

ArcGIS Pro was used to perform analysis and mapping. Cross sections and water surface elevations (wse) were exported from a HEC RAS hydraulic model provided by BOR. A shapefile of the levees was also provided by BOR. The spatial reference used was NAD 1983 2011 State Plain New Mexico Central and the datum used was Transverse Mercator because. The spatial reference and datum were chosen because of the high level of accuracy obtained using a smaller zone on a localized project and it is the preferred spatial reference and datum used by BOR. The select by intersection tool was used to locate were the wse for 5,000 cfs reached the levees. Shapefiles were then created for all the selected areas. The shapefiles attribute tables were then updated to include wse, velocity, shear stress and water depth by doing a comparison of exported cross sections and the HEC RAS model for future analysis.