

All maps were chosen to be in the NAD 1983 Universal Transverse Mercator zone 13 projection.  The source datum worked best in this projection and the area was small enough for this projection to accurately present the study area in question.

Data Sources

The National Map Viewer seamless data from the USGS for digital elevation models(DEM).

RGIS for digital orthophotography, vegetation data and geologic data.

PRISM precipitation data provided by Oregon State University.

All analysis was performed for this project in ArcMap except title image which was accomplished in ArcScene.


After acquiring 2 large DEMs from USGS I merged the two than clipped it to the property vector polygon.  The polygon was made using the draw tool while transposing a separate tif map I acquired from the Ranch using property data from RGIS.  Once I had a clipped DEM I used the hydrology toolbox from the spatial analyst extension to fill the DEM to remove spurious pits from the raster.  Next a flow direction raster was generated using the flow direction tool.  Next, after several failed attempts to make a weighted flow accumulation using the Prism 30 year precipitation mean data, we discovered that the PRISM data needed to be resampled to match the cell size of the DEM.  After this resampling the flow accumulation was generated from flow direction and the new precipitation raster.  Once acquired, the raster calculator was used to create a stream map delineating the top 1% of flow as a 1 cell and the rest as a 0.  Then using that raster the stream to feature tool in the hydrology toolset created a line vector layer of the streams in the Ladder.  Using a distance to feature tool a raster was created from the stream raster file with distances to the stream.



To answer the question posed of where was the vegetation I decided that modeling was the best tool for this purpose.  I felt that using raster calculations to transpose several elements was the best way to come up with some kind of vegetation likelihood index.  For the modeling several assumptions needed to be made.

1.    Water:  Vegetation was going to be associated most closely with the stream data, and precipitation would affect density of growth.

2.    Slope:  Vegetation would not grow in great capacity on slopes greater than 30 degrees.

3.    Aspect:  As a proxy for solar property I assumed that south facing slopes would have less vegetation than north slopes due to stress.

With these assumptions I used the DEM to create an aspect and slope raster.

Aspect                                                                                 Slope











Using the raster calculator I created a series of conditional equations to create a raster file with 4 values to denote likelihood of vegetation growing there.

Con("euclidiandistancestreams4" < 60,1,Con(((("LadderSlope" < 30) & ("AspectCalc" == 1)) /("ClippedPrismPrecipProjectedResampled" )),2,Con(((("LadderSlope" < 30) & ("AspectCalc" == 2)) / ("ClippedPrismPrecipProjectedResampled" )),3,0)))


