Week 6 and7 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Shoulder Girdle

All of our applied kinesiology sections will have a very strong anatomical review of the structure. Make sure you know your anatomical structure very well for each section.

What type of bone is the scapula?
What type of bone is the humerus?
What type of joint is the glenohumeral joint?

The Shoulder Girlde is comprised of what 3 structures (i.e., is it clavicle, scapula and manubrium?).What is the only connection of the shoulder girdle to the axial skeleton?
Make sure you can define movements of the scapula including abduction (protraction), adduction (retraction), elevation, depression, upward rotation, downward rotation. See page 90 in your text.

Upward rotation and dowward rotation is always based on movement of what on the scapula? (hint, inferior angle)

What plane is adduction and abduction of the scapula? What axis is this?
What plane is upward roation and downward rotation of the scapula? What axis is this?
Review very closely the anatomical diagrams of the scapula on pages 88 and 89 of your text.

What is the pivotal joint of the shoulder girdle? It is multiaxial arthrodial (adduction, abduction, elevation, depression, and rotatry gliding motion).

Muscles you should be familiar with AND know their SPECIFIC actions include the pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, trapezius, levator scapula, and rhomboids. PLEASE LEARN ORIGIN AND INSERTION OF TRAPEZIUS AND RHOMBOIDS.

What type of exercise(s) will the rhomboids be involved in? Make sure you can do a movement analysis of these exercises.

What type of exercise(s) will the trapezius be involved in? Make sure you can do a movement analysis of these exercises