Objective: This Assignment was assigned to make us familiar with the map projection and and coordinate system. For this purpose, we had three maps as deliverables.

Methodology: For mapping the world, we created a new geodatabase through ArcCatalog. Then we added the data to the created geodatabase from the template. Then, from the geodatabase, the suitable layers were selected. From the view menu, data frame properties were selected, and different coordinate systems were experimented with. I selected Van der Grinten I (Sphere) for my deliverable.

For mapping the United States, new data frame was added with U.S. states and cities. Capital cities were displayed using the query builder. To display the capital cities based on population, proportional symbols option was selected and POP1990 value was selected with three symbols. I played with different labels and colors. Then, using the measure tool, distance between Olympia and Augusta was measured. Then the layer was right clicked and under the general tab, the units was changed from decimal degrees to miles. Then. The projection was changed to USA Albers Equal Area projection from Coordinate System tab. The distance between the cities were measured again (The result is answered with the list of questions). After this, using the attribute table, the largest city and the elevation of the capital cities were determined. There were a few cities with elevation -99, this might be because of some missing data or some errors in the data. A small negative value could have regarded as normal, but -99 is a big number. Thus, it probably is a result of some error.

For mapping New Mexico, Select Features tool was used to select New Mexico. The data was then exported using export data option. Then, ArcToolbox was used to project the New Mexico.shp into Albers and the central meridian was changed to -106. The projected New Mexico map was brought back to the ArcMap and the layout was created.




a.      Determine the approximate latitude and longitude of three cities.




Denver, CO



Raleigh, NC



Santa Fe, NM




b.     What is the distance between Augusta and Olympia in miles if the view is not projected?

Answer: 2,530.379879 Miles

c.      What is the distance between Augusta and Olympia in miles if the view is projected into Albers Equal Area?

Answer: 2,547.810902 Miles

d.     In the Cities attribute table, why do think there are several values with –99 when looking into the elevation values?

Answer: This may be because of some error in the data or some missing data. Because, it is not possible for the cities to be that much below the sea level.

e.      What are the same distances in kilometers?

Answer: 4072.25 km and 4100.30 km

f.      Which capital city is the most populous?

Answer: Phoenix

g.     Which capital city is the least populous?

Answer: Montpelier

h.     Which capital city has the highest elevation?

Answer: Santa Fe.