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Division of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences

Instructor: Len Kravitz, Ph.D.
Graduate Assistant: Kristin Powell, M.S.

Office: JC 1160
Phone: 277-4136
Web Site: (UNM > Designs for Fitness)
Office Hours: Mon 12:10 to 2:00 pm; Wed 1:10- 3:30 pm
Other days/hours available by appointment
Class Times: MW 9:00 - 9:50 am; Fri 8:00 - 9:50 am
Class Location: JC B100 and Exercise Physiology Laboratory
Prerequisites: PEP 277, PEP 289, PEP 326L

This course covers laboratory and field tests used to assess physical fitness components as well as principles of exercise prescription. Test results are used to develop individualized exercise prescriptions to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, body weight and body composition, flexibility and stress levels.

1. To develop knowledge of the principles of physical assessment and exercise pre-scription
2. To familiarize the student with various exercise and conditioning programs for development of each physical fitness component.
3. To familiarize the student with various principles and programs for weight management.
4. To provide the opportunity for practical experiences in using field and laboratory tests for the appraisal of physical fitness status and the design of exercise conditioning and weight management programs.
5. To provide the student with the opportunity to design individualized physical fitness programs.
6. OPTIONAL: To prepare students for ACSM Health Fitness Instructor certification.

The instructor will use the following strategies during the course of instruction:
Computerized/digital lecture presentations
Written exams and quizzes
Web-based quizzes and study assignments
Individual projects involving subject testing and exercise prescription
Class discussion and guest lecturers
Demonstrations and laboratory experiences

This course is closely associated with the College of Education Mission in “the study and practice of education through teaching, research, and service.” It is the goal of the Exercise Science Program and College of Education to “prepare students for participation in a complex and challenging society.” The mission of the college of education is posted at: (click on mission link)

Heyward, V. Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription (5th ed). Human Kinetics Publishers, 2006.
Supplemental Text:
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (7th ed). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005.

EVALUATION AND GRADING: Use the Scholarly Questions & Analytical Thinking on WEB!
Exam I 10 pts
Exam II 10 pts
Exam III 10 pts
Final Exam 10 pts
Laboratory and Professional Experiences and Skills 10 pts
Phase I: Health/Lifestyle Assessment 5 pts
Phase II: CR Fitness Assessment/Aerobic Exercise Program 15 pts
Phase III: Body Composition Assessment 10 pts
Phase IV: Strength and Flexibility Assessment/Resistance 10 pts
Daily Quizzes 5 pts
I Am My First Client 5 pts
Total Points 100 pts

Complete a Research Review on an approved (course-related) topic with instructor. At least 5 and no more than 10 current references. Follow APA writing style. Length of paper from 5 to 10 pages. Paper should be topically organized. This project replaces the daily quiz points for the graduate students (thus, 5 pts of grade).

G. Grading Scale
97 — 100 A+ 73 — < 77 C
93 — < 97 A 70 — < 73 C-
90 — < 93 A- 67 — < 70 D+
87 — < 90 B+ 63 — < 67 D
83 — < 87 B 60 — < 63 D-
80 — < 83 B- < 60 F
77 — < 80 C+

Make-up Policy: No make-ups on exams or quizzes without written medical (or equivalent, such as athletic team away game, scheduled wedding, special event, etc.) excuse. Three unexcused absences will result in a student being dropped from the class. Quizzes may be given at the beginning or end of class. Students must be in attendance for the entire class to get quiz credit.

Special Needs: Qualified students with special needs should see the instructor as soon as possible.

Professional Courtesy: Students are expected to be on time for class and stay till the end of class. Please, no food or drinks (other than water bottles) in class. Also, please take care of your personal needs before the beginning of class. Please make sure you turn off all cellular phones and audio-activated pagers in class. Cell phones cannot be used for calculations in class at any time. Please bring a calculator to class daily as we will use it allot.

Laboratory Assignments: Laboratory assignments are due one week after the lab, unless there are legitimate extenuating circumstances (e.g., blood results not returned yet). No late laboratory assignments accepted.

I am my FIRST Client: The goal of “I am my FIRST Client” is to experience first hand the exercise assessment process. All students will complete on themselves the following: 1) Health/Lifestyle Assessment, 2) One field CR Fitness Assessment, 3) One Body Composition Method Assessment, 4) A Muscular Strength Assessment, and 5) a Flexibility Assessment. No exercise prescription is required for this project.

Tentative Schedule provided in hard copy by professor

Final Exam: Wednesday December 17, 7:30 am - 9:30 am (COMPREHENSIVE!)