Keith Malcolm Prufer
Department of Anthropology - University of New Mexico











Brady, James E. and Keith M. Prufer (editors) 2005
In The Maw of the Earth Monster: Studies of Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use.  Linda Schele Series in Precolumbian Art and Archaeology, University of Texas Press.

Keith M. Prufer and James E. Brady (editors) 2005
Stone Houses and Earth Lords: Maya Religion in the Cave Context. David Carasco Series Mesoamerican Worlds, University Press of Colorado.


E. Moes, L. O’Donnell, NC.. Neff, J. Cerezo-Roman, WR. Trask, DJ. Kennett, and KM. Prufer. Mortuary practices and the importance of rock-shelters during the Early and Middle Holocene in the southern Maya Mountains. Bioarchaeology International 2024. s

Ray, E., Neff, N, Lynch P, Kennett D, Prufer KM.  The Impact of a Hypothesized 4.2 kybp Aridification Event on the Development of Early Farming Diets in the Maya Region. Quaternary International. 2023.

 Thompson, AE and KM Prufer, Household Distributions and Social Organization of the Ancient Maya in Southern Belize. In District and Neighborhood Sociopolitical Integration in the Andes and Mesoamerica, Gabriela Cervantes and John Walden, editors. Center for Comparative Archaeology – University of Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh, PA. In Press

Prufer, K. M., A. E. Thompson, A. D. Wickert, and D. J. Kennett. "The development and disintegration of a classic maya center and its climate context." Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 47, no. 2 (2023): 205-226


T. Braun, Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach, Vanessa Skiba, Franziska Lechleitner, Erin Ray, Lisa M. Baldini, Victor J. Polyak, James U. L. Baldini, Douglas J. Kennett, Keith M. Prufer, and Norbert Marwan. Decline in seasonal predictability potentially destabilized Classic Maya societies. Nature Communications Earth & Environment.  2023.


Waldman, S., D. Backenroth, É. Harney, S. Flohr, N. C. Neff, G. Buckley, H. Fridman, A. Akbari, N. Rohland, S. Mallick, J. Cano Nistal J. Yu, N. Barzilai, I. Peter, G. Atzmon, H. Ostrer, T. Lencz, Y. E. Maruvka, M. Lämmerhirt, L. V. Rutgers, V. Renson, K.M. Prufer, S. Schiffels, H. Ringbauer, K. Sczech, S. Carmi, D. Reich.  Genome-wide data from medieval German Jews show that the Ashkenazi founder event pre-dated the 14th century. Cell, 2022


Johnson, L.R.M., Drake, B.L., Brandt, S.A., Prufer, K.M. and Chase, A.F., 2022. Reproducibility and Validity of Portable ED-XRF Instruments: A Comparison of Spectral and Quantitative Results from Belizean and Ethiopian Obsidian. Advances in Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (pp. 424-446).


AE Thompson, JP Walden, ASZ Chase, SR Hutson, DB Marken, BCap, EC Fries, MR Guzman Piedrasanta, T Hare, S Horn III, GJ. Micheletti, S Montgomery, J Munson, H Richards-Rissetto, K Shaw-Müller, JJ Awe, MK Brown, CE Ebert, A Ford, JA Hoggarth, H Moyes, T Powis, KM Prufer, J Yaeger, BA Houk, AF Chase, and DZ Chase. Ancient Maya Neighborhoods: Testing Kernel Density for Neighborhood Identification Across the Maya Lowlands. PlosOne. 2022


Prufer, KM, AE Thompson, A Wickert, DJ Kennett.  Demographic Growth and Decline Track Climate Change at a Classic Maya Center. Progress in Physical Geography. 2022. DOI: 10.1177/03091333221112359


DJ Kennett, M Masson, CP Lope, S Serafin, RJ George, T Spencer, J Hoggarth, BJ. Culleton, TK Harper, KM Prufer, S Milbrath, B Russell, EU González, WC McCool, VV Aquino, E Paris, JH. Curtis, N Marwan, M Zhang, Y Asmerom, VJ Polyak, SA Carolin, DH James, A Mason, G Henderson, M Brenner, JUL Baldini, SFM Breitenbach, DA Hodell. Drought-Induced Civil Conflict Among the Ancient Maya. Nature Communications, 2022.


