Sept. 28 - Oct. 2: EKG 12-Lead Interpretation, New EKG Terminology, Intro to Atrial Arrhythmias

Be able to correctly complete a basic 12-lead EKG rhythm interpretation
Be able to define some new EKG Terminology
Be able to interpret some atrial arrhythmias

Class, Please download the EXAM FIRST. We are working through all Exam questions in the YOUTUBE video lectuers.

Click Here to Download Exam 2 Part C due Friday Oct. 2 by 12 Midnight

CLICK the links below and PRINT Worksheet #1 and #2

Please CLICK this link and PRINT Worksheet #1

Please CLICK this link and PRINT Worksheet #2

Note to Class: There are 4 Youtube Videos with this Week (see below):

Please watch this Youtube video below where we Go over the 12-lead EKG interpretation.

Click here for the 12-Lead Rhythm Interpretation YOUTUBE lecture video

These next three Youtube videos below introduce you to Atrial Rhythm Interpretations. Please watch them in sequence.

Click here for the Introduction to Atrial Rhythm Interpretations Part 1 YOUTUBE lecture video

Click here for the Introduction to Atrial Rhythm Interpretations Part 2 YOUTUBE lecture video

Click here for the Introduction to Atrial Rhythm Interpretations Part 3 YOUTUBE lecture video

Special Instructions on Exam: Class, the last part of the Exam is to download Worksheet #2 and Compete 10 EKG Interpretations from your Textbook. On the exam I give instructions on which interpretations to complete. The book has everything neatly organized by chapter and number (i.e., 6-4 means chapter 6 rhythm #4; 7-6 means chapter 7 rhythm #6) Please just write on the Worksheet with a pen or pencil. Take a picture when you complete the interpretations and attach to your email or place into your MS word exam document. Below is what the worksheet looks like and how to complete. Thank you!
Please compare: Sinus Tachycardia and Sinus Tachycardia with Partially Hidden P Waves
After you go through the 5 steps of the Checklist you do your interpretation of the rhythm.
Exam 2 Part C: Click here to get questions: Exam is due by 12midnight on Oct 2. No late papers accepted.