Week 1 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking


What is anatomy?
Define kinesiology?
What is physiology?
Define exercise physiology?
What is biomechanics?
Do you know the 8 levels of structural organization from smallest to largest? Make sure you know this well!
Can you name at least three elements found in the human body?
Which structure is a combination of two or more elements?
This level of structural organization has a characteristic shape and is highly specialized. (Do you know what it is?)
What is the smallest living unit in the human body?
What level of structural organization is composed of specialized cells?
What level of structural organization is composed of two or more tissues?
What is the level of structural organization that contains at least two different types of tissue functioning together for a common purpose?

What is osteology?
How many bones in the human body?
What is the axial skeleton?
How many bones in the axial skeleton?
What is the appendicular skeleton?
How many bones in the appendicular skeleton?
Name at least 3 functions of bones?
Which is bone marrow? Where is it? What purpose does it serve?
What is the difference in red marrow and yellow marrow?
Where is red marrow found on the skeleton?
What is the name that describes the formation and development of blood cells primarily in red marrow?

What are the two ends of a long bone?
Where are long bones found on the human body?
What is a function of short bones (hint…how do they affect shock absorption)?
Can you give some examples of a few short bones?
What type of bone is generally thin, flattened and/curved?
Can you an example of two flat bones?
What type of bone has many anchor points?
What type of bone is encapsulated within a tendon and has a sesame see shape? Can you give an example?

IMPORTANT: Make sure you are able to DRAW and label the anatomy of a long bone including diaphysis, epiphysis, periosteum, endosteum, articular cartilage, epiphyseal plate, spongy bone, compact bone, medulary cavity, red/yellow bone marrow.

60 to 70% of bone weight is made up of what fiber and what salt?
Mineral salt in bone is made up of two calcium compounds. Can you name them?
Water is what volume of bone?
All bones in the skeleton will contain two types of bone: what are they?
Which is bone is more porous?
What bone is also known as cancellous and/or trabecular?
Which bone is also known as compact bone?
There are four types of osseous tissue? Can you name them?
Can you explain what osteoprogenitor means?
Where are osteoprogenitor cells found in bone?
What cells are referred to as bone building cells?
What cells eventually become osteocytes?
What are mature bone cells called?
These type of cells break down bone? What is their name?

Define intramenbranosus ossification?
Do you know what endochondral ossification means?
With longitudinal bone growth, which ways does the medullary cavity extend?
With longitudinal bone growth, the epiphyseal plate grows towards what?
What is happening with appositional bone growth?
State Wolff's law and explain its relevance?
What activities may be relevant to Wolff's Law?