clean-out supply room and blow-out all cable trays 

between counters with vacuum, wipe down all counter-tops, clean entrance/exit 

door(s) and Scon's desk, How-To bins, storage area, software cabinet, and all 

Pod hardware (especially printers), clean all the mice and keyboards in the 

pod/classrooms. Pick-up everything - chairs, trashcan, toner off the floor for 

carpet cleaners. Clean out cable trays.

On Monday, December 16, deep vacuum the carpets in all rooms - Joseph/PPD 

Work Order number CU-____ was created and accepted on __/__/2013. 

(pick-up chairs off floor after scon cleaning on Monday, Dec 16 - John)


DSH 224 -- Closed Entire Break -- Saturday, Dec 14, through

-------   Monday, January 20

Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break

-- James, Kristen

Implementation of the following tasks will start on Wednesday, Dec. 18


Create IT image task list(s) to give to James -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

On Wednesday, Dec. 18, starting at 9am, update all laptop PCs in classroom,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- James

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down classroom equipment - James

On Monday, December 16, starting at 9am totally clean classroom - James 

Wipe down all PC tables, clean entrance/exit door. 

Clean all laptop keyboards and cases.


CasasDelRio -- Check open hours schedule with Jennifer Gomez-Chavez 277-7763


Make sure ALL pod sign information is current and that signs are posted

correctly (plumb/level) and that they are in good condition - not torn

or frayed. Post sign on Pod door stating "WHY" we are closed for Break

-- Victoria, Kristen

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break.


Create IT image task list(s) to give to Victoria -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

On Wednesday, Dec. 18, starting at 10:30am, update all PCs in lab and kiosk,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- Victoria, WSM, Sam

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down classroom equipment - Victoria

On Monday, December 16, totally clean lab and kiosk PCs - Victoria

Wipe down all PC countertops, clean all keyboards, displays and cases.

IT Printing Team will be cleaning printer in preparation

for the Spring Semester -- Adan, Mike, Carlos, Johnny


ATHLETICS --- CLOSED ENTIRE BREAK, Saturday, Dec. 14 through

---------     Monday, January 20

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create Athletics image task list(s) to give to wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

Wednesday, Dec 18, starting at 9am, update all PCs in classrooms,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- Lourdes Ramirez

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down classroom equipment - Lourdes

Double check functionality of all classroom equipment -- Lourdes


EL CENTRO --- CLOSED ENTIRE BREAK, Saturday, Dec. 14 through

---------     Monday, January 20

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create El Centro image task list(s) to give to wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

Wednesday, Dec 18, starting at 9am, update all PCs in lab area,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- James Gonzales, Rodney, Sam

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down equipment - James

Double check functionality of all equipment -- James


AASS --- CLOSED ENTIRE BREAK, Saturday, Dec. 14 through

----     Monday, January 20

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create AASS image task list to give to Wsite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

Wednesday, Dec 18, starting at 10am, update all Macs in lab,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- James, Rodney, Sam

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down lab equipment - James

Double check functionality of all lab equipment -- James



------------------------     Monday, January 20

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create Graduate Resource Center image task list(s) to give to W/Asite -- Lucas, 

WSM, Sam

Wednesday, Dec 18, starting at 9am, update all PCs and Macs, please follow the 

assigned Naming Convention -- James, Rodney, Sam

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down equipment - James

Double check functionality of all equipment -- James



---------------------     Monday, January 20

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create Women Resource Center image task list(s) to give to Asite -- Lucas, WSM,


Tuesday, Dec 17, starting at 9am, update all Macs please follow the assigned 

Naming Convention -- James, Rodney, Sam

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down equipment - James

Double check functionality of all equipment -- James



---------------------------     Monday, January 20

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create Earth and Planetary Science image task list(s) to give to Asite -- Lucas,

WSM, Sam

Tuesday, Dec 17, starting at 10am, update all Macs in classroom,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- Susan Garcia

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down classroom equipment - Susan

