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Designs for Fitness
Exam III
Students, after much reflection I feel the content of this Obesity topic is much more meaningfully addressed with a take-home essay exam. This way you can research, analyze and synthesize answers in your own words.

Exam Specifics:
Exam due on Monday, November 17 at 9:45 am. No late papers accepted!
Typewritten and Double Spaced
Must be Submitted on Hard Copy in person to ME (Dr. Kravitz)
Absolutely No Email Submissions Accepted
Do your OWN work and make sure you do NOT copy directly from your sources…that would be plagiarism (which is academic dishonesty!).
(Class, I am giving you Friday as a workday and NO CLASS on Monday as this is the time you would have been doing this exam, if we did the exam in class).

Students are welcome to use books, class notes and the internet for answers.
Please CITE all references used at the end of your exam. I have shown how to cite references below.

Questions will be graded on accuracy and thoroughness. For EACH question you have a 300 word MAXIMUM limit…that means you can write up to 300 words…NO MORE FOR EACH QUESTION! You do not have to rewrite the question. Just start your answer with the 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), so I know for sure what question you are answering.

Lastly: If you have any questions feel free to email me or ask me Friday morning as I plan to be setting up in B100 at 9:30 am.

Test Questions
1) In class we discussed why during the last 50 years there has been this amazing rise in obesity. Discuss the global shift reasons for the obesity epidemic and other proposed causes of obesity. (15 pts).

2) Explain and discuss how leptin is used by the body to maintain the energy balance. (10 pts)

3) Explain what metabolic syndrome is (listing the 5 factors very specifically) and what are the underlying causes. (15 pts)

4) The newest behavioral concept in weight management from Costain and Croker and others involves a flexible approach to weight loss with 4 concepts (Flexible goals, you are not a Failure, Forgive yourself, and Fix what went wrong). Explain and discuss each of these 4 concepts. (10 pts)

5) Define and explain the following terms of metabolism; TDEE, RMR, AT, NEAT, TEF. (10 pts)

6) The newest approach to weight loss is spontaneous physical activity which involves NEAT. Describe this approach (spontaneous physical activity) and give an example of 10 ways you could increase NEAT in your OWN personal life. (20 pts)

7) You have just been hired by the City of Albuquerque to design several weight management programs at all community centers. The newest focus on EXERCISE and weight loss is the Accumulated Time approach. Explain how you would incorporate this Accumulated Time approach in designing these weight management programs. (20 pts)

Here is how to cite references;
Example of an article reference:
Smith, H.J., Cotton, J.R., Hughes, S.C. and Rogers, P.J. (2004). Mood and cognitive performance effects of 'energy' drink constituents: caffeine, glucose and carbonation. Nutritional Neuroscience. Vol. 7, pp. 127-139.

Example of a book reference:
Ivy, J. & Portman, R. (2004). Nutrient timing: The future of sports nutrition. California: Basic Health Publications, Inc.

Example of a WEB reference:
American Dietetics Association Evidence Analysis Library. Effectiveness of the consumption of low glycemic foods in weight loss and maintenance.
Accessed September 13, 2008.

Good Luck!
