ISABEL MEZA




Homework description:

·         First I downloaded the datasets required for this homework, that were in Assignment No. 5. There were 3 layers, and I added the layer that said HUC250K.

·         Going to the layer’s properties, and under the tab of Definition Query, I formatted the query with the following: “Reg”=”13”, which belongs to the Rio Grande basin.

·         I changed the symbology and I added the other layers: Streams and Reservoirs

·         Later on, I changed the symbols of the reservoirs.

·         Then, I went to the Selection By Attributes in the Huc250k layer, looked for the “regvalue  and use the query to select the “CAT”=’13060001’ which selects the headwaters of the Rio Pecos.

·         After selecting Rio Pecos region, then I played with the select by location bottom, which is under the select by attribute. Following the instructions I went back and I selected the “reg” with both numbers: “CAT”= ‘13060001’ and ‘13060002’ and the region selected became larger.

·         With the selection tool found in the main bar, I selected the whole stream network which is inside the Pecos River area and exported it.

·         Later on, I went to the website described in the instructions and downloaded the information required. In this point I thought I had all the information, but when I was adding the XY data I struggled a lot, because the altitude number was not showing and I couldn’t select as my Z axis. Asifur gave me the right XLS files, otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to finish this homework.

·         After I got the right data, erased the unnecessary information I converted to a 1997-2003 Excel File.

·         To add the files, I went to File tab, and added the XY Data, using all the information for the X, Y and Z coordinate system.

·         I also went to edit to change the coordinate system the NAD 1983 and clicked apply and Ok.

·         After I imported the information, I had a new layer and then I just labeled the features.

·         Later on, I exported the data, and created a layout of the Pecos Headwaters.

For the second layer out, using the PecosData I did the following:

·         I opened my geodatabase where I am doing this Homework No. 5, right clicked, import, and selected table (single).

·         Later on, with the new table added, I selected Join, after the right click over the layer, and I filled the name of the field which is going to be used to join the information, in this case, site_no. I also selected the table layer where I wanted the results to be, so I selected my Pecos Gage Sites and clicked OK.

·         After that, I also selected the Display  XY data, and I set the information that was used before for the spatial data: “latitude”, “longitude” and “altitude” for the X, Y, and Z coordinates, but this time is going to display as the Pecos Gage Sites name.

·         I exported it and added a new layer named Pecos HWDIscharge in my map.

·         I changed the time information, which is found in the TIME tab of the layer properties, and I selected the field where years are shown. I selected the time extent from 1997 to 2014.

·         I also changed the symbology to Graduated symbols, 10 classes and modify the number of decimals presented.

·         I used the time slider to play with years and the information required, and created the temporal data layout.