Double check functionality of all classroom equipment -- Susan



----     Dec. 14 through Monday, January 20

Implementation of the following tasks will be done over Break


Create CTLB image task list(s) to give to W/Asite -- Lucas, WSM, Sam

Wednesday, Dec 18, starting at 9am, update all PCs in classrooms,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- James, Rodney

Thursday, Dec 19, starting at 9am, update all PCs in classrooms,

please follow the assigned Naming Convention -- James, Rodney

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down classroom equipment - James

Double check functionality of all classroom equipment -- James


Lectern PCs


Starting Saturday, Dec 14, update all Lectern PCs, please follow the assigned 

Naming Convention -- James, Rodney, Lectern Crew

Contact James for the Lectern Break Hours Schedule - Lectern Crew

The week of December 16-20 and January 7-11, 13-19 do Lectern PC checks 

- Lectern Crew

Double check all open Help.UNM tickets on down classroom equipment - James

Double check functionality of all classroom equipment -- James, Lectern crew


Pre-Break Work


Pod Supervisor - add software updates to all Lectern PCs (look at Lecterns that 

have special software installed - list out) 

Review Pod Planning 2013-'14 agenda items - list out - invite Mike S. and Adan

Update listserves to communicate with computer classroom instructors for Spring 

semester - Mike, Joseph

Software installs (faculty requests, pod application upgrades and software

license renewals) - deadline Nov. 16th 

Schedule DSH HVAC filter changes by PPD, Randy, Walter, Joseph


Asite work schedule for Pod Project completion per Lucas Gutierrez:

    DSH - December 20  - Wednesday, 10am - Walter, Asite

     IT - January 3  - Friday, 9am - Zander, Asite

LoboLab - December 19  - Thursday, 10am - Carlos, Asite

    C&J - January 2  - Thursday, 10am - Manny, Asite 

    JCP - December 20  - Friday, 10am - Susan, Asite

   ESCS - December 18  - Wednesday, 10am - John, Asite

   ESCN - January 8  - Wednesday, 10am - John, Asite

   AASS - December 18  - Wednesday, 10am - James, Asite

    WRC - December 17 - Tuesday, 9am - James, Asite

    EPS - December 17 - Tuesday, 10am - James, Asite

   CTLB - December 19 - Thursday, 9am - James, Asite

Asite Crew: Lucas, Johnny, Adan, Susan, James, Kenny, Brandon,

Manny, Walter, John, Mike, Kristen, Sam, Jena


Wsite work schedule for Pod Project completion:

    DSH - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - Walter, Wsite

     IT - January  2 - Thursday, 9am - Zander, Wsite

LoboLab - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - Carlos, Wsite

    C&J - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - Manny, Wsite

   Econ - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - James

     MH - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - James, Rodney

    SSC - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - Victoria, Sam

   SMLC - December 18 - Wednesday, 10am - James, Wsite

    ESC - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - John, Wsite

DSH 224 - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - James

    CDR - December 18 - Wednesday, 10:30am - Victoria, Wsite

    ATH - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - Lourdes, Wsite

EL CENTRO - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - James, Wsite

    GRC - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - James, Wsite

   CTLB - December 18 - Wednesday, 9am - James, Wsite

Wsite Crew: Johnny, Susan, Carlos, Kenny, Brandon, Manny, John, Adan, Mike, 

Kristen, Sam, Jena

Scon Cleaning Crew: Kristen Sorenson, Timothy Abeyta, Tyler Stroud, Craig

Bailey, Carli Stringfellow, Keith Johnston, Cameron Chock, Jena Garcia, Rafael

Marmol, Daniel Malczynski, Sasha Johnson, Akshay Vaidya, Carlos Silesky, 

Taylor Hedum, Austin Johnson, Andrea Agosto, Andrew Hernandez


Cleaning Crew schedule:


Monday     Dec 16th       9:00am-12:30pm     DSH, SMLC, ESC, DSH 224, CDR

Saturday   Jan  4th       9:00am-10:00am     IT

Friday     Jan 10th       1:00pm-5:00pm      LoboLab, C&J, Econ, MH, SSC, JCP

Scon Leave Schedule


Staff Leave Schedule
