Spring 2019 Final Project

By: Justin Nichols

CE 534











First, all data files were brought into ArcMap and projected in North America Albers Equal Area Conic with a central meridian of negative 106. Once data layers were added to data frame I went through the process of basin delineation.

Process for Basin Delineation:

·      Fill in pits within DEM

·      Perform flow direction

·      Define and clip desired basin

·      Calculate flow accumulation and define stream thresholds

·      Network streams and define outlets

·      Generate individual watersheds within catchment basin


Once individual watersheds have been defined, I extracted the catchment basins for the San Antonio and East Fork rivers. Using the defined basins as footprints I was able to clip the data sets of interest. Extracting the newly clipped data sets attributes tables, I was able to determine percentages of total surface area cover.






Key Take-Away:


1.  There were no clear matching parameters between the two watersheds.


2.  The parameter with the most similarity between watersheds is most likely rock type; however, there is still significant difference with Volcanic and Alluvium rock types.


3.  A possible hypothesis for high FDOM loads from the East Fork Jemez river based off the results is that the gentler topography allows for greater higher infiltration, and in combination with a high percentage of fertile Mollisols the increased groundwater input would have high FDOM concentrations.  


Data Sources:


·      Digital Elevation Map, USGS The National Map, Raster Data, https://viewer.nationalmap.gov/basic/

·      Vegetation Coverage, USGS The National Map, Raster Data, https://viewer.nationalmap.gov/basic/

·      Soil Coverage, Natural Resources Conservation Service STATSGO2, Vector Data and Tables http://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm

·      Land-Use Coverage, USGS, Vector Data, https://water.usgs.gov/GIS/dsdl/ds240/index.html#poly

·      Geology Coverage, USGS Mineral Resource Program, Vector Data, http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1351