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Week 6 and Monday of Week 7 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Designing Aerobic Exercise Programs
Class, on Exam 2 I will include Einthoven’s Triangle labeling as well as AVF, AVL, and AVR. These are all leads in the frontal plane leads

Stages of progression
Initial conditioning is the first how may weeks (in general for the less fit individual)?
What level intensity is often recommended for this phase?
At what percent of VO2max is the initial conditioning phase?
The improvement stage last how many months?
When increasing frequency, intensity and duration, what is the important thing to remember?
When does the maintenance typically occur? (when desired CV fitness level is achieved)

Guidelines to improve Health
What are the basic guidelines to improve health in the aerobic fitness prescription? (page 94 of text)

ACSM Cardiorespiratory Guidelines
What are the Intensity, Frequency and Duration Guidelines established by ACSM. (page 94 of text)

ACSM identifies Modes of Exercise by Group I, Group II, and Group III activities
What is the main criteria that ACSM has used to differentiate these modes.
Can you give a couple of examples of each and ways to modify some of these activities?

Typically, what type of mode of exercise will elicit the highest caloric yield?

Be very familiar with the MET method of aerobic exercise prescription.
Be able to do the heart rate/MET graphing method.
Be able to calculate a target heart rate using the Karvonen or %Heart Rate Reserve method
Be able to estimate a target zone using the %HRmax method with the correction constant.
Be able to estimate a target zone using the Borg Scale.

What does ACSM recommend for caloric threshold duration per session. (150 to 400 kcal per session)
What does ACSM recommend for caloric threshold per week. (1000 kcal per week)
Be able to calculate the Caloric Threshold per minute.
Be able to calculate a Caloric Threshold per session.
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