DJ. Kennett*, M Lipson*, KM. Prufer*, D Mora-Marín, RJ. George, N Rohland, Mark Robinson, WR. Trask, HHJ. Edgar, EC. Hill, EE. Ray, P Lynch, E Moes, L O’Donnell, TK. Harper, EJ. Kate, J Ramos, J Morris, S Gutierrez, TM. Ryan, BJ. Culleton, JJ. Awe, David Reich*. Convergent Genetic, Linguistic, and Archaeological Evidence for an Ancient Migration of Farmers into the Maya Region. Nature Communications (*corresponding authors). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29158-y


O. Kweicein, T Braun; CF Brunello; P Faulkner; N Hausmann; G Helle; JA Hoggarth; M Ionita; C Jazwa; S Kelmelis; N Marwan; C Nava-Fernandez; C Nehme; T Opel; J L. Oster; A Perşoiu; C Petrie; KM Prufer; SM. Saarni; A Wolf; SFM. Breitenbach. What we talk about when we talk about seasonality - A transdisciplinary review.  Earth Science Reviews (invited contribution) (2022)


Prufer, KM, M. Robinson, DJ Kennett. Terminal Pleistocene through Middle Holocene Occupations in Southeastern Mesoamerica: Linking Ecology and Culture in the Context of Neotropical Foragers and Early Farmers. Ancient Mesoamerica 32(3): 439-460 2021. DOI: 10.1017/S0956536121000195


Thompson, AE, G Feinman, KM Prufer. Inequality and the Financing of Classic Maya Political Power. Journal of Archaeological Science. doi/10.1016/j.jas.2021.105441.  2021


Thompson AE, G. Feinman, KM Prufer. Assessing Classic Maya Multi-Scalar Household Inequality in Southern Belize. PlosOne. 16(3), e0248169. 2021


Monteleone, K, AE Thompson, and KM Prufer. Virtual Cultural Landscapes: Geospatial Visualizations of Past Environments. Archaeological Prospection. Doi 10.1002/arp.1830 2021


Thompson AE and KM Prufer. Household Inequality, Community Formation, and Land Tenure in Classic Period Lowland Maya Society. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 2021


Smith, ME., SG. Ortman, J Lobo, C Ebert, AE. Thompson, KM Prufer, R Liendo Stuardo, and RM. Rosenswig. The Low-Density Urban Systems of the Classic Period Maya and Izapa: Insights from Settlement Scaling Theory. Latin American Antiquity 2021 doi:10.1017/laq.2020.80.


Kennett, DJ* KM Prufer*, BJ Culleton, RJ George, M Robinson, WR Trask, G Buckley, E Moes, E Kate, TK Harper, L O’Donnell, E Ray, EK Hill, A Alsgaard, C Merriman, C Meredith, HJH Edgar, and S Gutierrez. Early Isotopic Evidence for Maize as a Staple Grain in the Americas.  Science Advances 23, eaba3245 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba3245, 2020 (*corresponding authors)


KM, Prufer Nuevas perspectivas sobre ocupaciones paleoindias y arcaicas en Belice”, Arqueología Mexicana, núm. 165, 2020 pp. 32-34.


KM, Prufer, M. Robinson, and DJ Kennett. Recent research in the Bladen Nature Reserve: the preceramic occupations of Mayahak Cab Pek and Saki Tzul Rockshelters. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, Vol. 17, 2020, pp. 199-208.


Jordan, J. and KM Prufer. Identifying Local and Non-Local Pottery in Three Tombs at Uxbenká, Toledo District: Results of Thin Section Analysis. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, Vol. 17, 2020, pp. 209-219.


Jordan, J. and KM Prufer. Pottery Production in a Limestone-Poor Region of the Maya Lowlands: Thin Section Petrography and Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM-EDS) Analysis on Pottery from Uxbenká, Southern Belize. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 2020


Y. Asmerom, J. U. L. Baldini, K. M. Prufer, V. Polyak, H. E. Ridley, V. V. Aquino, L. M. Baldini, S. F. M. Breitenbach, C. G. Macpherson, & D.J. Kennett. Intertropical Convergence Zone Variability in the Neotropics During the Common Era.  Science Advances. 7(6) eaax3644, 2020

Prufer, K.M., Alsgaard, A.V., Robinson, M., Meredith, C.R., Culleton, B.J., Dennehy, T., Magee, S., Huckell, B.B., Stemp, W.J., Awe, J.J. and Capriles, J.M., 2019. Linking late Paleoindian stone tool technologies and populations in North, Central and South America. PloS one, 14(7), p.e0219812.

