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Week 8 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Body Composition
Skinfolds Lecture
What are the basic assumptions to using skinfold? There are five, and you should be familiar with them.
After examining the skinfold and body density graph, it appears that the actual relationship is curvilinear.
Note that it is at the extreme ends where the relation becomes more curvilinear. This suggests that really lean and obese subjects will show more error with this technique.
Population-specific equations are typically (linear or curvilinear)?
Generalized models are typically (linear or curvilinear)?
According to the text, within what percent should the skinfolds vary that you use for your measurement?
The skinfold technique predicts body density. Then, the correct formula is chosen to predict % BF.
Class, the Standardized Procedures for doing skinfolds is very important. Know all of these!
What are the recommendations to becoming very proficient with skinfold calipers?
How many clients must you measure before you become very proficient?
Review carefully the sources of error (different technicians, anatomical descriptions vary, number of measurements, type of skinfold calipers, hydration level of client, hot environment, menstrual cycle, and fatness of client). Make sure you know these.

Keep up the great work!