VO2 Max Testing
Class, please work through theses answers and check your work below.

What famous researcher established the VO2max Concept?

What did A.V. Hill Show?

How high did A.V. Hill say VO2max could go?

So, from A.V. Hill, the first criteria for VO2max is what?

Class, make sure you can define the VO2 plateau separately as well.

What is a current definition of VO2max?

Who is a great pioneer in VO2max testing who wanted to Standardize the way we measure VO2max?

Taylor felt it was necessary to use the arms and legs during a maximal test to achieve VO2max.

What two pioneers in Exercise Physiology introduced the concept of VO2peak?

What is a definition of VO2peak?

What are the two main limitations to VO2max?

What is a central limitation to VO2max?

What is a peripheral limitation to VO2max?

What is the Fick Equation?

Approximately what date did we see the introduction of continuous exercise protocols?

What are some characteristics of a discontinuous protocol?

What are some characteristics of a continuous protocol?

VO2 plateau is not seen in all people. What 4 factors will affect the VO2 plateau?

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With data processing of the VO2max testing, what is the TIME averaging method?

With data processing of the VO2max testing, what is the BREATH averaging method?

When using time averaging, what time appears to be most accurate?

When using breath averaging, what are the recommended breaths to be most accurate for measurement?

Just as a reminder, what is the PRIMARY criteria for VO2max attainment?

What are some SECONDARY criteria for VO2max?

To be considered a VO2max, how many criteria must be met?

If you do not attain at least 2 criteria for the maximal test, and th person gave an all-out effort, what is the test called?

What data point is used to determine the VO2max?

Check your work below

What famous researcher established the VO2max Concept? A.V. Hill in 1923

What did A.V. Hill Show? He showed demonstrated that oxygen uptake increased linearly, but eventually it reaches a maximum beyond which no effort can drive it.

How high did A.V. Hill say VO2max could go? Close to 4 L/min at near maximal

So, from A.V. Hill, the first criteria for VO2max is what? VO2 plateau = Change of <150 ml/min oxygen consumption over the last minute of exercise.

Class, make sure you can define the VO2 plateau separately as well.

What is a current definition of VO2max? The maximum rate oxygen can be taken (pulmonary), transported (circulatory), and utilized (peripheral) for energy production.

Who is a great pioneer in VO2max testing who wanted to Standardize the way we measure VO2max? Taylor

Taylor felt it was necessary to use the arms and legs during a maximal test to achieve VO2max.

What two pioneers in Exercise Physiology introduced the concept of VO2peak? Astrand and Saltin

What is a definition of VO2peak? Maximal exercise test in which VO2max criteria is not achieved.

What are the two main limitations to VO2max? Central and peripheral

What is a central limitation to VO2max? Limited ability of the cardiorespiratory system to transport oxygen

What is a peripheral limitation to VO2max? Limited ability of exercising muscles to extract and utilize oxygen

What is the Fick Equation? VO2max = Qmax x a-vO2Changemax (difference in oxygen in arteries as compared to veins)

Approximately what date did we see the introduction of continuos exercise protocols? About 1961

What are some characteristics of a discontinuous protocol? Intermittent, stages separated by multiple hours, lower VO2max

What are some characteristics of a continuous protocol? Incremental, stages are all within the same exercise session, higher VO2max

VO2 plateau is not seen in all people. What 4 factors will affect the VO2 plateau? Population tested (children, elderly, trained, untrained); Ergometer (treadmill vs cycle); Protocol (continuous vs discontinuous); data processing method (breath average vs time average)

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With data processing of the VO2max testing, what is the TIME averaging method? With time averaging all of the data points are averaged over a period of time.

With data processing of the VO2max testing, what is the BREATH averaging method? With breath averaging all data points over a specific number of breaths is averaged.

When using time averaging, what time appears to be most accurate? A 15 second time average.

When using breath averaging, what are the recommended breaths to be most accurate for measurement? Use between 7-11 breaths.

Just as a reminder, what is the PRIMARY criteria for VO2max attainment? VO2 plateau <150ml/min

What are some SECONDARY criteria for VO2max? 1) RER >1.15; 2) plus or minus 10 beats/min of age-predicted max heart rate using 220-age; 3) RPE >17 (6-20 Borg RPE scale); 4) Blood lactate greater than or equal to 8mM

To be considered a VO2max, how many criteria must be met? At least 2 criteria

If you do not attain at least 2 criteria for the maximal test, and th person gave an all-out effort, what is the test called? The test would be called a VO2 Peak

What data point is used to determine the VO2max? The highest data point.