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Week 4 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking

Guidelines for CR Exercise Testing cont.
What is a multistage exercise test?
How does a multi-stage test proceed?
All GXTs should be graded. What does graded mean?
Are maximal exercise tests more dangerous than submaximal tests?
What are the criteria that suggest VO2 max has been achieved?
When we say O2 uptake plateau, within how many ml must this be?
Explain the term 'anchoring' with the Borg RPE scale.
What does RPE stand for?
What is a VO2 peak?

Administering a GXT
What are two common resting measures you will get?
During the GXT, what should you be monitoring?
Approximately how long should the warm-up be?
Near the end of each sage, what measurements will you usually get?
During the cool down of a GXT, should the recovery be active or passive?
Would you put the client on a grade during a treadmill recovery, or no grade?
Typically, how long is a GXT recovery period?
What measurements do you record during recovery?

General Indications to Stop a GXT Test-Please be familiar with these!
Subject wishes to stop
Angina or angina-like symptoms
Decrease (20 mmHg) in systolic BP or failure for systolic to increase with increase in intensity
Systolic greater than 260mmHg
Diastolic greater than 115 mmHg
No HR increase with increase in intensity
Noticeable change in heart rhythm
Observations of client: fatigue, lightheadedness, confusion, nausea, clammy skin, color changes
Equipment failure

General Principles for Exercise Testing

What do we do to equipment to make sure it is recording correctly?
Typical temperature for testing is what degrees F (68-70, 70-72, 72-74)?
For healthy people, what MET increase would you normally follow?
How many beats is steady state (rate) HR?
If you don’t achieve steady state in a stage, what should you do?
What does it mean: The exercise scientist should be an 'objective detective' during a GXT?
The active cool down should approximately be how long?

GXT Protocols

Be prepared to interpret some treadmill and cycle ergometer protocols as we did in class.

Treadmill Testing Protocols
Some protocols are specific to a population such as athletes and cardiac rehab patients.
Note on table 4.4 how exercise intensity can be expressed in METS.
Some treadmill protocols are also generalized to the entire population.

Walking and Running with a Grade
Be ready to calculate a walking VO2 if given the ACSM walking equation.
Be ready to calculate a running VO2 if given the ACSM running equation. If you know the METs at exhaustion, can you determine what the relative VO2 is (ml O2/kg/min) what is the ml/kg/min in one MET...that is all you need to calculate

Cycle Ergometer Maximal Exercise Tests
Power is force x distance divided by time.
Power with a bike ergometer is measured in kgm/min or watts (W)
One W equals how many kgm/min?
To determine kgm/min, you need to calculate (kg in tension, distance in meters per revolution, total revolutions per minute)?
What is the power in kgm/min and W if you know the following: (kg = 3.5, distance = 6 m per 1 revolution, total revolutions per minute is 50)?

Testing Guidelines with Bicycle Ergometers
Adjust the seat height so there is how much knee flexion?
What position should the client be on the bike?
During the test, what is an important thing to do with the bike?
Which pedaling rate produces the highest VO2 (50, 60, 70 rpm)?
When you increase the power on a cycler ergometer test, how much will you usually increase the kgm/min? How much is this is W?
What if the client only completes one minute of a stage?
Class, make sure you can interpret a bicycle ergometer protocol?

Assumptions of Cycle Ergometer Submaximal Protocols
What are some of the assumptions with submaximal cycler ergometer exercise protocols?