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Suggestions for Designing an Aerobic Exercise Program

1. Test your client with the appropriate submaximal or maximal exercise test.

2. You will have the actual VO2max, METmax and HR max (if the test was maximal) or you will estimate these
parameters for your client

3. Classify client’s fitness level, and with client consultation, determine the goals of the aerobic program.

4. Decide what intensity of VO2max and/or METmax the client will be training

5. Graph the heart rate (Y axis) and MET intensity or VO2 (X axis). You may need to use ACSM equations to
determine the VO2. Define the target heart rate and target met intensity with the graph.

6. Using Table 5.1 on page 101 of the text, determine the target RPE intensity rating

7. Decide with client the preferred kcal per week goal and the kcal per session goal.
Use the ACSM caloric threshold guidelines as an example.

8. Decide (with client) the number of days the client will be working out per week.

9. Calculate the kcal per minute using the client’s body weight and MET intensity.

10. Divide kcal goal per session by kcal per minute to determine the number of minutes of exercise per session.

11. Determine the miles per hour and minutes per mile.
Since you have an established MET level for your client to train, convert this MET value to ml/kg/min. Then, to determine the mph, use the ACSM equation and solve for SPEED. You can then solve for minutes per mile.

12. Determine the number of miles per session the person will jog using the minutes from the caloric threshold calculation and the minutes per mile.

13. Complete this process for all phases of aerobic prescription.
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