Lechleitner, F., Lang, S., Haghipour, N., McIntyre, C., Baldini, J., Prufer, K., & Eglinton, T. Towards Organic Carbon Isotope Records from Stalgmites: Coupled δ13c AND 14C Analysis Using Wet Chemical Oxidation. Radiocarbon, 1-16. doi:10.1017/RDC.2019.35 2019  

Thompson AE and KM Prufer. 2019 Archaeological Research in Southern Belize at Uxbenká and Ix Kuku’il. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 16: 311-322.

C. Posth, N. Nakatsuka, I. Lazaridis, P. Skoglund, S. Mallick3, T. C. Lamnidis, N. Rohland, K. Nägele, N. Adamski, E. Bertolini, N. Broomandkhoshbacht, A. Cooper, B. J. Culleton, T. Ferraz, M. Ferry, A. Furtwängler, W. Haak, K. Harkins, T. K. Harper, T. Hünemeier, A. M. Lawson, B. Llamas, M. Michel, E. Nelson, J. Oppenheimer, N. Patterson, S. Schiffels, J. Sedig, K. Stewardson, S. Talamo, C.-C. Wang, J.-J. Hublin, M. Hubbe, K. Harvati, A. N. Delaunay, J. Beier, M. Francken, P. Kaulicke, H. Reyes-Centeno, K. Rademaker, W. R. Trask, M. Robinson, S. M. Gutierrez, K. M. Prufer, D. C. Salazar-Garcia, E. Nunes Chim, L. Müller Plumm Gomes, M. Lopes Alves, A. Liryo, M. Inglez, R. E. Oliveira, D. V. Bernardo, A. Barioni, V. Wesolowski, N. A. Scheifler, M. A. Rivera, C. R. Plens, P. G. Messineo, L. Figuti, D. Corach, C. Scabuzzo, S. Eggers, P. DeBlasis, M. Reindel, C. Méndez, G. Politis, E. Tomasto-Cagigao, D. J. Kennett, A. Strauss, L. Fehren-Schmitz, J. Krause, D. Reich 2018 Reconstructing the Deep Population History of Central and South America. Cell


Thompson, AE., CR. Meredith, and KM. Prufer. 2018.  Comparing Geostatistical Methods for the Identification of Neighborhoods and Districts in Archaeological Contexts: A Case Study from Two Ancient Maya Centers in Southern Belize. Journal of Archaeological Science. 97, 1-13


Robinson, M., JG De Souza, S. Yoshi Maezumi, M Cárdenas, L. Pessenda, K. Prufer, R. Corteletti, D. Scunderlick, F. E. Mayle, P. De Blasis, and J. Iriarte 2018 Uncoupling human and climate drivers of late Holocene vegetation change in southern Brazil. Scientific Reports 8(1):7800


Lechleitner,F.A., T. Dittmar, J.U.L. Baldini, K.M. Prufer, and T.I. Eglinton.  Molecular signatures of dissolved organic matter in a tropical karst system.  Organic Geohemistry, 2017.

Smirnov, D. S. E. B. Breitenbach, F. Georg, F. Lechleitner, K. M. Prufer, J. Baldini, N. Marwan, J. Kurths.  A regime shift in the Sun-Climate connection with the end of the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Nature Scientific Reports.  2017

Prufer, K.M., C. Meredith, A. Alsgaard, T. Denehey, and D. J. Kennett. The Paleoindian Chronology of Tzib Te Yux Rockshelter in the Rio Blanco Valley of Southern Belize.  Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 14, 2017


Lechleitner, F.A., S.E. Breitenbach, H. Ridley, Y. Asmerom, K. Rehfeld, K.M. Prufer, D.J. Kennett, V. Aquino, V. Polyak, N. Marwan, G. Haug, T Eglinton, J. Baldini.  A persistent low- to mid-latitude hydrologic seesaw over the past millennium. Nature Scientific Reports.  2017


Jordan, J. and K.M. Prufer. Identifying Domestic Ceramic Production in the Maya Lowlands: A Case Study from Uxbenká, Belize.  Latin American Antiquity, 2017.  DOI:


