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Glycogenolysis and Glycolysis

a) Classic Studies

Conlee RK. et al. Reversal of phosphorylase activation in muscle despite continued contractile activity. Am J Physiol. 1979 6(3):R292-R296.

Nevill ME. et al. Effect of training on muscle metabolism during treadmill sprinting. J Appl Physiol. 1989 67(6):2376-2382.

Spriet LL. Et al. Skeletal muscle glycogenolysis, glycolysis, and pH during electrical stimulation in men. J Appl Physiol. 1987 62(2):616-621.

b)Recent Research

Parolin ML, Chesley A, Matsos MP, Spriet LL, Jones NL, Heigenhauser GJ. Regulation of skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase and PDH during maximal intermittent exercise. Am J Physiol. 1999 Nov;277(5 Pt 1):E890-900.

Anaerobic Capacity

a) Classic Studies

Bangsbo J et al. Anaerobic energy production and O2 deficit-debt relationship during exhaustive exercise in humans. J Physiol Lond. 1990 422:539-559.

Medbo JI et al. Anaerobic capacity determined by maximal accumulated O2 deficit. J Appl Physiol. 1988 64(1):50-60.

b) Recent Research

Bangsbo J. Quantification of anaerobic energy production during intense exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1998 Jan;30(1):47-52.

Constantin-Teodosiu D, Greenhaff PL, McIntyre DB, Round JM, Jones DA. Anaerobic energy production in human skeletal muscle in intense contraction: a comparison of 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy and biochemical techniques. Exp Physiol. 1997 May;82(3):593-601.

Medbo JI and I Tabata. Anaerobic energy release in working muscle during 30 s to 3 min of exhausting bicycling. J Appl Physiol. 1993 75(4):1654-1660.

Pizza FX, Naglieri TA, Holtz RW, Mitchell JB, Starling RD, Phillips MD, Cavender DL, Braun WA. Maximal accumulated oxygen deficit of resistance-trained men. Can J Appl Physiol. 1996 Oct;21(5):391-402.

RJ. Accumulated oxygen deficit measurements during and after high-intensity exercise in trained male and female adolescents. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1997;76(6):525-31.

Timmons JA, Gustafsson T, Sundberg CJ, Jansson E, Greenhaff PL. Muscle acetyl group availability is a major determinant of oxygen deficit in humans during submaximal exercise. Am J Physiol. 1998 Feb;274(2 Pt 1):E377-80.