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Week 15 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Flexibility Training

What are some reasons to stretch?
Does flexibility training independently improve low back health?
What is the overall goal of flexibility training?

Describe the physiological factors influencing flexibility.

Using a physiological discussion, what does it mean that a muscle can extend 150% beyond it’s resting length?
Describe what specificity of flexibility means.

Other factors influence flexibility. What influence do the following factors have?
Body Type?
Strength training?

Describe the difference from OPTIMAL range of motion to FULL range of motion.

The section on when not to stretch is for your notes, however what has recent evidence show about stretching when a person is physically exhausted?

What role does connective tissue play in range of motion improvement? Please explain
What role does the muscle myuofibril play? Please explain.

What are the two key sensory receptors to stretching?
Describe how the muscle spindle and golgi tendon organ respond to stretch and tension?

How important is anatomical position to stretching technique?

Describe the following types of flexibility techniques: ballistic, static, active-isolated, contract-relax

Short Essay: From all the notes in class. Write an essay of flexibility guidelines. Be specific.

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