Week 11 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Hip and Pelvic Girdle

What is the movement at the hip where the femur is moving away from the body? What plane is this occurring and what axis?

What is the movement at the hip where the femur is moving toward the body? What plane is this occurring and what axis?

What is the movement at the hip where the femur moves posterior, behind the body? What plane is this occurring and what axis?

What is the movement at the hip where the femur moves anterior, in front of the body? What plane is this occurring and what axis?

What is the movement at the hip where the femur is rotating AWAY from the midline of the body? What plane is this occurring and what axis?

What is the movement at the hip where the femur is rotating TOWARD the midline of the body? What plane is this occurring and what axis?

What is the name of the hip joint?
The hip bone is really a fusion of what 3 bones?
What bone of the hip do we sit on?
What is the 'hole' created by the ischium and pubis bones of the pelvis?
From neutral position of the pelvis, what are the two pelvic tilt movements? In what plane and axis do they occur?

The Pelvis can also ROTATE to the left or to the right in the FRONTAL plane? What is this called?
In the anterior part of the pelvic bones the two pelvic bones join to form what? (hint...pubic symphysis)
Class, please review your hip skeletal anatomy including the following: ilium, ischium, acetabulum, ischial tuberosity, obturator foramen, anterior superior iliac spine(ASIS), posterior superior iliac spine(PSIS), iliac crest, pubic bone, sacrum, and coccyx.

The hip joint formed by the femur at the acetabulum is called? What type of joint classification is this joint?

Class, please review the femur skeletal anatomy including the following; greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, intertrochanter crest, lateral epicondyle, medial condyle, and medial epicondyle.

iliopsoas muscle: iliacus and psoas: PLEASE KNOW ORIGIN AND INSERTION
What are the main movements of the iliopsoas muscle? Is the iliopsoas complex also involved in lateral pelvic rotation of the hip? Does the iliopsoas muscle do anterior or posterior pelvic rotation? Which way will the iliopsoas muscle rotate the femur...externally or internally?

What are the movements of the sartorius? Does the sartorius externally rotate the thigh as it also flexes the hip and knee? Which does the Sartorius do...ABduction or ADduction of the hip? Which does the sartorius do...anterior or posterior pelvic rotation?

Tensor fasciae latae muscle: PLEASE KNOW ORIGIN AND INSERTION
What are the movements of the tensor fasciae latae muscle? Is the tensor fasciae latae involved in abduction or adduction of the hip? As the hip flexes the tensor fasciae latae muscle will tend to rotate the hip which way...internally or externally? Is the tensor fasciae latae muscle involved in anterior or posterior pelvic rotation...which one?

What are the movements of the gluteus maximus muscle? Is the gluteus maximus muscle involved in external or internal rotation of the hip...which one? Is the gluteus maximus muscle involved with posterior or anterior pelvic rotation...which one? The upper fibers of the gluteus assist in which action...ABduction of femur or ADduction of femur? The lower fibers of the gluteus maximus muscle assist in what action...ABduction of femur or ADduction of femur?

What are the main actions of the gluteus medius muscle?

What are the main actions of the gluteus minimus muscle?

How many of the Deep External rotators are there...3,4,5 or 6 muscles?

What are the main INTERNAL rotators of the hip?

What are the main EXTERNAL rotators of the hip?

What are the actions of the gracilis muscle? Does it ADuct or ABduct the hip? Is it also involved in flexion or extension of the knee...which one? Is it involved with internal or external rotation of the hip...which one?

What are the main actions of the adductor magnus muscle? Is this muscle also involved in external rotation as the hip adductions? Is this muscle involved in extension or flexion of the hip?

What are the main actions of the adductor longus muscle? Does it also assist in flexion of the hip?

What are the main actions of the adductor brevis muscle? Is it also involved in external rotation as it adducts the hip? Does it assist in flexion of the hip?

What are the main actions of the pectineus muscle? Does it also assist in adduction of the hip? Does it also help in external rotation of the hip?

What muscles contribute to hip adduction?

What muscles contribute to hip abduction?

What muscles contribute to hip flexion?