Prufer, Keith M., A. E. Thompson, C. R. Meredith, B. J. Culleton, J. M. Jordan, C. E. Ebert, B. Winterhalder, and D. J. Kennett. "The Classic Period Maya transition from an ideal free to an ideal despotic settlement system at the polity of Uxbenká." Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 45, 2017


Baldini, L., J.U.L. Baldini, J. McElwaine, A. Frappier, Y. Asmerom, K. Liu, K.M. Prufer, H. Ridley, V. Polyak, D.J. Kennett, C. Macpherson, V. Aquino, J.J. Awe, S. Breitenbach. Persistent northward North Atlantic tropical cyclone track migration over the past five centuries. Scientific Reports, 2016

Lechleitner, F.A., J.U.L. Baldini, S.F.M. Breitenbach, J. Fohlmeister, C. McIntyre, B. Goswami, R.A. Jamieson, T.S. van der Voort, K.M. Prufer, N. Marwan, B.J. Culleton, D.J. Kennett, Y. Asmerom, V. Polyak, T.I. Eglinton.  Hydrological and climatological controls on radiocarbon concentrations in a tropical stalagmite.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.  2016

Stemp, W.J., J.J. Awe, K.M. Prufer, C.G.B. Helmke. Design and function of Lowe and Sawmill points from the preceramic period of Belize. Latin American Antiquity 2016

Jamieson, R. A., J.U.L. Baldini, M.J. Brett, J. Taylor, H.E. Ridley, C.J. Ottley, K.M. Prufer, J.A. Wassenburg, D. Scholz, S.F.M. Breitenbach.  Intra- and inter-annual uranium concentration variability in a Belizean stalagmite controlled by prior aragonite precipitation: A new tool for reconstructing hydro-climate using aragonitic speleothems.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2016.

Prufer K.M. and A. E. Thompson.  Using LiDAR and Remote Sensing to Assess 2000 Years of Human Impacts on the Landscape.  Invited article for a special issue of Advances in Archaeological Practice. 2016

Thompson, A.E. And K.M. Prufer.  Preliminary Findings from Ix Kuku’il, Toledo District, Belize. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 13: 219-228. 2016

Moyes, Holley, Mark Robinson, and Keith M. Prufer.  The Kayuko Mound Group: A Festival Site in Southern Belize.  Antiquity 2016 DOI:

Ridley, H. E., J. U.L. Baldini, K.M. Prufer, I.W. Walczak, S.F.M. Breitenbach. High resolution monitoring of a tropical cave system reveals dynamic ventilation and hydrologic resilience to seismic activity Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 77(3): 183-199, 2015

Prufer, K.M., A. E. Thompson, D. J. Kennett.  Evaluating Airborne LiDAR for Detecting Settlements and Modified Landscapes in Disturbed Tropical Environments at Uxbenká, Belize.  Journal of Archaeological Science 57, 2015.

Ridley, H. Y. Asmerom, S. Breitenbach, V. Aquino, K. Prufer, B. Culleton, V. Polyak, F. Lechleitner, D.J. Kennett, M. Zhang , N. Marwan, C. Macpherson, L. Baldini, T. Xiao, J. Awe, G. Haug Anthropogenic forcing of intertropical convergence zone position.  Nature Geosciences, 8(2) 2015

Ebert, C E., K. M. Prufer, M. J. Macri, B. Winterhalder, D. J. Kennett.  Terminal Long Count Dates and the Disintegration of Classic Period Maya Polities. Ancient Mesoamerica, 2014


Walsh, M., K.M. Prufer, B.J. Culleton, and D.J. Kennett.  A late Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction from Agua Caliente, southern Belize, linked to cultural change at the Maya polity of Uxbenká.  Quaternary Research, 2014.

Nazaroff, A. J, A. Baysal, Y. Çiftçi, & K. M. Prufer.  Resilience or Redundance? Resource Networks and the Neolithic Chert Economy at Çatalhöyük, Turkey. European Journal of Archaeology.  2014 DOI:

Prufer, Keith and Amy Thompson.  Settlement History at Uxbenka: Dispersal and Growth in a Regional Polity.  Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, 11, 2014

Chase, A. F., L. J. Lucero, V. L. Scarborough, D. Z. Chase, R. Cobos, N. Dunning, J. Gunn, S. Fedick, V. Fialko, M. Hegmon, G. Iannone, D. L. Lentz, R. Liendo, K. Prufer, J. A. Sabloff, J. Tainter, F. Valdez, Jr., and S. van der Leeuw.  2014 Tropical Landscapes and the Ancient Maya: Diversity in Time and Space, in A.F. Chase and V.L. Scarborough, Eds., The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE, AP3A Paper 24(1), pp. 11-29, American Anthropological Association, Arlington, VA. 2014

