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Week 3 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Principles of Assessment, Prescription, and Exercise Program Adherence
Class, be familiar with some of the responsibilities of the exercise specialist.
Define the components of fitness.
According to the text, what is Physical Fitness?
What are the three areas of musculoskeletal fitness?
What does body weight and body composition refer to?
If given an order of testing (muscular strength, flexibility, body composition, cardiorespiratory, and BP/HR) what order does the TEXT recommend?
When a physical fitness component is directly measured, what is this called?
Test validity refers to?
What is good validity coefficient for a test? r is greater than what value?
What are the numerical limits when using correlation?
What does test reliability refer to?
Is test, retest a form of test reliability?
Can a test be reliable but have poor validity?
What would a good reliability coefficient be?
What is test objectivity?
What is a good objectivity coefficient?
What does intertester mean?
What does intratester mean?
When evaluating a prediction equations, there are some key questions to ask? Be familiar with these but do not memorize.
With more than one predictor variable, the correlation now gives a R. If the R is 0.80, what is the shared variance (is it 64% or 80%)? If the R is 0.3, what is the shared variance is it 9% or 30%?)
The standard error or estimate, SEE, represents what?
When administering fitness tests, what are some directions to share with your client? (about clothing, water, eating, drinking, caffeine, smoking, strenuous exercise and sleep)

Principles of Program Design
What does specificity refer to?
What are the ways you can overload a program?
What is progression?
How do the initial values influence % changes?
What are diminishing returns?
What does reversibility refer to?
Basic Elements of the Exercise Prescription
What is the mode?
What are intensity, duration, and frequency?
How many things (i.e., intensity, duration, frequency, etc) should you change during progression?
What are the stages of progression and typyically how long do they last? (i.e., initial conditioning, improvement stage, maintenance stage)
What is the relationship of intensity and duration in regards to exercise prescription?
When progressing in exercise, how many things should you change at a time?
For elder or less fit individuals, what does ACSM (2000) recommend to increase during initial stages: Intensity or duration?

Exercise Adherence
How many people dropout in the first year?
Be familiar with some factors of program dropouts?
What are some strategies to increase exercise adherence?
Explain Self-efficacy, which is the major component of the Social Cognitive Theory.
Can you differentiate the 5 major stages of readiness in the Stages of Change? This would be a wonderful matching question.

Assessing Cardiorespiratory Fitness
What is VO2 and what does a dot over the V stand for?
What is the difference in VO2 max and VO2 peak?
What is ABSOLUTE VO2 refer to?
How would this be written in liters or ml?
How is relative VO2 written?
What is relative VO2 to fat free mass mean?

Guideline for CR Exercise Testing (continued into next week).
What are some factors to determine help determine test selection
What is the difference in a clinical vs. a fitness test?