Assignment 2:

We can familiarize ourselves with the ArcMap Environment by accomplishing this homework. The primary objective of this homework is to create a map illustrating the pan evaporation data for different regions in New Mexico.

In the first instances, the pan evaporation data was extracted from the file downloaded from the link provided in the unm learn. Then a base map was added. In the symbology tap under the layer property, symbol size, shape and ranges were changed. Graduated symbols have been used in this occasions. After that, a graph of annual evaporation vs station name has been plotted. Evaporation for the month of May and October was also shown in the same plot. Another data frame was added to display the states of USA. Scale is shown in each map. Finally, all the information are shown in a layout map.

I was having some difficulties in doing this homework. It took a while to rearrange everything in layout view. In addition, it took more time to make it presentable. I will keep practicing to enhance my skill in this software.