Iannone, G., K. M. Prufer, and D. Z. Chase. 2014 Resilience and Vulnerability in the Maya Hinterlands. In The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE. AP3A Paper 24(1) pp. 155-170 American Anthropological Association, Arlington, VA. 2014

Prufer, Olaf H. and Keith M. Prufer, Caves and Rockshelters in Ohio. In Journeys into the Dark Zone: A Cross Cultural Perspective on Caves as Sacred Spaces, H. Moyes, editor. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, 2013

Moyes, H. and K. M. Prufer.  The Geopolitics of Emerging Maya Rulers: A Case Study of Kayuko Naj Tunich, a Foundational Shrine at Uxbenká, Southern Belize. Journal of Anthropological Research, 62(2): 225-248, 2013

Thompson, A., K. M. Prufer.  Shifting Dynamics in the use of Space at Uxbenká.  Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, 10: 2013

Aquino, V. V., K. M. Prufer, and D. J. Kennett.  A Re-evaluation of Site Core Occupation at Uxbenká. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, 10: 2013

Kennett, D. J., S. F. M. Breitenbach, V. V. Aquino, Y. Asmerom, J. Awe, J. U.L. Baldini, P. Bartlein, B. J. Culleton, C. Ebert, C. Jazwa, M. J. Macri, N. Marwan, V. Polyak, K. M. Prufer, H. E. Ridley, H. Sodemann, B. Winterhalder, G. H. Haug. Development and Disintegration of Maya Political Systems in Response to Climate Change. Science. 338: 788-791, 2012

Breitenbach, S. F. M., K. Rehfeld, B. Goswam, J. U. L. Baldini, H. E. Ridley, D. Kennett, K.M. Prufer, V. V. Aquino, Y. Asmerom, V. J. Polyak, H. Cheng, J. Kurths, and N. Marwan.  Constructing Proxy Age-Models (COPRA).  Climate of the Past 8: 1765-1779, 2012

Culleton, B., K. M. Prufer, and D. J. Kennett. A Bayesian AMS 14C Chronology of the Classic Maya Urban Center of Uxbenká, Belize.  Journal of Archaeological Science. 39: 1572-1586, 2012

Trask, W. R., L. Wright and K. M. Prufer. Isotopic evidence for migration and subsistence in the Southeastern Maya periphery: Preliminary evidence from Uxbenká, Toledo District, Belize. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 9: 61-75, 2012

Kalosky, E. and K. M. Prufer. Recent results of settlement survey and hinterland household excavations at the classic period site of Uxbenká, Toledo district, Belize.  Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 9: 255-276 2012. 

Ebert, C., K. M. Prufer, and D. J. Kennett. Maya Monuments and Spatial Statistics: a GIS-Based Examination of the Terminal Classic Period Maya Collapse. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 9: 91-107  2012.

Prufer, K. M., H. Moyes, B.J. Culleton, A. Kindon, and D. Kennett
Uxbenká: The Development of a Complex Polity in the Eastern Periphery of the Maya Lowlands, Latin American Antiquity 22(2): 199-223. 2011

Prufer, K. M., D. J. Kennett, and B. J. Culleton.  A Preliminary AMS Radiocarbon Guided Chronology for the Development of the Uxbenká Polity in Southern Belize.  Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 8: 121-136, 2011

Kalosky, E. and K. M. Prufer. Settlement and Society at Uxbenká: the Uxbenká Archaeological Project Settlement Survey.  Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 7: 229-244, 2010

Nazaroff, A. J. K. M. Prufer, and B. L. Drake 2009
Assessing the Applicability of Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry for Obsidian Provenance Research in the Maya Lowlands.  Journal of Archaeological Science

Prufer, K. M. and P. S. Dunham 2009
A Shaman’s Burial from an Early Classic Cave in Maya Mountains, invited contribution to special issue of World Archaeology edited by Joao Zilhao 41(2)

B. L. Drake, A. J. Nazaroff, K. M. Prufer 2009
Error Assessment of Portable X-Ray Florescence Spectrometry in Geochemical Sourcing. Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin 32(3): 14-17

Braswell, G. and K. M. Prufer 2009
Political Organization and Interaction in Southern Belize, Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 6: 43-55

Moyes, H. and K. M. Prufer 2009
The Archaeology of Kayuko Naj Tunich Cave. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 6: 191-199

Prufer, K. M, A. Kindon, and D. J. Kennett 2008
Uxbenká and the Foundation of Sedentary Communities in Southern Belize.  Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 5: 241-250.

