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Blood Pressure Study Guide
What is blood pressure?
What is systolic BP?
What is happening during systole?
What is diastolic BP?
What is happening during diastole?
What is pulse pressure?
What are some treatments available for hypertensives?
Why is a mercury column manometer preferred over an anaeroid manometer?
How long should you wait before attempting a second blood pressure reading?

Proper cuff size is important.
If the cuff is too large on a person, the reading will be lower!
Is it a good idea to palpate the brachial artery before measuring BP?
The arm, for the BP measurement, should ideally be at the level of the ____?
How long should the client be sitting before taking a BP measurement?
The first sound of the blood rushing through as you release cuff pressure is called?
When the sound starts to muffle, this is referred to as Phase IV or Fourth Korotkof.
When the sound disappears, this is referred to as Phase V or Fifth Korotkof.

Review for familiarity the sources of measurement error with BP measurement.
Inaccurate sphygmomanometer
Improper cuff width or length
Cuff not centered, too loose, or over clothing
Arm unsupported
Elbow lower than heart
Poor auditory acuity of technician
Improper rate of inflation or deflation of the cuff pressure
Improper stethoscope placement or pressure
Expectation bias and inexperience of the technician
Slow reaction time of the technician
Error in reading the manometer
Background noise
Client holding handrails of treadmill or cycle ergometer handlebars
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