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Course Outline
Study Notes
Study Guide

Select one of the following topics and write a 10 page commentary manuscript.  Include originally presented data tables and figures from prior work, or based on your consensus of evidence from prior work.

Topic #1: Evidence of central nervous system contributions to fatigue during moderate to intense exercise.


Topic #2: Evidence of muscle metabolic contributions to fatigue during moderate to intense exercise.


 Topic #3: Developing a new "brain centered" model of fatigue during moderate to intense exercise.


Format of Assignments

Format your manuscript to have all borders, gutter, header and footer to be 0.5”.  Use 12 font Arial, double spacing, and begin each new paragraph with a 1” indentation. Note the 10 page length restriction (for text, tables and figures - references are additional pages).

Use subheadings where required, and make this text bold and Title Case.  Do not have a line space between paragraphs or subheadings and text.

Do not simply summarize each manuscript separately.  You need to incorporate content from each manuscript so that you synthesize the methods and findings of all manuscripts collectively  

Write your name and the title of the assignment within the header.

Email me your essay as an attachment, and I will edit and grade and then return email your corrected essay. 

Do not scan figures and tables from the articles.  Convert all table or figure data to original figures.  I recommend that you use Prism for this, or Excel would work fine. I recommend using the textbox feature of Word, and format the box to have text wrapping.  Size the inserted images so that they are large enough to be clear, yet conserve space for written content.