PEP 277: Kinesiology
Department of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences

Instructor: Len Kravitz, Ph.D.
Co-Instructor: Colin Carriker, M.S.{}, Office Hrs: Mon/Fri 12:00-12:50 pm
Meeting Times: MWF 1:00-1:50pm, Room B100
Office: Johnson Center 1160, Phone 277-4136, Messages 277-5151
Email: (NOTE: EMAIL is the BEST way to reach me)
Web Site: (go to UNM Quick Links then to Kinesiology)
Office Hrs: Mon 9:00-9:50 am; Wed 9:00-9:50 am; 2:10 pm-3:30 pm and by appointment
REQUIRED—Biology 237-247L (Students must provide verification of completion); Helpful—Biology 238-248L

Course Description:
A study of the musculoskeletal system as it relates to movement, physical activity and exercise performance.

All exercise scientists, physical education teachers, athletic trainers, personal trainers, clinical therapists and conditioning specialists need a thorough understanding of the body in order to properly prescribe and train individuals to improve/maintain their level of fitness.
This course is closely associated with the College of Education Core Values in the study and practice of education through teaching, research, and service. It is the goal of the Exercise Science Program and College of Education to prepare students for participation in a complex and challenging society. The Core Values statement of the college of education is posted at: and click Core Values link

Course Objectives: To acquire,
1. Knowledge and understanding of the skeletal and muscular systems
2. Knowledge and understanding of the functions of the musculoskeletal system in producing and controlling human movement
3. Knowledge and understanding of basic biomechanical principles which govern human movement
4. Application of biomechanical principles to physical activity, exercise performance and sport skills
5. Ability to analyze physical activity in terms of musculo-skeletal components and mechanical principles

Floyd, R. Manual of structural kinesiology (18th edition). McGraw-Hill, 2012.

Instructional Strategies
Computerized/digital lecture presentations
Computerized/digital oral/written quizzes
Web-based study
Class discussion
Demonstrations and inclass laboratory experiences

Exam I 15 pts
Exam II 20 pts
Exam III 20 pts
Exam IV 20 pts
Final Exam 10 pts
Quizzes (Ave) 15 pts
Total Points 100 pts

Quizzes: Daily quizzes. This is support for formative evaluation, which has been shown to improve final student outcomes.

Note: No make-ups on exams, quizzes or labs without written medical or equivalent excuse (such as athletic team away game, scheduled wedding, special event, etc.). All authorized absences should be requested in advance. Approved make-ups must be completed within 2 class meetings. As well, due to the size and nature of the academic content of this class, student ADDS are only accepted on the first day of class (per instructors decision how many to add).

Grading Scale
97 — 100 A+ 73 — < 77 C
93 — < 97 A 70 — < 73 C-
90 — < 93 A- 67 — < 70 D+
87 — < 90 B+ 63 — < 67 D
83 — < 87 B 60 — < 63 D-
80 — < 83 B- < 60 F
77 — < 80 C+

Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty defined from the UNM Student Code of Conduct: “dishonesty in quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit for work not done or done by others; hindering the academic work of other students; misrepresenting academic or professional qualifications within or without the University; and nondisclosure or misrepresentation in filling out applications or other University records." The Exercise Science faculty support the importance of academic integrity. A student violating academic dishonesty guidelines will receive an “F” for the course. A second violation will result in the student being withdrawn from the Exercise Science program.

Professional Courtesy: Students are expected to be on time for class and stay till the end of class. Please, no food or drinks (other than water bottles) in class. Also, please take care of your personal needs before the beginning of class. As well, I expect you to show professional courtesy towards your fellow students (i.e., no feet on chairs or back packs in the way of others).

In accordance with the Dean of Students office, the Department of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences will not tolerate the use of cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices in the classroom. Using cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices in the classroom “is disruptive student behavior that interferes with the educational process of other students or prevents faculty or staff from performing their professional responsibilities”.

Special Needs: Qualified students with special needs should see the instructor as soon as possible.

Exercies Analysis Days: On exercise analysis days students will be completing movement analysis of many exercises. Exercise analysis days are worth double the daily quiz value (i.e., 30 pts).

Scholarly Questions, Analytical Thinking, and WEB Quizzes: Daily study questions and quizzes will be posted on the web site that is intended to help students prepare for the exams: (go to UNM Quick Links then go to Kinesiology)

Final Exam on Friday, December 14 from 12:30-2:30pm. Material From Entire Semester

Detailed Lecture Schedule with Exam dates, Course Topics, and Exercise Analysis Days presented by Dr. Kravitz and Mr. Carriker in Class.