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The percent change in sediment yield from 2001 to 2003 are consistent with what would be expected post fire. The highest percent change (9087%) was seen in higher elevations, high burn severity, steep slopes, and fine sediments (loam). This is consistent with post fire conditions resulting in less stability and higher sediment yield. The sediment yield based by particle size indicate that the in 8 years there has been significant improvement in sediment yield. Based on the results the sediment yield is close to pre-fire conditions which may indicate post-fire recovery. However, conclusive results cannot be determined until the model is calibrated. According to the Western States Reclamation Inc. the Encebado fire areas was seeded during August 2003. The slurry mixture consisted of winter wheat for quick vegetation cover and pine seed, hydromulch, and laccoset, which is a soil stabilizing material. The 869 acres were seeded to prevent catastrophic flood and may explain the quick watershed recovery.