Prufer, K. M. and W. J. Hurst 2007
Chocolate and the Underworld Space of Death:  The Recovery of Intact Cacao from an Early Classic Mortuary Cave. Ethnohistory 54(2):  273-303.

Prufer, K. M., A. Kindon, and P. Wanyerka 2006 
Mapping Uxbenká: Site Settlement in the Rio Blanco Valley, Belize.  In Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, 2006, J. Morris and J. Awe, editors. Institute of Archaeology, Belmopan, Belize.

Prufer, K. M. and P. Wanyerka 2006
A New Early Classic Monument from Uxbenká. Mexicon   

Prufer, K. M. 2005
The Early Classic in Southern Belize: A Regional View from Uxbenká and Ek Xux. In Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology:  Investigations in the Eastern Lowlands.  J. Morris and J. Awe, editors. pp.169-178, Institute of Archaeology, Belmopan, Belize.          

Prufer, K. M. 2005
Shamans, Caves, and the Roles of Ritual Specialists in Maya Society.  In: In The Maw of the Earth Monster: Studies of Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use, James E. Brady and Keith M. Prufer, editors, pp.186-222, University of Texas Press, Austin.

Prufer, K. M. and J. E. Brady 2005
Introduction: Religion and the Role of Caves in Lowland Maya Archaeology.  In Keith M. Prufer and James Brady, editors Stone Houses and Earth Lords: Maya Religion in the Cave Context University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Prufer, K. M. and J. E. Brady 2005
Concluding Comments.  In: In The Maw of the Earth Monster: Studies of Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use, James E. Brady and Keith M. Prufer, editors, pp. 403-412, University of Texas Press, Austin.

Prufer, K. M. and A. Kindon 2005
Replicating the Sacred Landscape: The Ch’een at Muklebal Tzul.In Keith M. Prufer and James Brady, editors Stone Houses and Earth Lords: Maya Religion in the Cave Context, University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Brady, J. E. and K. M. Prufer 2005
Introduction: A History of Mesoamerican Cave Interpretation.  In: In The Maw of the Earth Monster: Studies of Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use, James E. Brady and Keith M. Prufer, editors, pp. 1-18, University of Texas Press, Austin.

Brady, J. E. and K. M. Prufer 2005
Synthesis and Concluding Comments. In Keith M. Prufer and James Brady, editors Stone Houses and Earth Lords: Maya Religion in the Cave Context, University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Morehart, C., D. Lentz, and K. M. Prufer 2005
Wood of the Gods: The Ritual Use of Pine (Pinus sp.) by the Ancient Lowland Maya. Latin American Antiquity 16(3): 255-274

Saul, J., K. M. Prufer, and F. Saul 2005
Osteobiographical Studies of a Skeletal Population from Settlement Rockshelters in the Ek Xux Valley, Belize. In Keith M. Prufer and James Brady, editors Stone Houses and Earth Lords: Maya Religion in the Cave Context University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Prufer, K. M., P. Wanyerka, and M. Shah 2003
Wood Figurines, Manikin Scepters, and Religious Specialists in Ancient Maya Society.  Ancient Mesoamerica 14(2): 218-236.

Halperin, C. T., S. Garza, K.M. Prufer and J. E. Brady 2003
Evidence for the Ritual Use of Jute by the Ancient Maya. Latin American Antiquity 14(3): 207-219.

Brady, J. E. and K. M. Prufer 1999
Caves and Crystalmancy: Evidence for the Use of Crystals in Ancient Maya Religion.  Journal of Anthropological Research 55(1): 129-144.

Dunham, P. S. and K. M. Prufer 1998
En la Cumbre del Clásico: Descubrimientos Recientes en la Montaña Maya en el Sur de Belice. In XI Simposio de Investigationes Arqueológicas en Guatemala. (Juan Pedro Laporte and Héctor L. Escobedo, editors), pp. 165-170. Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia y Asociación Tikal.




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