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Week 5 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Treadmill Submaximal Tests
Multistage model

With the multistage model for submaximal treadmill tests, what are the two physiological measures that you use to predict VO2 max?
When using this model, what is the heart rate criteria for the stages?
So, if you are doing a submax GXT and you have the following HR data, which stage will you use for the test. Stage 1=90 bpm, Stage 2=110 bpm, Stage 3=119 bpm, Stage 4= 135 bpm
In the formula do the terms Stage 1 and Stage 2 refer to the first two stages or the two stages within the criteria for the equation?

Practice Problem for Test
Sally Miles (30 yr) is doing a GXT. She completes 3 stages (BRUCE protocol) all walking and at the beginning of the 4th stage feels sick and the test is stopped. Her HR in stage 1=100 bpm, HR in stage 2=119 bpm, HR stage 3=136 bpm. Using the multistage prediction model, what is her predicted VO2.
Practice using Table 4.4 and the ACSM equations for predicting VO2. Note, with this problem you will have to find the predicted VO2 in TWO stages within the criteria for the multistage model (115 to 150 bpm)

Step Test Question
If a step test requires participants to do 22 steps per minute, what will you set the metronome rate at.
If a step test requires participants to do 24 steps per minute, what will you set the metronome rate at.

Why are field tests sometimes advantages to use for cardiorespiratory testing?
Time saving
Less expensive
A means of handling a large group effectively
Easy to administer

Do field tests help in detecting coronary heart disease? No
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