The distance from Augusta to Olympia is approximately 2528.70 miles.  When the projection of the USA is switched to Albers Equal Area, then the distance slightly changes to 2553.12 miles and is 4108.85 kilometers.



I chose to approximate the latitude and longitude of Bismarck, North Dakota, Olympia, Washington, and Tallahassee, Florida.

Bismark-100°51’52.99”W  46°49’55.03”N                          

Olympia-122°58’52.24”W  47°4’23.60”N

Tallahassee-84°17’50.94”W  30°30’21.55”N



The city of Santa Fe has the highest elevation of all the capital cities in the USA.  The elevation is at 6989.


Based on 1990 population data Montpelier, Vermont has the least population of all the capital cities and Phoenix, Arizona is the most populous.





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